
Chapter 179 The New Plan of the Tang Family Father and Son, Qin Xiao I Am Innocent_1


"You don't have to thank me, this is just an exchange of moves, not a life-and-death duel; it's only right that I hold back."

After hearing Sea Dragon Douluo's words, Qin Xiao shook his head.

"Admirable." Sea Dragon Douluo once again gave Qin Xiao a fist salute, his face filled with genuine respect.

Qin Xiao didn't say much more and turned his gaze to Bossi, "I wonder if the Great Priest is available now?"


While those around were confused, Bossi raised an eyebrow, "Your next assessment task is to challenge me?"


"Challenge the Great Priest!"

Whether it was the Sea Pillar Guardian or people like Zhu Zhuqing, all faces were filled with astonishment.

Everyone knew that this assessment was extremely difficult.

The Great Priest's strength was undeniably the strongest on Sea God's Island, and even a Titled Douluo of level 99 wouldn't be able to defeat her at sea.

Although Qin Xiao could, through some miraculous means, unleash attacks comparable to level 99, they still believed there was a gap between him and the Great Priest.

"Don't look at me like that. My next task does indeed involve the Great Priest, but it's not to challenge her. All I need to do is to withstand her attacks for the duration of an incense stick," Qin Xiao explained, gesturing to the crowd not to worry.

After hearing Qin Xiao's clarification, everyone's faces showed a dawning understanding.

If that was the case, it didn't seem too outrageous.

Bossi's expression returned to its usual calm, "Do you want to start now?"

Qin Xiao nodded, "There's no time like the present, let's do it now. Moreover, I have another favor to ask of the Great Priest."

"What is it?" Bossi didn't immediately refuse. She was curious to see what Qin Xiao wanted to do.

"I would like to take some people and leave Sea God's Island for a while."

"That's fine."

Bossi nodded, "There's a rule on Sea God's Island that you can leave if you last the time of an incense stick under my attack. It just so happens that it can coincide with your divine assessment."

"Thank you."

Qin Xiao smiled faintly.

Unbeknownst to him, a year had already passed.

Now, his injuries had healed, his strength had further increased, and the flames of revenge were rekindled.

Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan, Star Luo Royal Family, it was time for reckoning.

"But today you've already been through several battles and have expended a great deal of energy. Even if I win, it wouldn't be a worthy victory. Tomorrow at noon, outside Sea God's Island, I will wait for you."

"Great Priest, I can still fight..."

"I said tomorrow."

Bossi had her own conviction, and leaving behind those words, she turned and left without giving Qin Xiao a chance to argue.

The Seven Sacred Pillar Protectors also tactfully departed.

Qin Xiao touched his nose, slightly puzzled, did I say something?

"Let it be, tomorrow it is. Let's rest well today."

"Let's go, let's get something delicious to eat. It's been a year, I'm practically craving flavor."


Into the night.

The bright moonlight shone onto the dilapidated gates of Hao Tian Clan.

Tang Hao's figure stood on the ruins, backlit by the moon, lost in thought.

Tap, tap, tap...

After some time, a series of footsteps echoed in his ears.

He didn't turn around, but he knew who had come.

It was Tang San.

Still with his back to Tang San, Tang Hao said, "You've arrived."

"Dad, did you ask me to come for any specific reason?" Tang San asked, puzzled.

"It's not so much an instruction, but rather, I've made some adjustments to the direction of your future development."

"Adjustments?" Tang San grew even more puzzled.

He wondered what plan Tang Hao was conjuring up this time.

With a sigh, Tang Hao turned around, his expression somewhat complex as he looked at Tang San, "I've been reflecting during this time. Previously, Qin Xiao pushed us, father and son, too hard. I could only place my hopes on you, hoping you could grow rapidly to avenge us and your grand uncle. The pace was a bit fast and the process not very smooth, and it even caused you some harm."

Saying this, Tang Hao took the opportunity to glance down at Tang San while he wasn't paying attention.

There had been an accident when they removed Tang San's Bluesilver Grass Martial Soul, resulting in his current inability to 'rise to the occasion.' After Tang Chen was cured, Tang Hao had also asked him privately, but the answer he received was that there was no solution.

"Dad, why bring this up..."

In contrast, Tang San appeared somewhat uneasy after hearing what Tang Hao said.

He had never given up on treating himself, but he had never been successful.

Repeated failures had destroyed his confidence. Now, being disabled by Tang Hao was his permanent anguish.

His hatred for Tang Hao wouldn't be easily dissolved either.

"Enough, enough, let's not talk about this anymore."

Tang Hao waved his hands and continued, "I've been seriously considering it, and now that the ancestor has returned, Qin Xiao's days are numbered. We don't need to rush to improve our strength. Building a solid foundation and gradually advancing your cultivation level is more suitable for your current path. So, I've decided to find a Soul Master Academy and let you continue your studies."

"What, studies?"

Tang San was stunned, "Dad, I'm already a Soul Elder, is there really a need for school? Even if it's an advanced Soul Master Academy, someone with my cultivation level could graduate."

"Xiaosan, I've told you, one must not be too impulsive in life and must be patient. Schooling is also a way to temper you. The continental Soul Master competition is less than a year away, and it will be a great opportunity for training."
