
I Alone The Strongest One

"I Alone The Strongest One" a story of an eight-year-old Azel Evernight learns of his father's death and his mother's betrayal, he flees his home, embarking on a journey of self-discovery. Alone and haunted by grief, Azel confronts his past while navigating a dangerous world filled with monsters, demi-humans, demons, demon lords and angels also especially the primordial demon lords. With the power of Xulgrim, the feared primordial demon lord, Azel becomes the strongest rogue warrior with his step mother Elysia, the women that adopted Azel both facing powerful foe, forging his path towards strength and and true power, in the face of pain and suffering from his past, Azel must travel around world fighting and hunting demon lords, and releasing his rage and frustration from his past Suffering.

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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Mother's Infidelity

Shock courses through Azel's veins as he beholds the scene unfolding before him his mother, Lady Seraphina, locked in an embrace with another man, and the sound Azel hear was not a cry or distress but a soft yet painful moan of his own mother, while Azel saw both the man and his mother their whispered confessions echoing in the silent chamber. A wave of disbelief crashes over Azel, his heart clenching painfully in his chest as he struggles to comprehend the betrayal laid bare before him.

Gripping his chest in a futile attempt to quell the tumultuous emotions swirling within, Azel takes a tentative step backward, his eyes never leaving the devastating tableau playing out before him. With each retreating footfall, the weight of his mother's infidelity presses down upon him, threatening to crush his innocent understanding of the world.

Turning on his heels, Azel flees from the scene, his mind reeling with disbelief and anguish. Racing through the labyrinthine halls of the mansion, he seeks solace in the sanctuary of his own room, where he can confront the painful truth away from prying eyes.

Bolting the door behind him, Azel collapses onto his bed, his young heart heavy with the burden of knowledge far beyond his years. Though his father had imparted upon him the lessons of right or wrong and morals of humanity, nothing could have prepared him for the searing pain of betrayal inflicted by those closest to him.

As tears stream down his cheeks, Azel struggles to make sense of the shattered fragments of his once-secure world. The innocence of childhood slips away like grains of sand through his trembling fingers, leaving behind only the bitter residue of heartache and disillusionment.

Alone in the darkness of his room, Azel cries himself to sleep, the weight of his mother's betrayal pressing down upon him like an unrelenting burden, casting a shadow over his once-bright spirit.