
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 16

Daniel made some preparations. A bag filled with water bottles, binoculars, medicine kitt , extra clothing, flash ,food , etc . He wrapped his arms in white bandages, wore shorts , snickers and went bare chested.

He was strong , but in no way did he have the body to show for it . He was still quite disappointed but knew the results of his efforts would come . like a detonation.

When all three met again on the border of the perimeter, they were about to leave when the earth beneath their feet trembled.

" That's too soon " Eric frowned deeply.

" WHAT IS?" Jay asked.

Daniel grabbed onto the nearest building he could find and scaled it up , using his binoculars to observe the rift .

" The rift has gone back into operation!" Daniels heart sank as he saw what exactly came out. Batch upon batch of 10 meter tall golden bottles , a swarm of melovus and 15 meters tall red insectoid beasts.

Sound got chocked in his mouth . The earth tremors got worse and worse.

" Hurry up !" Jay turned tail and urged the two . " We have to get the others out of here!"

" That isn't right, " Eric said as he looked from above the building.

" I don't care what is right right now !"

" We've got to leave. The more time you waste the closer we all get to death !" Jay reprimanded.

" You speak like we have somewhere to run " Eric said .

" I don't know let's just not stay here!"

Daniel had been prepared to coast this . But he realized that all plans since the" end "gets foiled too easily, too frequently.

Nothing ever went smoothly, or plans had to be changed due to new variables.

For a regressor Eric was useless, unless two things.

* He wasn't paying attention to all occurrences around the world.

* He wasn't strong enough to care

But as Daniel looked at the batches upon batches of bugs he couldn't help but recognize the futility of it all

He might be able to run and hide , but the powerless , were truly powerless in this situation.

When he initially came up with the growth trigectory where he relied on the military he was assuming that some societal systems to still be in place .

Like the stories including hunters Association and whatnot. At this point he understood that he'd been brainwashed into underestimating the situation. This was Day 5 of the Apocalypse , and look what they had come up against.

The fact that Daniel could stand up to the blue bug may give people a misconception about how strong you had to be to defend against it and those on a lower tier.

But you see there was a big difference between evasion and defending .

In combat, evasion and defending are distinct strategies with different objectives and approaches.

Evasion aim to avoid direct confrontation or harm by skillfully maneuvering to escape without engaging in combat proactively . It involves movement, agility, and sometimes deception to evade detection or capture. Evasion typically occurs before a confrontation escalates, focusing on survival and minimizing risk.

Defending, on the other hand, involves actively protecting oneself, others, or a position from an imminent threat or attack. It requires a proactive stance, such as blocking, parrying, or intercepting the opponent's attacks. Defenders react to incoming threats to prevent or minimize their impact, focusing on resilience and standing firm against challenges.

In combat scenarios, evasion might involve using footwork and feints to avoid an opponent's strikes without directly engaging, while defending includes techniques like blocking, deflecting, or countering enemy attacks to maintain a position or protect oneself or allies. Evasion prioritizes avoidance and escape, while defending emphasizes protection and resilience against threats.

And brutish as Daniel might have seemed during his face off against the blue bug , he used his intelligence the entire time.

" Let's go back , I have a plan"


Ever since the day lightening had struck thrice and failed to kill a human,

The settlement formally lead by first lieutenant Madison now Captain Hudd had lost their observatory. But someone with a long sightedness was now in charge of observing the rift..

Then the tremors came. Elise was escorted by Hudd and Madison to the highest point available, where the hole where Daniel was punched out of was located.

Hudd handed her binoculars to further improve her above average sight , thou not to the point of being superpowers.

Elise peered through and first paid attention to the place the rift was located . And nothing was said when tears just started running down her eyes in river quantities.

" What's wrong? " Madison urged her to spill it out.

" We are going to die." The surity behind that proclamation was so pure it left Madison stunned .

" Speak clearly. "

" The army on the other side is coming out of the rift"

" ..." Madison kept silent as she processed the new information.

" Don't worry, Eric Jay and Daniel can handle it " she tried to assure Elise , only to see the girl vehemently shake her head in disagreement.

"It's not something three people can handle" Captain Hudd said while looking into the distance.

Black dots had finally moved into their vision.and in seconds the dots became a line.

Whatever was coming, was coming fast.

" Captain we need to evacuate!" Madison yelled.

" What's the point, we'll die anyway."

Madison never knew her captain to be a defeatist. Even when the monsters first came , and they were caught unprepared , he steadfastly lead them to a victory, although a costly one. It had something to do with what happened in the rift , maybe he was left traumatized?

" Captain we need to protect the lives of the civilians. get it together and—— "

Rumble Rumble. The seconds they had wasted in the useless statements were enough for a vague silhouette of the figure to form in the Distance. Elise's tears poured down even more as she could now see perfectly clearly their unsightly forms . Madison knew this was an emergency. Her life and those she had sworn an oath to protect were in deep shit. She came to her self and decided to do something about it.

Madison run down the flights of stairs , she tried to ran faster , but she couldn't. Leaping from stair case to stair case as the rebound shocked her feet all the way to her knees , she persevered. But she knew even then time was moving and whatever monstrosities were closing in.

At this point she was thankful they hadn't stayed too close to the rift, but regretful they couldn't get away further enough.she was scared , she was terrified . But she has a responsibility to protect those who entrusted their lives into her hands. Given her their hopes .

She didn't have to shout or run to call anyone once she reached the last floor .there stood the 63 soldiers and civilians waiting for the news. She looked into their eyes and saw the tension and fear . And in their eyes she saw herself with glossy eyes , like she was about to cry.

"We need to evacuate now, leave everything behind, take nothing with you . Don't take too many vehicles, share 6 to a car. Do not waste time !" She steeled herself, and wiped away her tears and took on the role of stand in leader.

Their captain might be suffering from what he'd experienced in the rift. So she had to step up. She refused to sit and wait for death, and she refused death for those under her care!

No one moved as if waiting for more of an explanation.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL STANDING THERE?!" She yelled . Each second that passes the closer they got to death!

Before anyone could make a move the doors to the tallest building slammed open and in came the three superhumans

The arrogant .

The friendly .

And the mad.

With the mad leading shirtless.

"Don't leave these walls. There is no where to run to . "

His voice was rugged and his tone was final.

Those within the building didn't know who to listen to .

" We don't have time to argue ! If we stay we will surely die , if we leave there is a chance to live . Please believe in me."

" I know you have good intentions, but trust me this is better. We shall not die."


Daniel looked to Jay" I want you to cast your barrier around the entire building."

Jay's eyes bugged wide.

" Was that your plan?!" Jay almost fainted.

" I can't do that . It's impossible! "

" No , you can do it it doesn't need to be strong enough to protect the building . You just need to encased it.

" That is still impossible! This building is about 43meters high And 20 meters wide !!! "

I have never done this before.

" I believe in you . You can do this . Or else we will all die here today." Jay was placed in a tight spot . Daniel said he had a plan but for this to be it?

" I can only maintain it for 15 seconds after whoch I will be weak . If we die , Ill kill you ." Jay said .

" 15 seconds should be enough. it's too small but should be enough. " Daniel replied

" Eric you have to protect us until I'm done ." Daniel looked at Eric with a strong gaze, but the boy/man was unfazed he didn't seem to be bothered by their impending doom either, like he had a way to avoid dying.

Daniel knew this was a difficult person, but to know a way to save others and actively refuse to use whatever methods, he was probably more disposable than himself.

" Sure whatever"

"Are you ready? " Daniel asked Jay .

" How can I ever be ?" Jay said before closing his eyes.

He 'looked' within himself metaphorically and imagined a pool of water. It was clear as crystal and sparkled beautifully . It was his power . Seconds passed as he kept at it. Everyone grew nervous by the minute and the tremors got worse and worse .

"RELEASE!" Everyone present felt it as the bluish plume of energy washed across their bodies and extended quickly.

2 floors 4 meters

4 floors 6 meters

6 floors 8 meters

8 floors 10 meters

10 floors 12 meters

11 floors 14 meters

And then it seemed to be stuck at 12 floors and 16 meters

One could see the sweat pool out of Jay in cups his handsome visage highlighted as he appeared to have the weight of the world on his shoulders

" You can do this!"

" No I can't ! Ahh, argh "

" No I know you can . Or else I will leave you in the dust ." Daniel said .

Just that phrase spurred something within Jay .

"AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!" The blue energy speed instantly as it encased the entire building.

" I knew you could do it " Daniel couldn't help but praise Jay

" HURRRY" but it didn't seem like Jay was keen on talking about his success. He just hoped whatever Daniel did worked because he was now spent.

He was in his most vulnerable condition.

" I'm on it suddenly everyone watched as Daniel Rose of the ground like levitation with his arms spread wide as if hugging the world .

He didn't have defined muscles but the sheer strength emanating from him was palpable!.

He floated right above Jay's head so the image presented to all was that of a half naked man ( just bare chested) with a serene look floating atop the head of one who seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Daniel was in fact not doing this for show. There was a very practical reason for this.

For days now( one day) Daniel had been thinking of combo techniques he and Jay should be able to use .

Jay's power was energy shields / barrier.

Daniel had super intellect , an abnormal affinity with energy and space and the ability to control space within his three main criteria of control. Folding expanding and bending.

To be fully honest Daniel didn't like the technique he formed it wasn't martial artsy. No in fact it demanded he perform some movements that were too effeminate for his tastes. Not that it was a problem, but he wanted that tough persona to be demonstrated to all . What he was about to do next was very 'magelike' and not 'warriorlike' .

His hands bent down as his fingers begun to move in smooth movements and fluidity. He could control fine space with just his thoughts , afterall it was now his second nature . But this was leagues more advanced than the funnel he first created.

The funnel was a ' simple' tool after a day Daniel had made epoch shattering progress.hed moved from simple tools to ' industrial ' technology. To go further than his nature allowed him , he synchronized his body with the technique/ spacial tech he was employing.

The fluid movements of fingers and limbs was so mesmerizing many forgot they were in life threatening danger. Below his feet Jay s sweating begun to alleviate! But he hadn't recalled his energy barrier. Whatever Daniel was doing was improving his formless barrier!.

It went from being difficult to sustain to bareable, to better , till' okay ' . The unstable energy could now be formed into a dome by Jay . As they felt that they were about to succeed an enemy arrived at their door step.

A fully healed blue bug!

Eric who had been in a trance as he watched the two do something he'd never seen before in his two lives lived. woke up from his stupor.

" I guess you were the one. "

His hands tool on the shape for palm martial arts

" You are finally tired of spying?"

" Shrieeek!!!"

sorry guys , I have been binge watching some TV series lately that my writting had been slow . I'll make sure to write something tomorrow:)

DaoistNiicreators' thoughts