
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Kỳ huyễn
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355 Chs

I forgot to tell you 11


Floyd unpause the game and played one player, She made stew than went upstairs to bathe.

Floyd: I think your afraid of me

He said standing by the bathroom door

Josie: What can I possibly be afraid of

Floyd: Am your first, Girls tends to get clingy

Josie: Am never clingy Mr.

She said opening the shower curtains to look at him.

She finished showering, he hand her the towel by the sink.

Floyd: Why you never come downstairs all that time?

Josie: And Say what? Enjoy my husband?

Floyd: They..

Josie: It doesn't matter.. Because...

Before she could finish he took her lips captive, Noone pulled away so they kept kissing until of course Floyd wanted more than kiss.

Josie: Wait, Stop.. Um am not ovulating

Floyd: I don't care

He said leaning in for another kiss.

Josie: Floyd

She kept repeating until it sounded like moans haha everything he did remind her of that night he came over. Reminding her his hers, Looking into his eyes, It was no doubt she fell for him so hard, She was so careful not too. Her body responded to him like a foset he had the handle to. Him inside of her felt like the best gift she could receive, She knew his heart was good. She let go allowing him to do whatever he pleased. Complete submission where everyman heaven laid. Floyd never had someone who trust him fully, none of his ex, He didn't mean to gain so much feelings in such a little time.

Josie: Babe! Your too deep, F*ck, I can't breathe.

First time She called him babe. His over the moon with his queen but kept his cool. When they were done she fell asleep and he left. Waking up tomorow not seing him made her feel like a common hooker. Keeping him warm for the moment but he would leave in the morning. The next few day it continues, He would come over, They would sleep with eachother he would leave during the night. Today she was off she waited for him and of course he came at night. Soon as he saw her he started, kissing, taking off clothes, But when they get to the bed she wanted to ask, she didn't know how? When they were done, She sat on the bed naked thinking she should say something it was killing her.

Josie: Why do you always leave?

Floyd: I wasn't aware you wanted me to stay?

Josie: Um

Floyd: What is it?

He said scooting over grabing her waist kissing her back

Josie: Stay,

Floyd: Okay

He said seing how it bothers her he agreed, knowing it went deeper than she expressed, she probably been sitting on it for the longest. She went to freshen up so did he in Carla's room. Coming out the bathroom he seen her sitting on her mother's old bed, he realized this request of hers was important.

Floyd: Had to..

Josie: Yeah I know.. I thought you left and um..

She was turning red haha was she embarrassed?

Floyd: Come on let's go to bed.

Josie: Okay.

They went back to the bed. 7 month it's the first time she felt his strong arms wrapped around her. His scent caused her to fall asleep. He was brushing her curls back. In the middle of the night guess her putting her booty on him made him want her some more. He turn her over having her way with her, She was more than happy to feed his grown appetite. The next day both were glowing trying to avoid eye contact. She got ready for work. He walked her, they kissed and he left.

Doctor: Hello

Josie: Hey

Doctor: Josie?

Josie: Yes doc?

Doctor: You have two bars under each eye, Same as Satphire when she was pregnant

Josie: Pregnant? haha no I doubt that Doctor

Doctor: Hmm have a good day.

After school she would go help her husband in the restaurant, practicing bedside manners. Her tolerance was "none" haha. When they lock up he would sleep over at the appartment where he enjoyed her the whole night through. She never knew the happiness of having a partner, They would cook together, Play games, She roam the house in brah giving him access, He loved that. Days pass the light under her eyes kept getting lighter. Two pink and two blue.

Floyd: I think you caught something at the hospital, Let's get a check up together?

Josie: Why do you need a check up?

Floyd: My stomach gotten bigger lately, The way you keep spraying me I think I'm pregnant

She laughed so hard she snorted, Shocking her hubby haha than apologize blaming him for her snorting. Sometimes they would crash on the couch watching movies and ice cream all night. They went for the check up. She ask for a cream to stop the glow

Doctor: Your pregnant Ms Josie

The doctor said not putting her in a bubble. Floyd was so happy, She's devastated. Her partnership with Floyd was over, she didn't want it to end but what could she do. She got her degree to practice medicine. She was due in 3 months. FLoyd got ready for the quadruplets, He got his heir, his world started to make sense, hers was ending. She still had a good time when Floyd came over but she cried when he slept.


This girl is driving me crazy

Beatrice: Mom!

Carla: Cálmate your giving me a headache.

Beatrice: After 1 year am ready for my first show

Carla: Am happy for you

Beatrice: Are you coming

Carla: If I say yes will you leave my bedroom?

Beatrice: Yes

Carla: I'll be there

Beatrice: Bring everyone

Carla: Sure

She wanted to be a fashion designer slash a model. She left for a while to get permission from other planets to be apart of her global tour. Am sure Johny is over the moon with excitement seing his little girl back home. I pulled the covers to finally finish my sleep. The bed felt Lupy bouncing me up and down ugh!!

Cheryl: Mom where is Dad, I got this new move am dying to show him

Cheryl was 4 now, All I want is some sleep, I should of stayed in instalaxia after the investigation, Why does all my kids know my room?

Carla: Your dad left early this morning

Cheryl: Okay momy bye

Carla: Cheryl bond was with her father, She would speak very little words with me but have tons of stories to talk to her dad about. I wasn't jealous or anything I wanted sleep.

"Knock, Knock"

Carla: Am not here go away

Blue: Haha Mom am coming in

He said opening my door? Am so buying an lock.

Blue: Have you seen Dad?

Carla: Blue my beautiful Phoenix baby boy, Your coming inside a empty room with just me asking me for your dad?

Blue: Point taken I'll leave.

Carla: No, I'll leave..

I took the top sheet covering myself and flew to my getaway house where very few people knows about. It was above the castle away from the naked eye. When I walked guess who is freshly wash getting ready for the day?

Johny: Hey babe

The nerve of this guy?

Johny: Let me guess you slept down in the castle?

Carla: Yes for you

Johny: It was rather late when I went to bed plus all of our kids are here why would you sleep downstairs their only going to find you to ask stupid questions

Carla: Good night Johny

He smiled at me knowing he set me up.

Johny: Since your awake do you want to bless my morning?

Lately I don't have the words for my handsome King, I didn't say anything I went to bed.


It's been 2 months since the banishing, La is doing okay. They settled at this small town called "opposite attracts" where carnivores and vegetarian animals lives together separated by a street. La said Carnivores are able to eat the other side yet respect the circle of life or whatever. Its weird even for me. She explain the first time she got there they rented a cabin in the woods. The carnivore knew they were new in town they thought they can get a free meal out of the 4 of them. But Lee protected his territory Until their house was fully built and furnish, She said she loves the cowboy look on him, His muscles grow, his matured, He never talk about where his from or what his done it must of been the shame. They were still together, He was a difficult man but she learn to live with him. She has a idea for a business but they used up all their Golds to for the house and land. Angela will give some Gold away haha she's like that. She will be surprising her husband for his birthday. Now Angela just gotta talk to Chi about it than send over the gold.


The days are fast approaching for Josie to give birth, Floyd could feel she shutting him away again but his not sure why? She remodeled the room upstairs for the nursery, Floyd thought after the baby she will be sticking around to see where their relationship goes but Josie wanted to still keep the transaction professional, She knew after birth she had the kids for 2 weeks than she would be out the contract. She completly shut herself down, To keep her feelings in check. Tonight is her sisters Beatrice fashion show, Floyd and her are going. He came to her small appartment smelling so good dressing so classic, He brush his manly wave back, Nice suit with pocket watch.

Everything about him was a turn on to her. Smilling without even realizing

Floyd: Did I over do it?

Josie: No, you look fine come on.

Floyd: You make carrying babies sexy

Josie: Haha(Snort) Stop! I have to behave tonight my dad be everywhere.

Floyd: Haha alright come on.

Johny made a portal for everyone to get through. Carla and her king was sitting at the highest level. They use the same fighting arena as the runway, Television displaying the models. The models were all type of beings, In confusing clothes. Josie couldn't help but laughed, She wouldn't wear any of those clothes haha She wasn't that bold. She kept laughing on Floyd shirt.

Floyd: Babe come on

He said grabing her arms. Hearing him called her that made her sad knowing in a few days it'll be all over. She knows fairy tail don't exist. She had to prepare her heart for the separation. As the models shows off their dress, Shows off their talent, Some even lip sing During the show. She felt so uncomfortable, Her bottom kept feeling pressure.

Josie: Babe somethings is wrong

Floyd: Yeah those dam clothes

Josie: Ahhh

Her sisters who was sitting next to her knew she might be contracting

Angela: How far apart are your contractions?

Josie: Ahhhh Help me this hurts

Floyd: Oh Shit that's alot of water!

Josie: I peed on myself?

Angela: Babe, I'll be back Josie having the baby

Angela put her in a water bubble flying to the hospital. Floyd followed of course.

Josie: I want to push

Angela: Don't push yet!

Josie: It's coming!

Angela: No, not yet dam it!

The emergency staff grab her putting her in a room, Her husband rushed by her side, Nervous, once they found a room the kids came out one by one, No complication. Floyd cried seing his generation, She cried as well but for a different reason.

Floyd: You did so good, Thank you so much

Josie: Sure

She lean back as the doctor clean them up.

Josie: So I guess our agreement have come to an end?

She said with tears rolling down her cheeks, He understood why she have been so distance, She thought his going to leave her?

Josie: What did we have?

Floyd: 3 leopard and...

Josie: And?

Floyd: Jakal

Josie: Wait?

Floyd: Yes... I love you Josie

That almost made her heart stop. "He loves me?"

Josie: Stop, I know your happy about your babies, Don't say things like that I'll start believing it.

She kept crying, Why? This is the moment for tears of joy.

Floyd: I've been meaning to tell you, haven't had the chance

Josie: But what about the agreement?

Floyd: That was bait

Josie: What?

Floyd: Haha poor little fish, Your caught in my hook

Josie: So you want us to actually umm.

She said sitting up

Floyd: Your my family Josie, These kids are going to bring us closer you'll see.

He said kissing her sweating forehead.

Josie: I love you too.

She smiled, The doctor gave two kids a bottle and advice her to breastfeed the other two.

Floyd: Plus your crazy jealous

Josie: (Gasp) no I am not haha

Floyd: you'll probably send your injured animals to bite my ass or something

Josie: Hahaha shut up!

He fed two she breast fed the other two

Josie: Babe?

Floyd: I know names right?

Josie: Yeah what do you like?

Floyd: Another thing I love about you, You let me be a man but this one is all you am horrible with name.

Josie: The jakal can have your name babe

Floyd: Okay, The other boy can be called Joe after Josie

Josie: Haha alright and the two girls?

Floyd: Crystal, and miracle

Josie: Miracle babe really?

Floyd: Your my miracle. We will do better next time

Josie: Next time?

Floyd: You have no idea how many kids am going to give you..

He laughed in a evil tone.