
I am a system.

When I was alive I was always a spectator, but never a protagonist. You could even say that he was the typical character who sat in the back row and never stood out. With my family it always remained in the background, it is not for lack of love, but everything I did was so irrelevant that with just two words I could summarize everything. I liked reading novels and I always really liked the willpower and effort that many protagonists gave, I was always one of those who hated protagonists who were dependent on systems, they looked at them as objects that had no joke... How ironic that will reincarnate into a system... And no, I really don't have a system... I AM THE SYSTEM!!!

Alex_Z_5118 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 - Journey to the wizard's tower part 1

Charlotte was in a cart, it had been two hours since the trip began, meanwhile B-15 looked at the topography and collected the things that interested him, especially the plants, he did not know if they were useful or useless, but he did not hesitate to grab them. Later I was going to check what benefit I would get out of it.

Although there were not many trees, they were still the same pine trees, although he noticed that slowly the number of these pine trees was decreasing, if this was a good sign the truth is that he did not know for sure, for now he concentrates on observing and learning more from this world

On the other hand, there were 6 families that went out with them, but he did not give it much importance, in his view they were families that had the same objectives as Charlotte's family and that was to obtain a grimoire, he did not understand the grimoire process, he only knew that all adults had a grimoire

I didn't know what the advantages, disadvantages or ranges of these were, it will be like those mangas that indicate the number of lines that the grimoire has, meaning that your talent is predefined by a linear system where the protagonist is branded a loser, but Out of nowhere he obtains a trap system that allows him to gain an advantage over everyone and after that he goes one on one with anyone who gets in his way and all because it is backed by a damn system of...

It is true that he was a system... But he considers himself light, he will not give Charlotte powerful weapons and if for a moment he makes her a weapon he would have to give a lot, after all he believed in the equivalent exchange, if he wants a divine grade item has to give materials of that grade

Even so, he was very far from that point, first he had to think about how to achieve his goals... two days since he was reincarnated and he still hasn't imposed himself on this... But returning to the trip

I thought it was going to be an exciting trip, but it is the most boring at least in the trucks there is a TV that shows you a movie, it even has internet and to charge the phone... The phone is strange as it is, in fact it still has to be done play that game that he installed 6 months ago but never played because he saved it for a special occasion... which never arrived and he left it in a corner on his phone

And this is important to the plot... Obviously not, but it's so boring that I'm saying crazy things usually the story skips this with "3 days later" but this was real life and for no reason are you going to see a

[3 days later]

Charlotte and her family arrived at the first city, this caused everyone to get off mainly due to the purchase of supplies by the guards and those who travel, although the trip to the wizard's tower was free and the soldiers escorting them were paid by the guild, where they would sleep and that the families would eat was their business

This caused Charlotte to separate from her entire family and she took the opportunity to speak with B-15 for the first time in 3 days — The boxes are ready

B-15 nods

Charlotte arrived at a structure that had the Alchemist Association sign...

B-15 impressed — There is also an Alchemist Association here

Charlotte just nods — There are 4 things that a town has to have... First, a magician who is usually called a shaman, these are magicians who heal and manage a town, usually comes from the society of magicians... The second is an association of alchemists, potions are public so the pharmaceutical business is booming... Third is some association of mercenaries, guilds do not exist here, but there is an organization that manages these mercenaries and finally a leader who administers the land and come from the kingdom.

Charlotte takes out the 40 boxes of pine apples — Although of course depending on the importance of the town it will have more or less, these are only the 4 basic ones, but it is not the entirety

Charlotte leaves the establishment with 4 green gems

B-15 wanted to ask about the currencies of this world

Charlotte just sighs, it was like she knew B-15's intentions.

Charlotte — In this world gold is not used as a monetary reserve, it would be stupid, there are people who can replicate gold and with such skill an exact currency could be replicated... These are my guesses, but seeing what kind of world it is in priority to look for something that can be used as a bargaining chip

So Charlotte only takes out a green gem — These gems are impossible to replicate by normal means, so it's perfect... Currently I only know 3 types of gems, I'm aware that there are more of high value, but as commoners we couldn't collect even half a blue gem

Charlotte puts the gem away and begins to explain - The most basic conversion is the red gem, it is the one with the least value and so to speak it is the gem that only commoners use... The next is the green gem that has a value of 1,000 red gems and then the blue gem which is worth 10,000 green gems

B-15 impressed — 10,000 green gems!!

Charlotte nods and then continues — As you can see, the amount of 4 green gems means nothing and, even so, it is a lot for an 8-year-old child, since for one day an adult earns about 500 red gems

B-15 — It would be 3 and a half gems... But of course not everyone sells 40 boxes of pine apples in a single afternoon

Charlotte nods, although there were people who could triple that value in a week... The reality is that it is too much physical effort, at some point your mana will run out and you have to go get them manually

It took Charlotte 10 hours with the help of a system to collect all that amount of apples, and that was because the guy stores those apples directly and a thousand times more efficiently... Now she would use all of Charlotte's efforts her and she would earn a lot of money

Charlotte arrived at the store and bought 80 boxes, after that she left with her family, she had already made enough

B-15 began to do the calculations, they sold a total of 100 boxes and a box has at least 64 boxes... and they have to sell 24 boxes so there are 1,536 boxes so they need to sell 1,436 boxes... But if His calculations did not fail, if his multiplications did not fail, he would have about 143,600 red gems and if we transformed it to green gems, there would be a total of 143 green gems with 600 red gems.

So if an adult earns 3.5 green gems per week... They would have about 41 weeks to equal the amount. The large amount that Charlotte plans to grab was too much for a boy her age... and if we put it in months it would be about 10 months and further

I mean, how efficient am I that I did 10 months of work in one afternoon, I underestimated the storage capacity and the storage capacity, plus I don't need to sleep, eat or rest, I worked continuously without feeling stressed... It was as if it were a machine...

Meanwhile Charlotte arrived at a small inn and was going to go to bed, but she saw Cherry lying down, there was only one bed.

Charlotte just lies down and closes her eyes as if she didn't care, meanwhile Cherry didn't care at all, she just looked at the ceiling and she asks Charlotte a question - What did you do outside?

Charlotte — Testing my plan for world domination that will make everyone tremble

Cherry just frowns — If it were easy to dominate the world, they would have conquered it a long time ago.

Charlotte — Every system has its flaw... You just have to find its flaw, after all there is nothing that is 100 percent perfect


Cherry had a calm voice—I'm perfect.

Charlotte raises an eyebrow — Who told you that?

Cherry with a voice that indicated the obvious — Mother

Charlotte — sometimes I forget that you are an 8 year old girl

Cherry turns to Charlotte — You are also 8 years old

Then Charlotte's other two sisters enter, one was Charlotte's youngest sister who was 5 years old and Mary

They went to bed with Charlotte and Cherry, they joined a discussion, the things they were talking about were as simple as any casual conversation with your family, in a moment everyone fell asleep, including Charlotte, who was more than satisfied with the sales. that he obtained and could only wait for the next establishment, after all the real profits would come when he enters the wizard tower

B-15 admired that will, any sick person would have taken advantage of his little sisters, but he didn't... Which makes sense because they are small children and grew up together so they must have a feeling more of brotherhood than anything else... Also, the trip was long and they want to rest

Meanwhile B-15 could only do guard duty, he learned that he cannot sleep and that he cannot eat either, he does not feel that mental fatigue that he should have, even so, he does not get used to this, until a few days ago he was a real person

The next day everyone woke up early since the trip would continue, barely 4 days had passed and it was 2 weeks of travel, another detail that he saw was that now more families were accompanying, from 7 families they went to 12 families, the number of families would increase as They go from city to city, it seemed that everyone was used to that routine

B-15 looked to see Seth, he was looking at a 12-year-old girl, she had black hair, wearing a pretty brown dress, it was the typical dress worn by women of commoner origin, although there was something extravagant about it. her and they were blue eyes, they were so deep and with one look you could feel that he could see your soul

Obviously she was also going to the wizard's tower for a grimoire, she could only wish Seth luck, she understood that he was young, he was also young, he also fell in love... Unfortunately, no girl was aware of his existence until he interacted with them

Meanwhile Charlotte — He's going to say no, now get in the car

Seth looked at Charlotte with hatred and she looked at him with indifference.

Seth just sighed as he got on, meanwhile B-15 noticed how the girl was looking at Seth.

B-15 gets excited — The girl was looking at your brother, maybe he has a chance, if we do excellent planning maybe we can get him a girlfriend

Charlotte — You plan and find a way to tell my brother, don't get me involved in this

B-15 with a serious face — You are horrible

Charlotte just shrugs her shoulders and walks away.

Meanwhile the girl was watching Charlotte and she thought - What is that blue aura that surrounds that child?

Her blue eyes reflected on Charlotte one last time before getting into her respective cart.