
Chapter 143: The Reborn Yu Yuanzhen Attacks Again_2


It's considered a top-tier soul bone.

It's much older than the soul bone that exploded out of the Empire Marshal's body.

"Qin Xiao..."

Liu Erlong opened her mouth, about to say something, but was interrupted by Qin Xiao.

"Call me your husband, not Qin Xiao..."

He chuckled mischievously.


Liu Erlong's pretty face immediately flushed a deep red.

Without a doubt, she couldn't bring herself to say such words.

At least, not now.

However, Qin Xiao's behavior had moved her immensely.

"Could it be that Qin Xiao has feelings for me and that I'm not just a plaything to him, as I had previously suspected?"

Liu Erlong's perception of Qin Xiao changed considerably.

After all, who would spend a treasure worth tens of millions to give to an unrelated woman if not sincere?

Looking at the soul bone in her hand, Liu Erlong felt even more conflicted.

At the same time, she couldn't help but speculate that after refining these soul bones, the improvement in her Soul Power would instantly take her to the level 80 boundary, right?

"Qin Xiao, this is really a huge investment you've made."

Standing aside, Du Gu Bo looked at Liu Erlong with envy and said.

Even he was tempted by the age of these five soul bones, and Qin Xiao was actually willing to give them to a woman.

No doubt, the generosity of Qin Xiao made Du Gu Bo envious and a bit sour inside.

How wonderful it would have been if they were given to his own granddaughter.

"Heh heh, feeling tempted?"

Qin Xiao looked at Du Gu Bo with a naughty smirk, "Unfortunately, you're not a woman, and definitely not the woman who could move my heart, otherwise..."

"Forget it, it's impossible. Even if you were a woman, I wouldn't be moved."

"You brat! As if I need you to be moved!" Du Gu Bo was so angered that he blew his beard and glared.

However, he then said seriously: "I have a granddaughter, you know her. Why don't you consider it? Here's the deal, I'll give you a fair price. Not five soul bones, just three and I'll agree to marry her to you."

"Of course, I'll take the medicine garden as a dowry."

Upon hearing this, Qin Xiao: "...."

He was speechless.

Du Gu Bo was still coveting the medicine garden.

"You wishful thinker."

Qin Xiao said with a mocking smile.

But then, while laughing, Qin Xiao's expression became serious.

He looked towards a certain spot in the woods.

"Qin Xiao, what's wrong?"

Du Gu Bo had been watching Qin Xiao and immediately noticed his unusual behavior.

Inadvertently, he followed Qin Xiao's gaze.

There was nothing, right?

He couldn't help murmuring to himself.

But his face quickly turned grave.

Rustle, rustle, rustle.

The dense forest by the lake swayed.

And a sound was heard.

"Someone's coming!"

Du Gu Bo could vaguely make out a figure appearing in the forest.

Gradually, he was finally able to see clearly; it was a lean old man.

His silver hair was meticulously combed, not a strand out of place.

With just a casual glance at Du Gu Bo, he felt as though the old man saw right through him.

"What a terrifying powerhouse."

Du Gu Bo was startled and inwardly praised.

However, at the moment, he still couldn't recall who this elderly person was.

But one thing he was certain about was that the stranger was indeed a Titled Douluo-level powerhouse with no low battle strength.

In contrast, Liu Erlong, standing next to Qin Xiao, felt a shiver in her heart, looking at the old man approaching. An inexplicable fear arose within her.

It was as if a pressure of bloodlines suppressed her, facing a natural enemy.

Yet, at that moment, a warm large hand grabbed hers and pulled her behind him.

Without a doubt, it was Qin Xiao's figure that shielded Liu Erlong in front of him.

His face, too, took on a grave expression.

"Yu Yuanzhen, you're actually still alive?"



He slowly began to speak, his voice betraying an uncontrollable shock.

Back then, at the gate of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan, he had watched Yu Yuanzhen's meridians be shattered and witnessed him dying from the resulting cessation of his breath.

But what was the meaning of this now?

Resurrection from death?

Wasn't that just nonsensical?

"Haha, Qin Xiao, are you surprised, shocked?"

It was the first time Yu Yuanzhen had seen a look of shock flash across Qin Xiao's face.

In his heart, a sense of satisfaction emerged spontaneously.

So, this youth who seemed like a demon god also had human emotions.

Qin Xiao just silently watched him, no longer speaking.

Yu Yuanzhen didn't care about Qin Xiao's reaction and continued on his own: "Good, very good. Since you can be shocked, then you must be capable of feeling sadness, sorrow, pain, regret, and other emotions, right? Don't worry, we'll take it slow, bit by bit, I'll make sure you experience all of them."

As he spoke, the faces of Yu Xiaofeng, Yu Tianheng, and the many disciples of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan who had died at the hands of Qin Xiao appeared in his mind.

"Don't be impatient, just wait a moment, killing Qin Xiao outright would be too easy on him. I'll first cripple his cultivation, then kill the people around him one by one, making him regret provoking our Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan!"

Yu Yuanzhen murmured to himself in a voice only he could hear.

"Yu Yuanzhen, he is the leader of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan, Yu Yuanzhen."

Upon hearing Qin Xiao's words, Du Gu Bo finally recalled the identity of the man before him.

It couldn't be helped.

Even though he too was of Titled Douluo Level, the existence of the Clan Leader of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan was still far beyond his reach.

Despite being Titled Douluos, there was a sense of difference as vast as that between heaven and earth.

"You got it right, now take Er Long and leave this place."

Qin Xiao said to Du Gu Bo in a deep voice.

Du Gu Bo nodded, "Alright."

He knew that this was not the right time for conversation.

Liu Erlong obediently nodded upon hearing his words.

She had been told in detail by Yu Luomian about Qin Xiao's deeds within the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan.

Sect Master Yu Yuanzhen had taken his own life.

But now that the man had come back to life, he must be harboring some unknown secret.


Qin Xiao had clashed with Yu Yuanzhen before.

Since the man had come seeking revenge immediately after his resurrection, it indicated that he must be reasonably confident, posing a threat to Qin Xiao.

Even to the point of saying that he could kill Qin Xiao.

Liu Erlong was hot-tempered and impulsive, but she wasn't without sense.

She understood that at this time, staying by Qin Xiao's side would only become a burden to him.

However, Liu Erlong and Du Gu Bo didn't go far.

After all, Du Gu Bo was thinking that if Qin Xiao truly ended up in a draw with Yu Yuanzhen, maybe stepping in and delivering a final blow could turn the tide of battle and rewrite Qin Xiao's fate.

Once Qin Xiao was agitated, wouldn't he just return the medicine garden to him?

On the other hand, Yu Yuanzhen watched the two depart without attempting to stop them.

Because it was meaningless.

After all, his target was Qin Xiao, and the only opponent in his heart was Qin Xiao.

As long as Qin Xiao fell, didn't the people by his side become easy prey for his cleaving?

However, he still gave Liu Erlong an additional glance.

"This bastard child of mine, Er Long, is troublesome. Killing her would become a rift between us brothers, better just cripple her cultivation and bring her back to the sect, letting her live out her life as a normal person."

He felt that he was already being lenient toward Liu Erlong.

"Yu Yuanzhen, I don't know how you've come back to life. But coming to seek revenge on me was a mistake."

Finally, Qin Xiao spoke up.

If he couldn't figure out how Yu Yuanzhen had resurrected, then he simply wouldn't ponder over it. Since it was trouble, it was better to finish him off again.

"Hahaha, to tell the truth, your failure to completely destroy my body back then was the real mistake."

Yu Yuanzhen laughed heartily, his voice filled with an undeniable confidence and triumph.

Having undergone an ordeal of life and death, his cultivation had improved more than twofold.

Now, if he were to exert his full strength, even Yu Yuanzhen himself felt it was terrifying.

"Martial Soul Possession!"

As the shout echoed, a resounding dragon's roar emanated from Yu Yuanzhen's body.

Following that, streams of golden light burst forth from him, and a massive golden dragon's phantom formed behind him.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao's pupils shrank and he couldn't help but exclaim inwardly in astonishment.

A golden dragon, wasn't that outrageous?

He certainly knew what that signified.

All he couldn't understand was why, after Yu Yuanzhen had died once, he had lucked out and his Martial Soul had evolved into a Holy Radiant Dragon?
