
I am a pill container in the mage world

Struck by lighting, Rachel gets reincarnated in the mage world. But unlike everyone else, she ended up as a pill container! Is she the protagonist or the legendary 'granpa' every protagonist has?

DaoistKY9MH3 · Kỳ huyễn
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408 Chs

Universal Law of Infinity

Zagronan smiled widely. 

In the last few months, he had been busy destroying many weak continents to sharpen his edges. 

Finally, today, he stopped. 

His mental condition is now excellent. 

As a grandmaster of illusions, it was easy for him to discover the formula for the 'illusion slaughter of 7 demons,' but advancing would be much more challenging. 

He can only try, and if he fails, the experience he gains will fuel him to try again. 

Many of the ingredients were rare, not found in this world. Rachel could only contact regional headquarters and ask for them. She wouldn't have asked if it were anything else, but this is related to a task assigned by the main body. Nothing is more important than that. 

As a result, Zagronan received lots of resources, all kinds of fragment laws, and ways. 

What makes it more complicated are the 'ways.' Fragment laws are the same everywhere, but ways can change from world to world. What Rachel sent from headquarters was different from what Zagronan was familiar with. 

Therefore, he spent a few more centuries ensuring the ways were compatible with the 'illusion slaughter of 7 demons.' 

Before actually trying to advance, he went on another round of destruction. The world has a lot of continents, so nobody cared; even if they did, nobody dared.


Zagronan was sitting cross-legged. 

Rachel had brought him into a semi-world near regional headquarters created with realization energy coding.

"Let's start," he murmured, taking out many items. 

He received numerous precious items from Rachel; however, the chances are slim. He only knew the main formula and the rest of the complimentary items were guesses; they may or may not be needed. 

It's possible first to discover the complete formula and then try, but that would take tens of thousands of years. It's much faster to learn while breaking through.

He opened the main ingredient fragment laws. There were more than 10. His formula wasn't mature; in general, the shorter the formula, the more mature and polished it is. 

Long formulas like this have a much bigger chance of failure. Still, he has to try and fail to be able to polish the formula.

He inhaled the fragment laws without hesitation. With his eyes closed, he started building a formation with them; these fragment laws were the foundation of the formation. 

Then, the rest of the sealed containers opened, and the materials flowed in.

These were the main 'ways,' also part of the foundation of the formation. 

After a while, the foundation of the formation was ready. 

"I should be very careful now," he thought seriously. 

He has a few precious treasures from Rachel that can increase his chances of advancement, but he won't use them now; this attempt will most likely fail, and he wants to test it, so using those defeats the purpose.

Tens of Thousands of bottles opened all at once, several hundred types of fragment laws and tens of thousands of ways were inhaled by him. 

The exact amount of every ingredient is very important when trying to advance. If one piece gets accidentally missing, the whole thing will fail. 

The Semi-world was an isolated place used explicitly for advancing to rank 10, so it helped a lot; without it, even a breeze might cause a disruption and fail a rank 10 advancement.

With eyes closed, Zagronan put them all in the formation; he frowned. 

"Some things are missing, and some that shouldn't have been included are included," he thought. 

Those that are already in formation can no longer come out. So, he had no choice but to include even more to negate the effect of the extra stuff. 

Many other ways and fragment laws' bottles opened and entered his body. 

He continued to frown.

"Too many! I can't control them all!" 

There are nearly a hundred thousand types of ingredients, each with an exact amount; they must combine simultaneously to create the complete law. 

It's tough to achieve even with the mind of a rank 9. 

The quantity of each is exact, like 0.394452866317 … more than twenty digits long. The formation can help, but the number of ingredients makes it much harder.

"Let's do this," he stopped worrying. 

He has treasures that can stop him from exploding in the event of a failure. 

The process is not a slow one; it's sudden. In a moment, one either advances or explodes. 

The formation released the exact quantity of each ingredient; the meeting place will be his aperture. 

"Success?" even he was surprised as things were going too well.

But the next moment, a certain fragment law caused a problem. 

"No, it's a bit short!" he thought regretfully. 

The whole process would fail, even if it's just a tiny bit short. 

Zagronan had already taken a temporary aperture-strengthening rank 10 pill before he started.

So, even though he failed, nothing exploded. Still, his aperture would get destroyed if it continued like this. 

He took a rank 10 dissipate pill. This pill would completely dissipate everything. Later, he can repair his damaged aperture with pills.

"What? No .... "


He exploded!


"Hey? Zag?" Rachel frowned. 

Zagronan exploded, but she could feel him alive. 

The explosion was big! It could have destroyed a world by itself.

Fortunately, she was protected by the semi-world.

The semi-world she made was resilient. It was specially to advance to rank 10, so it could take a rank 10 explosion with no sweat.

"Zag? Come out!"

There was no answer.

"Zag, you're alive! Congratulations, you are rank 10!" she said with a smile.

No answer.

"Sigh," she sighed. 

There are situations like this in the database. 

The possibilities are so abysmally low that it's near impossible, but the main protagonist's luck is not to be underestimated. 

What happened is likely to be an unknown complete law. When things were messy in his aperture, he accidentally formed the formula of another unidentified complete law. Classic protagonist luck.

With that complete law, he reached rank 10. 

When one breaks to rank 10, the aperture strengthens. When the aperture strengthens, it will interfere with the pill that strengthens it. 

This situation is nearly impossible because if the complete law fails, the aperture won't improve so that the pill won't be interfered with. If the advancement succeeds, nothing is needed to stop anything from exploding.

But in Zagronan's situation, the advancing succeeded, but he didn't use all the ingredients; the leftovers were still in the aperture.

The aperture of a rank 10 can easily resist it.

But when it just advanced, it was very vulnerable; the leftovers destroyed his aperture and caused his 'death.'

Then, he exploded, hence causing a rank 10 explosion.

But Rachel knows he didn't die. She would know if her host died.

"It has probably something to do with illusion," she thought. 

She has a database by her side; if she can't realize this, then she is dumb. 

"Zag, listen to me. You are not dead! You are alive!" she shouted.

Zagronan most likely thinks he is dead, so he doesn't appear. 

Illusions are mysterious. 

Rachel already guesses that Zag's complete law has some kind of ability to turn reality into illusions. 

She has all the data; this place is filled with sensors, with all the data going straight to the database. Still, she is not going to dig through them now. 

"Zag," she shouted. 

She can't leave without him. So, she remained and called him every once in a while.


A thousand years passed. 

Rachel is still here, calling every once in a while. 

She even enjoys remaining in one place without worrying about anything.


Ten thousand years passed, and still, Zagronan didn't come out. But Rachel is enjoying her stay here. She calls him every once in a while.


A hundred thousand years passed! 

"Hmm?" Rachel looked at a particular place. She saw something there. 

"You want to sink the semi-world into an illusion? You can't do that! This semi-world is reinforced against all kinds of…" Her jaw dropped as she saw a piece of this reinforced 'semi-world' disappear from reality and plunge into illusions! 

"What? What complete law have you discovered? Let me look!" 

She started to look at the data quickly. 

To plunge such a reinforced place into illusions … Worthy of a main protagonist! 

She looked at the sea of data. 

As a rank 10, Rachel has excellent mental ability. 

"Are you kidding me?" She looked with wide eyes.

"'Infinite illusions'? How is it possible? Infinite complete laws are not possible!" 

Infinite complete laws take infinite ingredients and, therefore, are literally impossible.

"I should inform the main body! This matter is even beyond regional headquarters!" 

Many secrets are concealed from the incarnations so the main body may know about infinite complete laws. 

Each incarnation has a way to talk to the main body directly; it's just that only true emergencies that need the main body's attention should be reported. 

Rachel trusts her incarnations that they won't call needlessly.


Main Rachel is calculating using data gained from the 'Pull Transmigrator.' 

She has been busy testing this ability and gathering data. 

Suddenly, someone called. 

As a rank 13, she can do many things at once, so as she continued calculating, she also answered her incarnation.

"Hey? Main body?" Rachel #1 said.

"Yeah," the main body said.

"I just discovered…" Rachel #1 explained.

"Hmm, I know what it is!" the main body said.

"What is it?" Rachel #1 asked.

"It's classified!" the main body said.


"I'm going to send someone to get him out of that state. In the meantime, you just remain there; no need to say anything about this to regional headquarters!" she ordered.

"Ok," Rachel #1 answered.

The main body ended the call. 


Rachel smiled.

"I got another one of the infinite laws!" she is happy.

Even by most rank 13 civilizations, it's believed that infinite complete laws are impossible. However, they are not! 

It's just that their formula is random. They change every moment, so there is no way to get them. The formula she got from data gathered by Rachel #1 is useless because the formula has long changed.

"The database is getting messy! I should reorganize it!" she thought.

The data has been there for many years, yet she failed to detect it. It's because too many incarnations send all kinds of data, and too few calculate them.

She is powerful but cannot trust anyone with the data; she can only grit her teeth and calculate everything herself and a few rank 13 incarnations in the headquarters.

It's not that she doesn't trust her incarnations; it's just that she is afraid of them getting hacked; some stuff in the database can be catastrophic if they get leaked.

Even if the chances are small, she doesn't risk it.

She plans to disregard the usual data and only focus on detecting infinite laws.

It's difficult beyond belief to create infinite laws. However, there is a good reason many are looking for them. 

The universal law of infinity has long been sought after, but nobody has licensed it. This universal law can help Rachel to shorten her time to rank 14 by a lot. 

So, she has been trying to gather infinite complete laws to discover the universal law of infinity. 

She already has a lot of infinities, but a few, such as illusions and dreams, are still not in her hands. 

Therefore, she ordered the incarnations to explore those. She didn't expect to get any infinities even for billions of years; who expected her to get one so quickly? 

The main character's luck is ineffective on infinities, so it's not like she can create many protagonists to discover infinities quickly.

Even now, she has no idea how to calculate infinities' complete law formula or how to increase her chances of crafting them. 

It's pure luck and not any luck. 

Chances of infinities are luck based on the creation.

After all, infinities share a trait with the creation: they are infinite like the creation!

She doubts that even rank 14s know more than her in this regard. Rank 14s only draw a little power from the creation, far from controlling it.

She gaining an infinite complete law this fast is great luck, like winning the lottery.

Her mood improved a lot.

Now, she wants to avoid extracting the complete law. That might damage it. 

She will just observe from afar.

Of course, after this, she will not allow incarnation and her host to be in danger. She will pay attention personally and will even send Luther if necessary.

Luther is the strongest being in the universe, below rank 14.

So, unless rank 14s interfere, that host would be safe, no matter his location.