
I am a devil in a strange world

He was the main character yet everyone else appeared more important than he was. What was this story he was assigned to? In a futuristic world of magic and gadgets, he emerged from the depths which held no value in comparison to the great ones and the higher ups. The world was beautiful and he was considered one of the many blotches that tainted its beauty. The day he was killed, a cleansing was manifested. He, however, reincarnates into the real world - Earth. Reborn from a world of fantasy instigated by ink into the world of humans, he faces no better luck than his previous life in a book. Unfortunately for him, in this new life he is struck with an illness that makes his skin look red. People call him the "devil" and even his mother is scared of him. A world he couldn't understand yet, he understood. Who was this writer that created his story and why was he reincarnated into this strange world that refused to accept him either? What if more lies to writing? What if writing sparks up and opens up a world humans never knew existed? Prepared to learn about this "Earth", he sets into the great merchant city with the help of a shape-shifting system to become the greatest librarian and explore the truths that binds him to the library of his stories. He is Emmet Quinn, the devil in a strange world. [WPC June 2024 entry] _ _ _ Read on and enjoy the journey of Emmet Quinn! Your support is simply the most I could ask for! NB: The story is set in a futuristic Earth with a revolved humanity. However, this "Earth" is different from the Earth in real life. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/zsahn4yckr

Blak_cherry · Kỳ huyễn
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65 Chs

Starting off with a level 1 structure

"So this is the place?" Emmet used his eyes to do a quick survey of the piece of land in front of him on which a signboard stood with the description, "For sale."

"Yes sire. I believe this will be a suitable location for your book store," Liesl answered.

"It says for sale, Liesl," Emmet sighed. "I only have a 100 like I said before."

"In situations like this, I will grant you a system loan," Liesl said.   

 [You have received a system loan of 5,000 gold coins]

[As a result, 5000 gold coins will be deducted from your account as soon as you have the required amount]

[Do you wish to learn more about system loans?]


"System loans are financial grants that allows the system to lend you money in critical times which will be deducted from your account as soon as you have such amount within it. However, system loans can only be given automatically to you only when the system senses a dire need of money," Liesl proceeded to explain.

"Oh I see," Emmet slowly nodded.

To confirm what the black cat had just said, he reached for his pouch to see that the amount of gold coins in his pouch had increased.

He then walked onto the land the system had suggested was a good location for his business. As he was about to ask Liesl about the whereabouts of a seller, a golden paper suddenly flew from the opposite direction and stopped in the air in front of him.

"What is this?" He raised an eyebrow.

Liesl craned her neck a little. "Must be the seller."

Although Emmet was still slightly confused as to how a golden paper could be the seller, he noticed a writing slowly work its way on the paper.

There was no ink nor was there a pen yet a writing was being crafted on the paper.

[Do you wish to buy the #18 space in the Myraid Lane?]

"Yes," Emmet nodded in reply.

[You have become a potential buyer of the #18 space in the Myriad Lane]

The writing on the paper suddenly erased itself and was replaced by another writeup which appeared like a contract.

"It is a contract," Liesl said to him. "If you are willing to agree to its terms and conditions then you can take up the land at the requested price."

Emmet read through the contract and seeing that it was simply an agreement that allowed him to claim ownership of the land, he agreed to sign it.

A golden pen appeared in his hand and he proceeded to place his signature in the space at the bottom of the paper which called for one. After he was done, the pen in his hand disappeared and so did the gold paper.

A vault-like device then emerged from the opposite direction. A digital screen then appeared above the vault.

[Do you wish to purchase the #18 space in the Myriad Lane for 5,000 coins?]


[Please hold open your wallet or coin bag]

A little hesitant, Emmet held open his pouch and he watched the coins swiftly move into the vault while the numbers displayed on it went up till it reached 5000.

Once it reached 5000, the vault and the "for sale" signboard disappeared in the same fashion as the golden paper had.

The system screen popped up and a notification flashed across.

[You have successfully acquired the #18 space in the Myriad Lane]

"How were you able to tell that the price would be 5000 coins?" Emmet was quick to ask the cat on his shoulder.

"Through a little research," Liesl replied.

"So the next thing on the list would be to get the structure you want to start up with," She continued. "We'll start off from the structure selection."

Then, twelve images flashed across the screen. Each image held a building and Emmet was quick to recognize them as the structures Liesl was referring to.

Of the twelve images, the first one was a coloured image of a small wooden shelter while the others were greyed out, signifying that they were locked.

Each building as suggested by the system were arranged in a horizontal order with levels engraved on each of them.

The first two were tagged as Level 1 structures while the others were consecutively tagged as a level 2 structure, level 3 structure, level 4 structure, level 5 structure, level 6 structure, level 7 structure, level 8, level 9 structure, and a level 10 structure.

The first building image that was tagged as a level 1 structure was the only one marked as free. The other building that was also a level 1 structure was marked at a price of 1000 gold coins while the other buildings were locked.

He selected the level 1 structure with the 1000 good coin price tag.

[Do you wish to purchase a level 1 structure at the price of 1000 gold coins?]

"Yes," Emmet replied, with the intention to see what the system's response would be. Liesl knew what he had in mind and as such, she allowed him to carry out his thoughts without question.


[Your request cannot be processed]

[Insufficient coin balance]

He then moved on to select the level 2 structure which was greyed out.


[Your request cannot be processed]

[User must reach level 2 before being able to unlock at level 2 structure]

[User is currently at level 0 and can only select either of the first level structures]

"Turns out that the free one is the only option," He sounded disappointed. How was he going to attract people to a wooden shelter book store?

He, however, proceeded to select the free level 1 structure.

<You 1 have obtained a level structure>

<You 1 have obtained level facilities>

<You 1 have obtained level furniture>

<You 1 have obtained level books>

Just then, planks began to emerge from the ground and a swift automatic construction took place. In less than a minute, a wooden shelter stood firm on the grounds before him.

It was quite small but it looked just the reasonable size for a new book store.

He walked up the three small wooden staircases that led to the door of the store. He opened the door and stepped into it to meet a library in its inns.

Six book shelves aligned themselves in the four corners of the room. The shelves weren't tall but were just at a reasonable height. In the midst of the arrangements, a handful of tables with each of them surrounded by a number of four chairs.

At a corner was a desk and table which he instantly knew was his.

Everything appeared quite simple and comfortable.

"It's not bad," He moved to sit at the desk, a little exhausted. "By the way, what books are in the shelves?"

Liesl hopped off from his shoulder and stretched herself on the table before moving on to snuggle her fur in a curled up position.

"For a level 1 structure, not all books will be available ranging from literature genre to specific use."

[Book types available in level 1 structure]

<Historical and Mythical texts>

<Technical manuals and Instructional books>

<Realm 6 books>

<Level 1 flame mage books>

<Level 1 water ice mage books>

"What is a realm 6?" Emmet asked out of curiosity.

"The Earth is divided into six realms. Of those six realms, the one in which we live in is the 6th realm. So realm 6 books help to learn of the realm 6 from way of life to plants. It is mostly sought after by travellers from the other 5 realms."

"Pretty impressive," Emmet yawned and stretched his arms apart.

"So all that is left is for you to come up with a name for your book store," Liesl shut her eyes and scratched at the air in a bid to stretch her tired limbs.

"A name..." Emmet rubbed his chin.