
I Accidentally Joined The Hero's Party

Living life as a normal high school student, a girl suddenly dies due to unknown circumstances. She is reborn into a new world that seems akin to a novel she once read filled with magic, ranked monsters, and kingdoms alike. She decides to live her new life in her new home: the notorious Moon Forest peacefully and embrace her new identity Yuiji, one who is not human but a mythical creature. However as time passed, her once “calm life” turns turbulent when she meets the main protagonist of the novel, the future hero. This along with the sudden disappearance of her father and the start of the main storyline causes her to have no choice but to venture out of her “haven” and interact with the unknown. With constant run-ins with the handsome and earnest hero who is quite fascinated by her, his bumbling party members who are quite eccentric, and the looming stench of blood and war brewing along the horizon, can Yuiji find her father amidst the chaos? And if she does find him, can she keep herself sane? (Note: there may be some offensive things here so don't read if ya can't take it.)Also this cover is not mine and I will happily take it down if the owner of this art steps up :) Anyways hope you enjoy!

Silent_Mooonss82 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Moonlight Illuminates Red(2)

*BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* The wolf's body bounced, his body colliding into many trees. I landed not too far from its body. I staggered and looked at my wounds, they were still leaking. 'Man this hurts like crazy' I thought. The reason why I haven't bled to death despite how much time has passed was because of a technique I was using.

It was called Magi-Channeling. It's when I course magic repeatedly in different parts of my body, in this case, I was channeling fire, to slowly ease the bleeding bit by bit. Instead of rapid-fire being released, it's more like a faint heat permeating through my skin like a heater. Since I lack the healing affinity, my mom believed that when I'm in a bind I can use this method until I can seek the treatment I need, but this doesn't always work.

For example, Like my broken ribs, Channeling certain affinities like fire or water that are naturally used to relieve the pain of external wounds wouldn't work for things like internal wounds. Luckily, none of my broken bones have pierced my lungs just yet.

The wolf stood once more.

'it's like a robot or something, no matter how much I pound you in the ground, you just keep getting back up. Maybe I've been too nice to you' I thought.

I don't know anything about why this wolf transformed. Regardless, I have to do the same thing to you as I've done to your brother.

Suddenly, a figure appeared before us.

"EH!?" A fist punched the wolf in the face, its body recoiled a bit. A burst of wind shot from the ground upwards, blasting the wolf up in the air. The wolf collided with the ground hard.

' What the heck are they doing?' I was awestruck.

It was Gale and Annie. Annie was running in the sky shooting forward blades of wind. The wolf, having gotten up, easily dodged them. It threw balls of black flames towards her, causing Annie to retreat.

The wolf was about to follow her, but Gale smashed his fist into the beast's back, making it stumble.


The wolf swung its massive tail, but before it could hit Gale, a blade of wind cut it in half, blood sputtering like a hose.

The wolf was frazzled, it didnt know what direction to look at, It looked as if it was dealing with annoying pests. I was confused.

'weeeeeeeeeiiird….shouldn't they have run away? why are they risking death again?…..well they did buy me some time though' I thought.

'This is going to really hurt but" I chanted a spell and blue flames started to engulf my arms, my wounds were bleeding much more now. The wolf seemed to sense something regarding me; it flung Gale away and shot a ball of fire in Annie's direction.

Annie quickly covered herself in a cocoon of wind to block it, but the collision force of fire and air blasted her away. With its attention back on me, it started to channel its black flames, allowing it to engulf its entire body.

"GRRRRRR" We both stood in silence, the wind blew, smelling of smoke and burned soil.


We both kicked off the ground at the same time. I crossed my arms, letting the azure flames grow stronger until it looked like a massive raging inferno, in the shape of giant gauntlets on both arms.


Blue and black flames collided, painting the sky and ground two separate colors. The wind howled and bashed swirling embers of fire everywhere.

We traded explosive blows one after the other, neither of us relenting on our strengths. I felt my hands searing with heat from the wolf's flames. I didn't want to admit it, but these flames were much stronger and potent, they smelled of decay. However, it wasn't like the wolf wasn't taking damage either. His black fur was slowly falling, revealing bits of red skin.

I could see his face slowly burning off. Muscle fibers and bone starting to show. It seemed my power was preventing it from regenerating. After another blow collided, The wolf recoiled backward, its arms spread out, revealing its exposed stomach.

I sprung forward and pierced the wolf's abdomen with both my hands. The wolf's eyes widened. Slowly, I gripped at the wolf's stomach, ripping it apart. The wolf was screeching in pain.

Slowly its body parted, blood falling down like a waterfall. Its organ bits were leaking out.

*RIIIIIIP* I raised my arms, lifting the wolf's entire body up above me. I gripped even harder; my arms bulged with many veins as I tore the wolf's body in half. Blood splashed on me, covering me from head to toe. Eventually, the wolf's spine cracked and broke apart, as I flung both its halves aside.


I stalked towards the wolf's upper body part. The wolf that was still alive looked terrified, it tried to drag its body away but wasn't fast enough.

I grabbed the wolf's throat. I gripped it tightly, feeling it crush between my fingers. I increased the firepower and burned it even more.

"EEEEERRRRAAAAAAH" Yowls of pain carried far and wide, yet I didn't stop, my eyes boring at the sight of its burning, revealing flesh and finally bone. I continued to sear it ignoring its cries of pain. Eventually, the wolf grew silent.

I watched as it burned.

Finally...the long night battle was over.


Gale was overcome with boundless fear. That girl was a monster, no she was beyond even that. Throughout the entire battle, a bright smile was plastered on her face. It wasn't a nervous or anxious, or even a fearful smile, it looked like she was purely enjoying ripping that thing apart.

'How….can a child have such strength, to rip that thing in half like that, she didn't even look like she broke a sweat' Gale thought. He swallowed, yet his throat was dry.

Neither he nor Annie needed to intervene. Gale's heart was pounding as he stared at the girl, who was watching the wolf's body burning to dust. Her bright smile may have looked cute to others but to him, it was like looking at a devil from hell.

Annie having recovered from the initial blow, ran forward and saw Gale who was still alive. She sighed with relief. Though the beast attack was unexpected, she managed to protect herself. Her eyes shifted to the small girl who was standing covered in lots of blood.

'I was right...she can't be human...she also used such high-level spells as well.' Annie thought. Her eyes shook with both fear and admiration. The azure flame was said to be something that only those with complete mastery over the fire affinity can wield. Two people were ever recorded in history to master this, one was of the magic tower in the northern kingdom.

' It's my first time seeing it' Annie thought.

Annie felt that the girl before her had many more things that she was not showing them. If that was the case, then she must have had her reasons for keeping her identity secret. (Mono 1:She was not doing that, she simply was just too shy to talk).

Annie walked over to where Gale was, who was in a daze.

"Gale, how are your wounds?" Annie asked. Gale snapped out of his stupor "y-yea it's fine, those herbs work like a charm." Gale said, looking at his body. Though his missing arm wasn't restored he still felt better than he did initially.

Annie nodded. "Yea, I've never heard of a herb that can have such a fast effect like this, but it seems to have limitations," Annie said. Gale looked at her confused. Annie raised her right arm.

"After that beast struck me, I could feel many of my bones break, including my pelvis. If anything I shouldn't be alive right now, but that herb healed my broken pelvis and ribs good as new. But not my arm. Annie looked at her swollen arm, it was starting to turn a pale shade of blue. If she does not seek treatment soon, it can become much worse.

Gale nodded at his wife's inquiries. Though his arm stopped bleeding, it's not like it restored the lost blood, however, it did heal his most vital wounds. 'Speaking of wounds' Annie quickly shifted her gaze to the girl. Her wounds looked worse, her already pale skin was turning even paler.

"OH NO, her leg" Annie ran towards the girl, Gale followed right behind her.


The surroundings looked like something out of an end-of-the-world flick. I felt a pang of guilt. Maybe if I brought Sorren back earlier, then people wouldn't have died like this. I slumped to the ground, my injuries afflicting me with pain.

'Haah, well at least I did what was intended. Saving the lives of Sorren's parents. GO YUIJI!!' I felt my breathing getting rougher.

'I should head back and find some herbs to patch myself up with' I thought.

"u-um little lass?" I turned to a deep voice calling me. Annie and Gale walked towards me cautiously. I tilted my head confused.

'What? Do they think I'm gonna eat them or something? Well, though I am curious about how humans taste...WAIT NO! WHAT AM I, A CANNIBAL??'

[Mono 1]: you're not human Yuiji...

'Oh right….WAIT STILL NO!!'

Annie spoke first " We would like to thank you once again for saving us…" I nodded

'mmhm! Of course!'

"Which is why, if you could let me treat your wounds, I'll feel even more grateful' ' Annie said.

I gaped at her ' how will she do that in this wasteland, there's not a single thing in sight'

Mono 1: Perhaps, maybe she wishes to be guided to the Moon Forest to collect some herbs?


[Mono 2]: Food is the best medicine


[Mono 4]: I'm sure she's the one who needs herbs, her broken arm must be so painful...Awww

'Well yeah, that's true…'

[Mono 5]: What if we can't get the herbs in time, what if the plan to save them still fails after working so hard, I CAN'T THINK OF THAT'


I was tilting my head left and right in deep thought, not noticing that Annie was already doing work.

" O'heal the pain of thy unfortunate victim <Healing Embrace>"

a gentle and soft light enveloped me. It felt calm and soothing. Even my chaotic thoughts tuned down.

It was like I was surrounded in the arms of a gentle angel, trying to heal my wounded soul. I watched as the bleeding slowly stopped. The large gash wounds were closing a little. Even the sharp puncture wounds of my abdomen and broken ribs stopped hurting.

A short time passed, and sweat began to drip from Annie's face.

"A-Annie, that's enough' Gale said,

" Are you insane, there's no way that this is enough, j-just a little longer" Annie cried, she looked as if she'd pass out any minute now.

Though my leg stopped bleeding, the large gash was stubborn, it wasn't healing completely. " Annie, there's nothing else you can do. '' Gale said, he reached out a hand and gently pushed it away, the gentle light fading away.

Annie looked heartbroken, her breath was short. "I'm sorry, I wanted to treat your wounds until you were fully healed, but I can't. It seems that your leg and stomach will have permanent scars" she said, her voice shaking as if tears were about to fall.

'Why does she sound so sad? At least I won't die right….' I thought. Annie softly touched my cheeks, I flinched a little.'How long has it been since someone treated me this way' An unfamiliar feeling welled through me.

" Thank you...I'm so sorry that you had to save the likes of us...I'm sure someone will still appreciate you despite the scars in the future..I'm sure of it" she said

'Oh….' I finally understood why she was so sad. Scarring was like a death sentence to a woman in this age. Though my face is unharmed, the body is still important. But, it's not like someone will see my body though.

"Right, and if some snobby lil brat insults you, give me a shout, I'll set em straight even with one arm!" Gale said he flexed his good fist. Annie nodded "I'll cut his most important bits!" Annie said seriously. Gale's face paled "o-oi A-Annie isn't that a bit much?"

"what do you mean Gale?" Annie said smiling brightly, yet her surrounding didn't look bright at all. "w-well I mean"

I burst out laughing. They really are the hero's parents, it's so weird how they are worried about me and the person they think I'll marry. I never thought about marrying in this world, I guess it just didn't cross my mind.

As they bickered some more, my mind flashed to the original novel. Gale and Annie, having sent their children away, fought valiantly and eventually defeated the wolf. However, they both were gravely wounded. Gale lost his right leg and arm, and Annie had broken arms and a torn leg. She was pretty much suffering from Magi-depletion.

Yet, as they relaxed their guard, another wolf showed up that was just as powerful as the one they faced, and killed them both. I lowered my head. 'This would have ignited the seed of hatred in Sorren, but...his parents are alive so maybe...'

I changed a big part of the novel intentionally, I could only hope that it wasn't a large change to affect everything else.

"Also...thank you for saving Sorren…" Annie said. I flinched, breaking away from my thoughts.

'So she did see me! AAGH MARBLES'

" I've been wondering for a while though….don't you have any parents? A mother...father?" Gale asked. Annie nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure they're worried about you...unless.." Gale covered her mouth before she could say anything else. I guess he knew she was going to say something about me being a dragon again.

'Hmm? I do have a papa…..wait'

"AAH!?" I jumped up immediately causing Gale and Annie to flinch grandly.

'T-that's right! I FORGOT ABOUT PAPA, I HAVE TO FIND HIM' I waved at the duo before dashing back towards the Moon Forest.


Gale and Annie watched as the girl ran off, her body already looking like a small red dot in the distance. 'I hope she washes the blood off though' Gale shivered, she looked so comfortable being covered in blood, like it was normal for her.

"Tch, I guess she does have a family, seeing as she ran off so quickly, haaah, I wanted to talk with her more," Annie said pouting. Gale sighed at his wife. He wasn't lying when he said she was eccentric. She loved studying herbs and medicine for as long as he remembered, but...she also had an unhealthy obsession with monster anatomy. If that girl turned out not to be human, He was certain Annie would have treated her like a test subject.

But, he found himself smiling. He knew that Annie wanted to do more for the little girl, who saved their lives. He felt the same way.

"It's about time we leave this place as well before something else shows up," Gale said. Annie stood up and dust off her torn bloodied dress. " We should head to the capital villages, they are much more guarded than any of the suburban villages, and also," Annie walked over to the burnt corpse of what once was the abnormal wolf.

A bright red jewel, like the color of blood, was poking out from the charred remains. She held it up for Gale to see. "There are some things we need to look into," she said. Gale nodded.

He couldn't shake the lingering suspicion. Like a large storm was brewing and that this situation was only just a tiny bit of it.

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