
I am a system.

When I was alive I was always a spectator, but never a protagonist. You could even say that he was the typical character who sat in the back row and never stood out. With my family it always remained in the background, it is not for lack of love, but everything I did was so irrelevant that with just two words I could summarize everything. I liked reading novels and I always really liked the willpower and effort that many protagonists gave, I was always one of those who hated protagonists who were dependent on systems, they looked at them as objects that had no joke... How ironic that will reincarnate into a system... And no, I really don't have a system... I AM THE SYSTEM!!!

Alex_Z_5118 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 - Journey to the wizard's tower part 2

It had been 2 days since they left the first city, 6 days had passed since they left the last town, this made B-15 wonder something - Hey, it's not 6 towns, we're only on 2 and we're already a little less on the way.

Charlotte normally - The further we advance, the faster it will be to reach a town, at one point it will only be a day difference, the closer we are to a wizard's tower, the more towns will surround it, the further away it is the number of towns will decrease

B-15 was pleased by this news, this trip is driving him crazy, since Charlotte is stuck with her family they obviously can't communicate, the ability to telekinesis would be useful, but he doesn't have it and if he does, he doesn't know how to activate it.

Charlotte arrived at the establishment and got 8 green gems by selling the 80 boxes with pine apples, this doubles the amount of gems

Then she repeated the same process above and turned all that into 160 boxes

B-15 I look at this — There will be a lot of suspicion if you sell all those boxes

Charlotte with a look of confidence — 100 boxes are enough

B-15 records the results: 1,436 boxes become 1,356 boxes of pine apple

B-15 frowns — There are too many boxes... Do you think we can get rid of all that?

Charlotte just keeps walking like she doesn't care.


B-15 just sighs, there comes a point when that attitude annoys you, just wait to get to the magician's tower

The next day it had been 7 days since they left the town of Charlotte, currently the pine trees were almost disappearing, it was as if they were going from a forest to a meadow, this scene was comforting for B-15 since he only saw pure pine

After 14 hours he was already bored with the meadow

[On the 8th they arrived at the next town]

This time Charlotte had to hurry

She sold 100 boxes of pine apples and obtained 10 green gems and with that money she bought 150 boxes... Unfortunately, the store they visited had a great shortage of these boxes so they could not buy the 200, but Charlotte was not disappointed and continued with his path

Meanwhile B-15 continued with his calculations, this time he created a template because he had a lot of free time and he showed it to Charlotte because he could, this time Charlotte was able to see in a better way the expenses that he was going to make and how it is. organized, he just nods in a satisfied manner and I observe the results


Missing: 1,256 boxes of pine apples to sell

The boxes that are stored in the inventory are: 210 boxes

Your current gems are: 2 green Gems and 500 red Gems


Charlotte only stored the money with B-15, it's a pain to carry money when she shouldn't have a single gem.

Right now Charlotte went back to traveling quickly to the wagon and on the tenth it didn't even take her 12 hours to get to the next town.

With this there were already 3 towns that they visited on the 9th in the afternoon

Charlotte had to hurry because they were about to close the stores and she was able to sell another 100 boxes of pine apples and managed to buy another 250 boxes of pine apples, luckily this time they did have enough boxes and with a Click it was updated


There are 1,156 boxes of pine apple left to sell

The boxes that are stored in the inventory are 360

Your current gems are: 0


B-15 comments - If we convert that to gems we would have about 36 green gems... So what will we do?

Charlotte — Let's...

B-15 noticed it, there were two presences, one was Charly, Charlotte's twin sister and the other was the girl with blue eyes.

B-15 — It's your sister and the girl with the blue eyes, they're behind you... How did you feel?


B-15 just sighs and speaks - It seems like they just intercepted you... It would be better if we didn't go to the store in the next town... Sorry Charlotte

Charlotte just started walking, it seemed like there was an agreement... Well, what could you expect? She was an 8-year-old girl. It's obvious that she must be curious about her brother's actions. She's surprised that he hasn't acted sooner and that she might. Charlotte would have seen it and had methods to lose sight of her, but the other girl with blue eyes...

Why is she following Charlotte, if it weren't for the fact that I can see Charlotte's back and that those eyes are too striking, she wouldn't have been able to detect her.

Charlotte walked around a corner

Charlotte — I didn't detect the girl with blue eyes

This surprised B-15... How long did he observe Charlotte that girl, according to him, did he take measures, so that they would suspect the boxes?

He just leans against the wall and waits a little, 10 seconds later Charly peeks out of the wall and the first thing he sees is Charlotte's gaze, this makes Charly squeal and then smiles in the silliest way he could.

And with a voice of familiarity — Hello, brother... What a coincidence, I didn't expect you here... it's good to see you

Charlotte frowns.

Charly turns around — Well... Now I

Charlotte grabs Charly's shoulder and the next thing she sees is Charlotte's absolute fury, she is using her most powerful weapon.


(Epic fight music)


[Charly uses teary eyes]


[Had no effect]


[Charlotte uses double pinches on her cheeks]



[The attack was effective]


[Charlotte wins]


[Charly uses crying]

[Charly uses escape]

B-15 — You don't think you were excessive with the girl

Charlotte just shrugs her shoulders and walks away.

Meanwhile the girl was on a roof watching the scene, it seems that what she detected was the presence of her sister, they almost discovered her... After all, it doesn't matter how good she is at disappearing her presence, she still doesn't have a grimoire and these damn ones. eyes, although very useful, are too striking and that was their only defect

She just disappears, she had no purpose in continuing to follow him, it is unlikely that she will try anything


[4th town day 10]

Charlotte didn't try to do anything strange... After all, he wasn't sure if that girl was following him... That and he was punished for pulling Charly's cheeks and now he was standing next to his mother while everyone is having fun out there. ...Charlotte doesn't regret anything, after all she had to teach her sister a lesson.

[5th town Day 11]

B-15 was excited after all, there was only one more town left and they were already arriving at the wizard's tower.

Charlotte — Don't get excited, the most critical part comes ahead, if you don't realize there is a mountain up there, it is steep and dangerous... We just need to pass that and we can quickly reach the wizard's tower

Charlotte continues walking - Fortunately this place is bigger than the previous towns and they have more resources... I will take advantage of it to get the maximum benefits

B-15 looked worried — And if the bait doesn't work and the blue-eyed girl follows us...

Charlotte reflects

Meanwhile, somewhere in the town there is a girl whose eye is twitching... The reason was that she was surrounded by a lot of boys her age, after all a rumor came out that she was interested in dating a boy who had good magical skills... and to a certain extent it was true... But they seriously believe that these losers are worthy of her

On the outside he showed a gentle smile, but deep down he was cursing everyone... Until he noticed Charlotte's brother and she gave a slight smile and a thought came out - Well if that bastard wants to screw up my life, two can play. that game

Charlotte arrived and sold the 360 boxes, arguing that it was very dangerous to go through that mountain with all those packages, although the alchemists thought about it due to the quantity, in the end they accepted, after all they could send many of these boxes to areas that their demand was high and there were not many sellers, charging double the amount of gems

Charlotte left the establishment completely satisfied... Although there was not much progress in the previous town, this trip made it worthwhile, she felt that she was close to meeting her objectives, just a little more and she only diverted her gaze to the system


There are 796 boxes of pine apple missing to sell

The boxes that are stored in the inventory are 720

Your current gems are: 0


Charlotte looked at her inventory and nodded, it seemed that there was no regret and with a voice of satisfaction she said - Well, the rest is for your research, once we get to the wizard's tower we will sell the remaining 720 boxes and with that I will be satisfied. ...Although he also realized that his calculations were wrong

He contemplated 143,600 red gems, but he forgot to calculate the investment where he could make a profit of 50 red gems per box and that the profit... But seeing that I get 72,000 gems, he is satisfied... Moral of the story, study economics , they may be disappointed


B-15 with a voice of intrigue — And these boxes are necessary to sell the fruits

Charlotte — If you want to sell it to an alchemist... no... But if you want to sell it to the alchemy association, yes, after all this box is a scam from the merchants and the association itself... Believe me, there are idiots who are surprised that they think they are going to win a lot of money and in the end they end up getting half of what they expected... After all the return on investment is 50 gems... But everyone believes that they will win 100, they are people who don't has no idea about economics

B-15 felt a stab in her heart... She can fantasize a lot... but reality always hits hard


B-15 inside him — Well, I'm human... I can't make mistakes... I was an engineer, not an accountant... That makes it sadder for him.


B-15 with a voice of contemplation inside him — I have a long way to go... I have to stay more faithful to reality, if someone reads this they will make fun of his nonsense... You have to delete this of your history


Charlotte returns to her family, she had to keep a low profile until she reached the wizard's tower, then she heads to the place where she will go to her family to prepare for the next few days.

At that moment Charlotte looks at a girl, the same girl with blue eyes... Because she was there, at that moment she saw her older brother Seth and understood, a thought came to her head - Poor thing, she doesn't see that they are. wearing

More than anger, what Charlotte had was pity, after all the canonical event is going to come to him, this event comes to both men and women, now he doesn't give a damn if his brother's heart is broken, it was obvious that she saw something in him

Charlotte hated it when they wanted to see her secrets and she shows a slight smile — Oh brother, I see you brought a visitor.

Seth speaks - Or yes, I present him to you... This is my brother Charlotte, Charlotte this is Elena

Elena smiles — It's a pleasure to meet you Charlotte... Well, I have to leave.

She looked at Charlotte's blue aura, she had not seen anything like it in her life and her thoughts resonated there - it doesn't matter, there will be time to find out the truth

Elena leaves

Meanwhile Seth was all excited and he was talking to Charlotte, which he completely ignored.

B-15 — How much does your brother get his heart broken at the end of the trip?

Charlotte looking at B-15 — Don't state the obvious

Seth taps Charlotte on the shoulder — Thank you very much, at the end of the trip you will be my girlfriend


B-15 — I already feel sorry for you

Charlotte, for her part, just enters the inn, tomorrow will be a very long day.

.......................... .......................... .......................... ......

Note: Be realistic with your finances... You will be disappointed if you dream too much.