
I am a system.

When I was alive I was always a spectator, but never a protagonist. You could even say that he was the typical character who sat in the back row and never stood out. With my family it always remained in the background, it is not for lack of love, but everything I did was so irrelevant that with just two words I could summarize everything. I liked reading novels and I always really liked the willpower and effort that many protagonists gave, I was always one of those who hated protagonists who were dependent on systems, they looked at them as objects that had no joke... How ironic that will reincarnate into a system... And no, I really don't have a system... I AM THE SYSTEM!!!

Alex_Z_5118 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 10 - Journey to the wizard's tower part 3

Before going to the mountains

Charlotte talks to B-15 — I have a mission for you

B-15 looked interested and Charlotte resumes the explanation - On the mountain there is a fruit, they are small red balls that are attached to branches, these branches grow on the stone, alchemists collect these fruits... But if we can plant them, we would have another generation of fruits

B-15 with interest – And what are those fruits for?

Charlotte – No idea, the only thing I know is that alchemists pay for it so it's better to keep it in reserve and use it for the future, it's the same in games, a true player keeps everything, even the object that seems useless can be of help

B-15 found no flaws in his logic

After all, if it was successful it could be a great source of income, plus the more plants it had it would have more to entertain itself and what it lacks is entertainment, it reaches a point where being a system is very boring.

Because he doesn't have a multiversal chat or more users or could even accept a partner, he didn't care if he was a goat with a squeaky voice and an annoying attitude... Loneliness is a poison that is eating away at him and he was sincere if he had his cell phone would be worth everything... But here it is... with some boxes

He watched as the cart was loaded, in total there were about 50 families, which were all NPCs for him, except Elena's cart, it was obvious in broad daylight that she is not someone common, maybe she was a heroine.

What surprised him the most was Charlotte's distrust that he obtained, it was as if he had great confidence in his detection abilities and yet he saw it... Maybe it was a spell or an artifact and him being on another physical plane. maybe he could detect it, it was a theory, but it was plausible

He got out of the cart and looked at the mountainous area, indeed he was steep and he kept looking

And he looked at more stone

And more stone

And you won't believe it... More stone

This was the bad thing, he wanted to get to the magician's tower, that's where the fun would begin, because it was so boring, this whole trip was boring, 12 days of hell that already had him tired, he rises as high as he can rise and raises his voice strongly – I as a system invoke the plot and make this journey exciting!!


B-15 turns around – That's all, I had to ask for it

B-15 summoned a bag of popcorn out of nowhere and opened it, then ate it since he wanted to see the show.

Meanwhile Charlotte gave a twitch in her eye, she heard B-15's words and indeed the universe acted, now she just had to wait for everything to be solved, he wasn't stupid, he wouldn't get into a fight without having a grimoire. ...It doesn't matter how talented you are... Having a grimoire was like fighting against a boxer who was a world champion and it's your first fight while you tie your arms, no matter what happens you're not going to win. .

So abysmal and that was a normal adult, now imagine a guy who trained to fight with grimoires, Charlotte was aware of this and that is why he did not act suicidal

A soldier opens the door and looks at Charlotte's family and speaks - How many have a grimoire?

4 raise their hands, Charlotte's parents and her two older brothers

The soldier speaks – You two come with me

Target father and older brother

The soldier asks another question – Are there fire users?

Charlotte raises her hand

Soldier – Come with me

Charlotte surprised – I'm 8 years old

Soldier – I don't care

The soldier leaves

Charlotte turns to look at B-15, she could see the discontent in her eyes.

B-15 excited – It's plot time

Charlotte sighs and gets off with her father and older brother.

The mother stops the father and with a sweet voice she says – Take care of yourself darling.

Her father grabs her by the waist and gives her a deep kiss.

Everyone looked away awkwardly, for his part B-15 already understood why they had too many children, half the time they spent flirting, if it weren't for the fact that they have their children in the same cart they would have already had up to 3 children


B-15 was envious, he hated to admit it, but Charlotte's mother was beautiful, even so, he continued with his destiny, who knows, maybe he will find someone... No, it was impossible, in the first place, he would have to escape, no matter how romantic that he was on another physical plane, that would be torture for everyone

The father grabs Charlotte and puts her on his shoulders, then runs to the front, being one of the first families, his cart was even in front of all of them, so it took him time to get to the front.

There was a soldier who was in front giving orders, he looked at the 3 approaching

Then the leading soldier speaks – What are its elements

The father speaks – My eldest son Karl has the nature element and I have the fire element, my son Charlotte is of the fire element, but as you can see she is too young to have a grimoire

[Charlotte's older brother 14 years old Approximately passes to Karl]

The lead soldier looks at Charlotte – Show me your magic control

Charlotte created a flame and began to spin it around her like she was a ball, only to end up in her hand and vanish.

The lead soldier looked impressed

Karl speaks – And you haven't seen Charly

The father just gives Karl a sape

The leader just looked at Charlotte – You are going to go with the firefighting team, it is likely that there will be more bandits than expected.

The father was worried – Because there are bandits here

The leader just shook his head – I don't know... But I'm sorry.

He just looked away, you could see a slight trembling

The father frowns and looks away, he concentrates on one point

Open your eyes

And he could only swallow his saliva

The leader looks at the father – That's why we need the fire mages, we will also need the earth mages, you are going to align yourself with them

He just nodded and stared at the place, for her part Charlotte stared at the place, he didn't notice anything, her range was insufficient.

One thing was certain and that was that a monster was there.





At the top of the mountain there was a man, he was muscular, he had no hair on his head, but he did have a big mustache, his brown eyes reflected great tranquility.

He had worn armor, on his waist were two European-style swords, while on the back of his waist hung a red book, this book was much thicker than all the books that have been presented so far.

His age ranged between 30 and 40 years old, you could see how he looked at everyone, but there was something that disturbed him, in a cart there was a monster, he had so many protective shields that it was impossible to look at anything.

The mysterious man speaks - That guy told me that a high-ranking noble would be here... Only having an escort... I Gunter want to apologize to you, but this is my mission and apparently some have already noticed my existence so I have I have to hurry

Gunter simply closed his eyes, for 30 years he served for the empire, he naturally had confidence in his abilities, so he would have to end this quickly, even if the tower mage found out about this it would take him at most 12 hours to get from the tower to the thorny mountain

Gunter with a bored voice – Well, we already identified the cart, I'm going to

He saw a blue light, at that moment he drew his sword and intercepted a dagger and with a light movement he aimed for his attacker's neck, but he moved away in time.

Gunter was impressed, he could not detect it, if that attack had been successful he would have been at a disadvantage, everything was perfect, from when he attacked from his blind spot, until when he attacked in a vital area.


But that wasn't what surprised him the most.


What surprised him the most is that the attacker was a 12-year-old girl.


He had black hair and a tight black suit, this was a standard uniform for assassins, it was light and perfect for mobility... But the most striking thing was his blue eyes, they were bright and in some way they were the reason why his stabbing attempt failed

And even though those blue eyes had a sparkle, there was no life in them, no emotions, no happiness, no fear, no anger, no despair.

One thing was for sure, what was in front of him was a child, he didn't even have a grimoire.

Gunter came up with a possibility - Maybe you are the noblewoman's bodyguard?

Elena didn't show a single expression.

Gunter asks a question - Or the empire hired an assassin to kill me... If it's the latter, they underestimate me if they send a brat who doesn't have a grimoire I'll have to teach them a lesson

Elena did not change her expression.

Gunter just sighed - Forget it, I don't kill children, I'll turn a blind eye to you, but if you provoke me I won't hesitate to kill you.

Then I get a furious thirst for blood, anyone would urinate with such a presence.


But Elena doesn't even flinch.


Gunter just shook his head, he hated this about his work, his grimoire begins to float and he opens a page, he extends his hand and a magic circle forms in his palms.

He fires a flurry of fireballs straight at Elena.

Elena appears in Gunter's blind spot and tries to stab him, but Gunter's sword was in front of her, with a light movement she was able to dodge it, Gunter kept attacking Elena, although he didn't want to admit it, this brat was too fast

She quickly beat Gunter's speed and began to approach him, at one point her dagger turned gold and tried to stab Gunter, he retreated.

How was it possible that this brat could get so close to him?

He was not just anyone, he was a captain of the 12th regiment, with 30 years of experience, his exploits earned him a noble title and yet he was known as a great swordsman.

His grimoire activates once again and her sword lights up on fire, then he charges at Elena, she lights her knives with a light.

Gunter began to think - This girl is a user of the light element, she has enormous control of lux particles and even if she does not have a grimoire she can imbue her element into her weapon, although it is possible to do so the energy expenditure is enormous, it is a matter of time before it wears out

The two exchanged weapons, Gunter felt impressed, he was a soldier with countless battles, a 12 year old girl should have no chance of beating him.

And at one point he was moving backwards, Elena's body became brighter, at that moment her movements became faster. Gunter wouldn't let this go on like this, with a huge blow he sent Elena's dagger flying.

But Gunter was not confident and launched a second attack, Elena's unarmed hand moved suspiciously, Gunter paid attention to it and the next thing that happened was a light that made Gunter lose vision for a second.


1 second is enough


His neck was stabbed and there he saw it, his eyes that looked at him like nothing.

A yellow blade came out of his chest, yellow blades came out of his neck, when Gunter realized his entire body was split by thousands of blades, this was so absurd, he didn't have a grimoire and he was able to do it. such technique

All of his internal organs were cut off, but he didn't accept it.

His body caught fire, forcing Elena to retreat.

His grimoire turned to another page and the flames stabilized. Next, Gunter's wounds began to heal, now there was anger in his eyes.

Gunter – I'll be honest, I've never felt so humiliated in my life.

His book began to turn and came to a page, but this page was different from the rest, even a trace of surprise could be seen in Elena.

Half the page was red and the other half was brown.

A memory is reflected in Gunter, it was the figure of a woman who smiled at him, she had armor on and red hair that reminded him of the dawn.

Gunter – Combined Spell... Volcanic Zone!!




Everyone was on the defensive, the soldiers and the most skilled civilians realized that a battle had started in the mountain, they had to defeat these bandits, then they had to help the person who faced the leader of the bandits.

But before they could do anything they saw a scene that shocked everyone, a large amount of magma was falling from the top of the mountain, at this rate the magma would destroy them.

And to make matters worse is that they were held back from both ends, which means that they were at the mercy of the lava, luckily there was a group prepared, Charlotte spoke to B-15 - Shut up next time.

Now the main objective was to stop the magma




For his part, Gunter saw Elena's charred body and this single sigh, he went too far, he averted his gaze from Elena.

Elena's entire body was dark, it was a matter of time before she turned into ashes so even if she knew a healing spell it was impossible to save her.

Now her attention was on the protected cart, the noble girl must be there, since she has limited time she must act soon.


He felt movements


He turns around and the scene paralyzes him.


It was Elena, she was getting up, her body was charred, she shouldn't have gotten up and there she saw it, she saw how a smile formed on his face.

Her body cracked and slowly the charred remains of her fell off, being replaced by white skin. It took less than 20 seconds, but she had returned to her original state.

Slowly the clothes that had been destroyed by that attack began to regenerate, obviously this suit was an artifact, but what caught the most attention was not the clothes that regenerated, it was his blue eyes.

They had an intense shine and it does not refer to an emotion, literally her eyes were shining, they were a blue color.

Gunter froze, this scene was too much for him.

And then he understood it, her pupils became smaller and he said something - By any chance, you are Elena Richmond.

Elena showed her teeth in a gloomy smile.

Gunter understood it at that moment, the target he was looking for was her, that baby who changed everything and the one who is destined to be the strongest.