

CHEN_HEN · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Chapter V Ceremony

Free things are the most expensive! Zhou Mingrui muttered quietly that he planned to wait and refuse any additional services.

If you have the ability, you can tell that I am crossing!

Thinking of this, Zhou Mingrui followed the woman with a red buttered face and bent down into the low tent.

The tent was very dark, and only a little light penetrated into it, faintly reflecting a table full of cards.

The woman wearing a pointed hat was not affected at all. Her black skirt floated around the table like water, sat opposite, and lit the candle.

The tent is yellow and flickering, and it seems bright and dark. There is a sense of mystery at the moment.

Zhou Mingrui sat down quietly and glanced over the tarot card on the table. He found that he was familiar with the "magician", "emperor", "hanging upside down" and "temperance".

"Is Comrade Russell really a 'senior'... I don't know if he is the hometown of our big food empire..." Zhou Mingrui slightly moved his mouth, a trance.

Before he could finish reading the cards opened on the table, the woman who was known as "divination is very clever" had reached out and gathered all the taros together, folded them into a pile, and pushed them to him.

"You shuffle and cut the cards," said the circus diviner in a low voice.

"Shall I wash it?" Zhou Mingrui asked subconsciously.

The fortune teller wriggled with red butter color on his face and said with a light smile:

"Of course, everyone's destiny can only be divined by himself. I'm just an interpreter."

Zhou Mingrui was immediately vigilant and asked:

"No extra charge for interpretation, right?"

As a keyboard folklorist, I have seen many similar tricks!

The fortune teller was obviously stunned for a while, and then said


Zhou Mingrui put his revolver in his pocket a little more, then calmly extended his hands and skillfully shuffled and cut the cards.

"All right." He put the shuffled tarot cards in the middle of the table.

The fortune teller clasped his hands, looked at the cards carefully for a while, and suddenly said:

"Sorry, I forgot to ask, what do you want to do divination?"

Zhou Mingrui also studied the tarot card when he pursued the failed first love and said without hesitation:

"Past, present, and future."

This is a kind of divination card array in the tarot card. The three cards are arranged in order, representing the past, the present, and the future.

The fortune teller nodded first, then turned up the corner of his mouth, smiled, and said:

"Then please shuffle the cards again, understand what you want to ask, and then you can shuffle the really symbolic cards."

You were playing with me just now... Do you want to be so stingy? Isn't that why I always emphasize free? Zhou Mingrui's face twitched, took a deep breath, took back Tarot, reshuffled, and cut the cards.

"Is it OK this time?" He put the cut cards on the table.

"No." The diviner reached out his finger, picked up a card from the top, and put it on Zhou Mingrui's left hand. His voice became increasingly hoarse. "This card symbolizes the past."

"This card symbolizes the present." The diviner put the second card in front of Zhou Mingrui.

She picked up the third card and placed it on Zhou Mingrui's right hand:

"This picture symbolizes the future."

"Well, which card do you want to see first?" After all this, the diviner raised his head and looked at Zhou Mingrui with gray and blue eyes.

"Let's look at 'now' first," Zhou Mingrui thought slightly.

The diviner nodded slowly and turned over the card in front of him.

This card depicts a young man in gorgeous clothes, wearing a gorgeous headdress, carrying a walking stick on his shoulder, carrying luggage at the end of the stick, and having a dog pulling behind him. The serial number is "0".

"Fool." The fortune teller read out the card quietly, and the gray and blue eyes fixed on Zhou Mingrui.

Fools? Tarot's number zero? Start? Include all possible beginnings. Zhou Mingrui is not even a junior Tarot fan. He can only make a superficial interpretation of himself based on his impression.

Just as the fortune teller was about to open his mouth, the cloth door of the tent was suddenly opened, and the strong sunlight shone in. Zhou Mingrui, whose back was facing there, instinctively narrowed his eyes.

"Why are you pretending to be me again? It's my job to give people divination!" a female voice roared angrily, "Go back! Remember, you are only a trainer!"

A trainer? Zhou Mingrui got used to the light and saw a woman wearing a pointed hat, black skirt, and red butter color at the door, but she was taller and thinner.

The woman sitting in front of him stood up quickly and said sadly:

"Don't mind, I just like this. I have to say that sometimes my divination and interpretation are quite accurate, really..."

As she spoke, she lifted her skirt, walked around the table from the side, and left the tent quickly.

"Sir, do you need me to interpret it for you?" The real fortune teller looked at Zhou Mingrui and asked with a smile.

Zhou Mingrui moved his lips and sincerely asked:

"Is it free?"

"... no." The real fortune teller replied.

"Forget it." Zhou Mingrui put his palm back into his pocket, pressed the left wheel and the paper money, bent down, and went out of the tent.

It's really true that I found a trainer to do tarot divination!

A trainer who doesn't want to be a diviner is not a good clown?

Zhou Mingrui soon forgot about this matter. He bought a pound of lamb that was not so good at the "Lettuce and Meat" market for 7p. He also bought tender peas, cabbage, onions, potatoes, and other items. With the previous bread, he used 25p, that is, 2 souls and 1 penny.

"Money can't help spending, poor Benson..." Zhou Mingrui not only lost the two notes he took out but also took a penny from his pants pocket.

He casually sighed, no longer thinking about it, and hurried back home.

With the staple food, we can carry out the transit ceremony!


When the tenants on the second floor left in succession, Zhou Mingrui didn't rush to carry out the ceremony. Instead, he translated the words such as "Blessed Life Xuanhuang Immortal" into Gufusak and Lunwen. If the original incantation didn't work, then try again in the local language the next day!

After all, we have to consider the difference between the two worlds and do as the Romans do.

As for the translation into the Hermetic language for ancient prayers and sacrifices, Zhou Mingrui was difficult to complete because of his insufficient vocabulary.

After finishing all this, he took out four pieces of rye bread from the paper bag, one in the corner where the coal stove was originally placed, one in the inside of the bottom of the dressing mirror, one in the place where the two walls meet on the top of the cabinet, and one in the place where the sundries are stacked on the right side of the desk.

After taking a deep breath, Zhou Mingrui came to the center of the room. He calmed down for a few minutes, then he took a solemn step and walked counterclockwise in the square.

When he took the first step, he murmured:

"Blessed is the Yellow Immortal."

In the second step, he sincerely said:

"Blessed is the Xuanhuang Tianjun."

Step 3, Zhou Mingrui held his breath and whispered:

"Blessed is the dark and yellow God."

The fourth step is to spit out turbid qi and meditate:

"Blessed is the Yellow Emperor."

After walking home, Zhou Mingrui closed his eyes and waited for the result. He had expectations, anxieties, hopes, and fears in his heart.

Can you go back?

Will it work?

Is there anything unexpected?

The darkness in front of Zhou Mingrui was stained with the crimson color brought by the light, and the thoughts in his mind poured in one after another, which was hard to calm.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the air around him seemed to stop flowing and became sticky and weird.

Then he heard whispers, sometimes subtle, sometimes sharp, sometimes unreal, sometimes seductive, sometimes manic, sometimes crazy.

Mingming couldn't understand what the murmur was saying, but Zhou Mingrui couldn't help listening and distinguishing.

His head ached again as if he had inserted a steel drill.

Zhou Mingrui only felt that his head was about to burst and his thoughts were stained with hallucinations.

He knew it was wrong and tried to open his eyes, but he could not complete this simple action.

The whole person became tenser and could be cut off at any time. Zhou Mingrui inexplicably came up with a self-mocking idea:

"If you don't die, you won't die..."

He could not bear it any longer. When the string in his mind was about to break, the murmur of countless voices faded away, the surrounding became very quiet and the atmosphere was quite volatile.

Not only the atmosphere, Zhou Mingrui felt that his body was also erratic.

He tried to open his eyes again, and this time it was very easy.

The diffuse gray fog came into his eyes, hazy, vague, and boundless.

"What's the situation?" Zhou Mingrui looked around in astonishment, then looked down and found himself floating on the edge of an endless gray fog.

The fog flows like water, dotted with dark red "stars". Some of them are large, some are small, some are hidden in the depths, and some are floating on the surface.

Looking at this holographic scene, Zhou Mingrui stretched out his right hand half confused and half explored, trying to touch a dark red "star" floating on the surface on the right side, and looking for a way to leave.

When his fingers just touched the surface of the star, suddenly there were water lines gushing from him, causing a "deep red" explosion, like dreamy fireworks.

Zhou Mingrui was startled. His right hand was taken back in a panic. He accidentally hit another "crimson".

Therefore, the "stars" will also shine brightly.

As a result, Zhou Mingrui felt that his head was empty and his spirit was scattered.


In a luxurious villa in Queens, Beckrand, the capital of the Kingdom of Wayne.

Audrey Hall sat in front of the dressing table and rubbed the bronze mirror with old patterns and cracked surfaces on the table.

"Mirror, mirror, wake up..."

"In the name of the Hall family, I command you to wake up!"


She changed words one after another, but the mirror didn't respond.

After more than ten minutes, she finally chose to give up, pursed her mouth in the grievance, and murmured:

"Dad is really deceiving me. He always tells me that this mirror is the treasure of the Black Emperor of the ancient Solomon Empire, and it is a special item..."

Before her voice fell, the copper mirror placed on the table suddenly burst into a crimson light, which shrouded her.


In the Sonia Sea, a three-masted sailboat that is obviously behind the times is passing through the storm.

Alger Wils

Blessed is the Yellow Immortal

Blessed is the Xuanhuang Tianjun

Blessed is the Yellow Emperor

These three are Chinese ancient gods.

CHEN_HENcreators' thoughts