
I am a system.

When I was alive I was always a spectator, but never a protagonist. You could even say that he was the typical character who sat in the back row and never stood out. With my family it always remained in the background, it is not for lack of love, but everything I did was so irrelevant that with just two words I could summarize everything. I liked reading novels and I always really liked the willpower and effort that many protagonists gave, I was always one of those who hated protagonists who were dependent on systems, they looked at them as objects that had no joke... How ironic that will reincarnate into a system... And no, I really don't have a system... I AM THE SYSTEM!!!

Alex_Z_5118 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 - An incomplete and unreliable system

Charlotte looked at B-15, just looked at his silly smile as if it were the biggest thing in the world and only said one word - And

B-15 tilts his head — So what?

Charlotte — Let me tell you, I don't care about your name.

B-15 looked uncomfortable, he tried a lot, it was an internal narrative of how the truck took the trip.

Charlotte applauds - Concentrate... I spent a month of my salary for you and you were nothing more than a hindrance, tell me why I should let you stay by my side

B-15 with an enthusiastic voice — Well if you let me explain my duties

Charlotte — You have 3 minutes to convince me that you have any use or else I'm going to find a way to turn you off and 20 seconds have already passed so talk now

B-15 began to explain as quickly as possible - Very well, let me introduce myself, I am B-15, a system that, although most of the functions are not yet available... and I have no idea about most of them.

Charlotte frowns.

B-15 continues explaining - I have very useful functions, for example, I have 25 boxes of 1 cubic meter each, just imagine all the possibilities, plus I have a range of 100 meters, everything that is in that range can be taken by my... As long as that person doesn't have it equipped... Except with you... Don't ask how I know that

Charlotte frowns more

B-15 rushes — I can manipulate and create holograms, which although only you can see can be very useful, for example

Start creating arrows in such a way that it tells you something, point to various things and you can see that there are imaginary things there like holographic pine apples that have just been created under the

Then she began to create a girl that looked familiar to Charlotte, when she finished she saw the image of Charly, it was so exact that it was scary.

Then in one movement she began to remove everything

B-15 continuous — There is a virtual library in which you will be able to store up to a thousand books

Charlotte looked interested — How many books do you have?

B-15 with nervousness — 0

Charlotte didn't look perturbed, it seemed like she was already expecting it.

B-15 resumed the conversation — Currently you can manipulate objects within the system, but this system is still inactive

Charlotte raises an eyebrow — Kind of inactive

B-15 — Host the system just woke up, it thinks of me as an 8 year old child

Charlotte with a cutting voice - You're making fun of me.

B-15 was already getting tired so he wanted to be direct - If that's how you want to see it, then yes, after all it's obvious that you're not at your best, the same is for me, currently there are only promises of improvement, as time goes by I will be able to get more features and be more useful

Then B-15 looks him directly in the eyes — Tell me... At this point in your life, you have a storage object that can store everything you want... I've already laid out my cards... Right now our destinies are They intertwined and I have no idea why... Why do we exist, there are more worlds... Questions that will never have an answer

Charlotte thought for a second and then spoke - What is your goal?

B-15 looks away - My purpose is unknown, I only know that I arrived at this place... Maybe you are my goal, maybe I am just a tool created by destiny or maybe, just maybe I am a joke created by forces more powerful... The only thing I know is that my destiny is connected to yours

Charlotte just sighed — Okay, you're right, a storage item is very rare, the size is very small, but it is compensated by the number of boxes, I can see the boxes.

B-15 designed an interface, he spent all night creating templates, his biggest inspiration was video games, only box 1 had about 7 pine apples, not that there was much

Then he went to the book section and it was empty.

Then I look for the features option and Charlotte spoke seriously — Hey... There are no features

B-15 had no idea about the power scale or what he can use to measure power... I had to invent something — When you get a grimoire maybe that function will be unlocked

Charlotte just reflected a little and moved on from the topic, she turned and looked at B-15 and with a voice of disappointment said - You are an incomplete and unreliable system, I only accept your existence because you will serve me as a great backpack... Please Refrain from getting into my life and lastly, please don't be my moral guide, that is the most emasculating part of the systems.

B-15 with a serious face — Don't worry... I will be a great moral guide

Charlotte just starts walking, at one point she starts sitting up and starts breathing

B-15 looked at him with a serious face and thought - Maybe it's cultivation

She leans against the tree and begins to sleep

B-15 turns upside down

B-15 thought—Wait...it hasn't even been an hour since she woke up.

I look at him sleeping, you could see that she was regaining energy and she just moves away - Well I fight giant wolves, I let him rest

He returned to the dark space and began to observe his dark place

B-15 spoke with optimism - Well, I think I should change my environment.

She slowly began to imagine her ideal house, but everything turned out horrible, it was obvious that she did not respect any laws of physics.

And as if her will came true, the house tilted and fell at one point.

B-15 just sighed — This would be harder than I thought.

She took another approach, she was not a civil engineer or an architect, but she had notions of these so now she would use these notions to build her house, right now she would start with the most important step of all.

She takes out a pen and paper and starts to draw a plan, she has seen many plans before how difficult it is.


3 hour later


He had many papers around him, the biggest problem he had was that he did not feel satisfied and there are many options, a wooden house, a concrete house, a brick house, a cabin type, he can even create a palace.


I'll leave it for another time


He approaches the window and looks at Charlotte, he was still asleep, this disappointed B-15 a little, he didn't feel tired... he didn't care about eating, sleeping or drinking. The more time passes, the more he becomes convinced that this is how it is.


Is he still human?

He was going to move away when the window suddenly shines and he turns around, he sees that a person was near Charlotte.

It was Charly, she looked angry. "Dad told us that the forest is dangerous... You know you can't sleep here."

Charlotte opens one eye and closes it, it was as if she didn't care.

Charly puffs out her cheeks, she looks upset and sits next to Charlotte.


Charly with a small voice of sadness - Do you think that brother Seth will be able to enter the academy?

Charlotte without hesitation — No

Charly looked at him seriously - I think Sister Mary could

Charlotte — Maybe...she's good at using water magic...But she hates trying hard

Charlie just nods.


Charly — If we enter the Academy... Do you think our brothers would hate us?

Charlotte opens both eyes - What makes you believe you're going to the Academy?

Charly looks nervous... But she speaks - The shaman loves us like her students, next spring we will start our lessons... I mean it's fine for me, I'm the best

She points a finger at a pine apple and with a slight movement she creates a wind

The apple is then cut from the twig and falls, an air vortex is created under the apple and cushions its fall.

Then the apple is shot into Charly's hand.

She throws him to the ground

Meanwhile B-15 — Surely an 8 year old girl can do that!!

Charlotte, for her part, just sighed - Smug.

Charly just puffs up her chest - I know, I'm sure I'll have very powerful spells when I have my grimoire

Charlotte — I don't doubt it.

Meanwhile B-15 inside her — Either I'm missing context or I'm too much


The two twin brothers just looked at the tree

Silence reigns, but Charly breaks the silence — Tell me do you plan to take classes with the Shaman

Charlotte — Of course, it would be stupid not to accept it.

Charly gets angry — Mom said not to swear

Charlotte — It's your word against mine... But I still stand by it, we can't depend on our brother for everything, I want to forge my own path

Charly smiles — And what kind of path do you want to create?

Charlotte just looked at her sister.

Charly puts on a serious face - I told you, your phrases are not great... You're sad... It's very sad, it's better to live with people, because when you realize it you'll be alone and no one will care... It's more, you should thank me for being in your life

Charlotte responds - I didn't ask to be in your life

Charly just puts on a small hollow smile and gets up...she just leaves

B-15 speaks — That was very hard, she is your sister... she is your family... she is part of your home


B-15 sighs — For a guy from another world you behave like a child.

The window disappears, B-15 short communication

Charlotte — I didn't know I could do that...she would have done it a long time ago

He looked at the tree and remembered Charly

Just frown - Family... That word stopped meaning something a long time ago.