*treik* Zhao Tian frowned seeing the armor suit moving a little "There is actually someone inside the ice coffin?" He muttered and at this time he heard a faint noises in the silent room. *tlip*
Hm? As he gazed down he saw little drops of water dripping from the coffin. The ice is melting? He hurriedly looked over at the lid he pushed and saw a blue seal engraved on it.
Did I just undo the seal?
*THIRRSHHH* Suddenly a vibrant blue flame burst forth from the armor creating a powerful surge of Astral Energy that rippled through the air *thoom* throwing Zhao Tian away from the coffin as he was blasted on the floor.
"Urgh!" Zhao Tian groaned in a little pain as he saw the blue flames engulfing the armor suit. Fuck! Why am I hearing boss music?
*frissh* The blue flames quickly evaporated the ice and *thud* the armor suit tumbled down to the floor from the coffin. As it fell down, the helmet rolled off from its head.