

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Chapter 21.I show my F rank lisence

I Aron Shild have always been the type of dense guy and will always be in someway because I was raise not as a human but as a demon king when I was young in the past life, this made me unable to feel most of the soft heart, a normal human used to feel.

But as I started this journey and goes along,I have acquired a truly loving wives and a lovely mother and a true bond with some of my familiar as well.

But being too strong is still making me feel uneasy and I could feel the tense atmosphere that some people feel everytime I am around them and that is fear.

But normally they never lived to see another day anyway and the people who knows my strength are only this bunch of families that I somehow got attach to.

After a while of riding the jiggly waggly water dragon We finally reach the mountains and landed.

The wives were all running towards me asking if I am hurt anywhere because they have caught the news first due to the Dragon and the goddes returning first.

Even the goddes herself came to asked me If I am alright,But the fact is that all of my wives truly knows how strong I am especially the Elf's ,the mountain spirit and the goddes,which are all of them but came to tend me.

Is this overacting or something I don't know but this feeling is awesome in a way which makes me happy.

Thinking back in the past the wives would just get naked everytime I am at home and and just laid themself at the bed some at the bath tub while some feeds me food.

There was no talk or arguments either,they are no more than like the slave that I collect for me,except they will be protected if they are harmed.

But this life ,I am living right now is quite a satisfaction in its own ways...

Although I don't get them naked see their naked bodies everytime unlike my old wife's who I cannot even recognise them after they wore their cloth.

On to the main..

The house was nicely build. and the a finishing touch was given by the wise Goblin himself along with the elder dwarf to make the perfect home and stronghold.

And after a minute or two It was finish,Everything was ready later I asked my wives to take care of the new wife who is also knight and they get along pretty well after a few girls talk.

The house is now perfect,with my request the house is like a house this time not a big castle or anything.

It have two floors except there is an under ground floor as well which was meant for training hall.

The wise Goblin indeed advise me to build a big castle but that is not what I want this time,I just want a home which I can truly call a home.

And the safety level of this house is checked perfectly as well,but not for any enemy or some idiots who might find trouble with me.

The house durability and security is checked eespicially for me,incase of an accident I don't want my house to be destroyed and rebuild everytime,

Although It is only a one time used because this house can defend against my attack only once.

I guess this is fine for now,I should really keep my power in check...

Later the mountain was named "Alosen" which is also the name of the mountain spirit who is currently my wife...

As everything was settled,I left he mountain to go and search for the Poison which could actually poison me as according to the little fairy.

I goes to the nearest city located in the Bolids kingdom,called Alcasia which is the most prominent merchant city in all of the kingdoms.

There are 3 humans kingdom and 1 Elves kingdom as of now in this continent and other species have their own areas in the unclaimed land like Goblins ,Orcs,etc

But Dwarfs and some demi-humans stayed in the Elf's kingdom.

and these kingdoms are always at throat with each other with teritorial dispute,but there will be a war which makes all these kingdoms to collapse.

But two new kingdom "Arias" and "Pluto"will be born within the continent Arias consist of all the fallen aristocrats and Royals and holy knights whereas Pluto consist of adventurer and guilds,leaving aside their species.

This two kingdom will checked each other and not to make the same mistakes as the past.

The current kingdom as of now is a hassle for me and I cannot even remember their names at all espicially the Other species who are not humans like the Elfs.

But I know that there are four in which I might have damaged the two of them already.

And now I am in Bolids kingdom which is the the third human kingdom that I have not messed with,within its famous merchant town Alcasia.

As I goes to the Adventurer guilds there was this girl who thinks I am handsome,rich and strong came up to leech upon me.

"Hello sir you look really cool,Can I asked what you are here in this city for"?

I really does not need to tell her that do I?

Without even answering her,I took off towards the , adventurer guild she was angry at me and really pissed off but who would care for such a leacher.

As I entered the building and walk towards the counter the feeling of being unknown being looks at has filled me up yet again as I walk in too glamorously.

I had too much weapons and armour so I just gung out some to my body,but to everyone surprise I took the herbs finding task which was a very low beginner taks they were all in a daze.

And at the counter they asked for my adventurer lisence and gave them the F rank not because I want to hide my strength It was because I forgot where I put the SSS rank lisence that I got because I was too angry at the blue screen at that time.

Everyone was filled with a secret laughter.

Even the counter girl was laughing and hide it with a fake smile and bid me farewell and goodluck in my task.

They though I was a super rooky,which I was a rooky in adventuring of course,I never had a lisence in my past at all.

As I was going towards the stable just to buy some horse for the Griffin's food,the Girl that I ignored stood right infront of me.

She laugh at me with despised saying words like,"haha,such a low life ranker and dared to ignored this beautiful girl like as if you are some strong and important man but in the end you are just and F ranker".

Oh...news travel fast or was she always checking up on me,seems she has this planned out from the start.

Because she even dared to ask for my armor and sword with all the gold that I have,

"I know that you are rich but This men are goin to kick your ass and they are all D rank you have no chances of winning just give up and hand me all your weapon and Armor,And I will forgive you for what happens".

Oh...this girls appetite is surely large I must tell you that,even dared to ask for my belongings by threatening me at that.

OK,my obvious answer in "NO" which got makes her even more angrier and make her hired guys attacked me.

But with a swing of mercy and controll,I was able to not destroy all the city houses which are infront of me but 5 to 6 houses were still not saved and the guys disappeared like they never exist.

The girl was shook and frozen as I step closed towards her I whisper in her ears,"you want my golds right"?

Her answer were shaky and unbearable but I am sure it was a "No,forgive me I am sorry"

but it is too late anyone who harbor some bad intentions towards me must face the consequence.

She fell down in shock and tried to crawl away from me.

But I took out some coins and puts it in her back,after a bunch of gold bags,which are two times as her weight I can see her starting to suffocate,She begged for forgiveness but that is not on the menu.

People were surrounding us but non of them dared to say a word because of the outburst I have shown.

Even the knights dare not to speak a word again because the first one who tried to stop me and take the gold which was for the punishment was blown into smitherine and nearly half the city was destroyed this time.


Please If you like my nov add it to your library please...show some support for such little writer me and blessing and luck will fall upon you

Vena_Raltecreators' thoughts