
Chapter 166 The Trial of the Sea God_1

As Qin Xiao's words fell, everyone turned back to look.

Of course.

A series of white shadows, like spirits in the water, approached the Longyuan Boat at an extremely fast speed...


To be precise, they charged towards the Longyuan Boat.

"Not good, they are going to attack us. With their huge mouths, I'm probably not even enough for one bite,"

Ning Rongrong's face turned instantly pale.

In her mind, she involuntarily pictured herself being devoured by the Devil Soul Great White Shark.

With her small stature, she feared she wouldn't even suffice to get stuck between its teeth.

Of course.

Not just her, Zhu Zhuqing, Meng Yiran too were all ready for battle.

But having experienced the bloody slaughter of Slaughter City, they no longer feared death.

"No need to be so tense, with their speed, catching up to us is impossible,"

Just then, Qin Xiao's voice arose.

And to everyone else, his voice was like finding their pillar of strength, relieving the tense atmosphere immediately.

"Sit tight and hold on."

Qin Xiao's voice rang out again.

Without even thinking about what Qin Xiao meant, everyone instinctively grabbed onto the handrails and seats in front of them.

Boom crack!

The next moment, with the infusion of Qin Xiao's Thunderous Force, the already fast-moving Longyuan Boat surged in speed again.

Like an arrow released from its bow, it shot out.

Even in the water, it was fast enough to leave a string of afterimages.

"As long as we are fast enough, they can't catch up to us,"

Ning Rongrong said excitedly, her eyes unconsciously drifting towards Qin Xiao, but then she noticed an odd expression on his face.

"Qin Xiao, what's wrong?"

Ning Rongrong looked up with a puzzled expression.

"Your Highness, did you perhaps exert yourself too much and aggravate an old injury?"

Zhu Zhuqing asked with concern.

On Meng Yiran's face, too, concern was evident.


Qin Xiao shook his head, "I'm fine and in excellent health. It's just that this Longyuan Boat probably cannot withstand a Titled Douluo Level Soul Power at full output. I fear that after this voyage, it will be destroyed."

In fact, pure Titled Douluo Level Soul Power was not the issue. It was the Thunderous Force contained within Qin Xiao's Soul Power that was too violent. This was why the Longyuan Boat was at risk of being overwhelmed.

"Is that all..."

"I thought something happened to you..."

Ning Rongrong waved her hand indifferently, "If the Longyuan Boat is ruined, then let it be ruined, as long as it can get us out of here alive. If need be, we'll just buy another one later."

As Ning Rongrong spoke, she crossed her legs confidently; a mere ten thousand golden soul coins was nothing in front of her Black Card filled with nothing but zeros.

Hearing this, Qin Xiao smiled and said nothing more, focusing on steering the Longyuan Boat toward Sea God's Island and swiftly leaving the Devil Soul Great White Shark group far behind.

No one knew how much time had passed.

Maybe it was an hour, or perhaps two.

The passengers of the Longyuan Boat suddenly found themselves back on the surface of the sea.

The dazzling light made many squint or shield their eyes with their hands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived,"

As Qin Xiao's voice fell, everyone indeed saw that Sea God's Island was now just before them.

The next moment, the Longyuan Boat skimmed over the sea surface at a tremendous speed towards Sea God's Island, eventually running aground on the sand.

"Yay, we've successfully passed through the Devil Soul Great White Shark's blockade to reach Sea God's Island,"

After jumping down from the Longyuan Boat, Ning Rongrong danced with excitement.

The others looked around curiously.

Looking out, Sea God's Island was covered in greenery as far as the eye could see, making one feel as though it was not an island but a mainland.

The air carried a fresh, moist scent that was revitalizing, not the fishy smell of the sea.

The sands under the sunlight were white and fine like tiny crystals shimmering with a silvery glow, the sky a deep, pure, transparent blue.

"It's beautiful, truly befitting the heavenly sanctuary left by deities in the human realm. Even on the mainland, one would be hard-pressed to find a place that matches this scenery,"

Dugu Yan couldn't help but exclaim.

"If I could shed all the hatred, I would be willing to stay here for a lifetime,"

Meng Yiran's expression became slightly dreamy.

Here, she felt her spirit was being cleansed, profoundly peaceful and serene.

"If you wish, you can always stay here in the future,"

Qin Xiao said with a faint smile, but it soon faded.

"Your Highness, what is it?"

If anyone among the group remained calm, it was Zhu Qing. She vigilantly watched everything around them, also noting the changes in everyone's expressions. Qin Xiao's face wasn't hiding his emotions, and she noticed the anomaly immediately.

This vigilance was ingrained within her; she felt an inherent unease about unfamiliar environments.

Qin Xiao said, "With the commotion we've caused, someone is coming."

"People are coming!?"

Upon hearing Qin Xiao's words, Zhu Qing, Meng Yiran, Ning Rongrong, and the rest changed their expressions and immediately sprang into action.

Meng Yiran and Zhu Qing took positions beside Qin Xiao, while Ning Rongrong and Dugu Yan stayed behind the group.

This was normal, after all, these two were not Soul Masters known for strong offensive capabilities.

"Rustle rustle rustle."

At the same time, there was movement in the distant vegetation, and several figures rushed out, at least seven or eight in number, forming a line and blocking the path ahead.