
I'm your Destiny Milady

Flora Martin is 23 year old gorgeous young girl. she is born in a royal family which makes her the princess. she's the daughter of the most powerful businessman in the country. despite all these Riches and luxury she works hard to prove herself fulfilling the responsibilities as the daughter, a CEO and a single mother. her daughter is her treasure whom she wants to protect fron each and every possible danger that lingers on her. she has many hidden secrets which only few most trusted people in her life knows about. Arthur Kingsley is the youngest CEO of 'Kings Corporation'. one of the most successful companies in country S. with his stone cold gaze and icy personality gave him the title of devil's lord. he only shows his warm side to his family and his two best friends.he has super hot looks with the brain of Einstein. love is just another word with no meaning for him. like everyone he too has some secrets and a sad past which he wants to forget but couldn't. what will happen when these two will cross paths? and not once but several times. are they destined? can flora melt his frozen heart?. will he fall for flora's unique charm and her cute little daughter? can he fill the emptiness in flora's life? will the little girl accept him? we'll let's find out... ............................. Note : The cover doesn't belong to me and credit goes to the owner. This is my first novel so please forgive me for the mistakes and guide me through your comments and i hope you guys like it. Name of any country, city, company and hotels etc mentioned in this story are all fictional and has nothing to do with real life unless mentioned clearly, do not relate it to any culture , religion or nationality.

Firebird246 · Thành thị
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7 Chs


in a dimly lit room, a young man with lean body and handsome face was busy typing some codes on his laptop. his fingers continuously dancing on the keyboard and his onyx eyes was fixed on the screen when the sudden interruption of ringing cellphone halted his movements. adjusting his spectacles above his nose he picked up his phone and his eyes almost popped out seeing the caller name on his phone screen and he quickly answered the call. and before he could say anything the person on the other side spoke...

"I have a task for you tiger, I want you to find out some information about a woman for me"

"well hello to you too!." he said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes at his words.

"anyways!... Name? Or address?" he asked.

"don't know"

" looks? or profession?"

"don't know either" she replied. " young lady are you kidding me?" he shook his head and after a little pause he said " than how am I suppose to find her?"

" she was at the Central Garden today. around 4 to 6 pm. she bumped into heaven so you can easily detect her."

"Ooohh!!! who offended the queen this time?" he asked raising his brows teasingly

"Not me.. but my little princess. she shouldn't have yelled at my baby. anyways! you'll easily notice her in footage."

"got it!.. but you sure?.. you want me deal with her in my style?. you know me queen.. I won't spare my prey."

"No tiger!!... before doing anything send me all the information regarding her. I will decide what to do with her... my way."

"Ahh! you're no fun. are you sure you still remember how to deal with pests in YOUR! way!.. after pretending to be a good girl for 3 years?" he said teasingly smirking.

"Ohh! don't you worry.. I still certainly remember how to turn a tiger into a kitty... want a demo tigeee!! maybe it'll refresh your memory." she s

spoke sweetly but to tiger who knows her quite well inwardly shivered. he knows the evilness behind this sweet voice.

"You... No thanks!! stop scaring me okey I take my words back.. you evil woman.. Goshh!!! you didn't change at all.. I pity your future husband."

'god why did I provoke this little devil!.. this extra sweet tone still gives me chills even though it's been 3 years.'

she giggled and said "what happen tigee!! got scared already? Aww my poor kitty!. remember... I don't like people questioning my power and abilities. especially the ones who know me well, including you tiger. so stop questioning and start working, you have only a night"

"have I ever disappointed you queen?.. I'm a world class hacker for a reason!!... I never give half information. rest assured, I'll send you the background report of her by tomorrow morning. with each and every detail."

" Hmm.. now you're speaking like the tiger I know. I trust your skills tigeee!!.. good night"

"good night queen.. and don't call me tigee. " he said before hanging up.

his fingers comb through his shoulder length black hair which has electric blue highlights in the end enhancing his handsome face. he cracked his knuckles and started hacking the garden's CCTV footage. he succeeds in hacking it within a minute.after watching the footage his lips curved into a evil smirk. 'tsk.. tsk... too bad! I can't do anything to you Yet!!, my new prey!. you shouldn't have messed with our queen. well!... I guess some people like to create their own storms, just hope you won't cry when it starts to rain.' he thought and started digging out more info about the woman.

( Kyle aka Tiger is flora's university friend. Kyle was known for his amazing Tech skills and bad boy image. flora once helped him by paying his mother's medical fee as he had lost the battle and didn't have any money to pay. she knows that he pays his university fee by fighting underground fight battles so she offered him a job in her newly started company as a head of information technology department and also her personal hacker by trusting his abilities. he accepted it to return her favour. over time they become best of friends and discover many secrets and abilities about each other. now he has his own software company and also he became world's best hacker known as Tiger, a name by which flora calls him and he calls her queen because of several reasons.).

after calling kyle, flora took a deep breath and open her eyes. 'it's 10:00pm already!.. we should head to the airport.' flora thought. she called her driver to bring the car at the entrance and put their luggage in the car trunk. then she went to heaven's room, carefully carry her as she was still sleeping and head outside. her driver bowed and open the back door for her. she sit inside the car with sleeping heaven on her lap. when they reached, there were not many people because it was a late night flight. after getting through the security check and other procedures she board the flight. making herself comfortable on the seat she turned to check on heaven who is sleeping beside her. she caressed her hair than put on her EarPods to listen some music and soon after drift off to sleep.


02:30pm at Kingsley mansion...

Arthur abruptly woke up from his sleep due to a nightmare. and is now standing in front of the big window... staring at the bright full moon. the cool breeze of night and the enchanting moonlight leaving a calming effect on him. this serene atmosphere of night is creating complete contrast to his chaotic and lonely life... but he has gotten used to it, now it doesn't affect him anymore. he took a deep breath and went back to sleep.

( Arthur was only two years old when his mother left his father and him for another rich man. after an year his father married another woman... Clara, his step mother. little Arthur tried every possible way to get her attention and love but only received scoldings and ignorance in return. five year old him couldn't understand why his mother didn't love him?... he was too young to know the difference between real mother or step mother. although she was a bad woman... she never physically or verbally abused him or create any problems for him. she just didn't like him as he was not her own child and his face reminds her of stephen's first wife her enemy. so she never paid any attention to him, never cared for him, never made any effort to start a conversation. all her love and care was solely reserved for rosella.. her and Stephen's ( Arthur's father) daughter. Arthur was basically raised by his nanny and his father. clara didn't like him at all but she never stoped rosella from loving or caring about him. she never tried to separate them.

his little sister is the only person who's keeping him sane otherwise he'd have gone insane a long time ago. he Loves his sister the most and could do anything for her.

his father died when he was 18, leaving the responsibility of his company and family on his shoulders. Arthur worked his a** off to make his company one of the biggest and most successful company around the world. he worked day n night tirelessly to establish his place and to prove his worth. he became a cold hearted person whom everyone is scared of and a powerful man whom nobody can dare to offend. he's now at the top... but all alone.

he has everything.. name, fame, money, extremely handsome looks and success but no one by his side to love or care for him. love is bluff for him, a waste of time.)


X city Airport, Country A

flora and heaven are walking out from the Airport. she was a bit overwhelmed because she finally returned to her home town, her home. holding heaven close to her she started looking for her father's people. she can't let her guards down specially if heaven's with her. her wandering eyes landed on a familiar face and she walked towards him.

"uncle Julian!.. it's so good to see you again, how are you?" she smiled at the old man standing in front of her

" Welcome back miss flora, I'm so happy you're back and you too little princess!, I can't believe how much you've grown up in these three years. " he said patting her head.

heaven looked up at flora as if asking 'who's this old uncle?'. flora chuckle softly and said " heaven.. sweety he's uncle Julian. he works for grandpa. you can call him uncle or grandpa Julian."

she nodded making an Oo face, then smiled and said. "hello grandpa Julian.. I'm heaven. nice to meet you." she politely said and bow her head.

"Oh myy!!! you don't have to be so polite little miss." he replied " now shall we leave!.. master is eagerly waiting for you both." they hummed in response left with him.

At the Royal mansion, Leonard was walking back and forth looking at main entrance , waiting for his darling daughter and granddaughter to arrive. he saw Julian enter and went to him. "Julian where are my babies? why ha-" before he could ask anything more he saw heaven running towards him squeaking like a little dolphin " grandpa!!!.. grandpa!!!!.. I miss you! " she came and hugged his legs and Leonard picked her up laughing loudly. he is meeting her after two whole years. he can't explain how happy he's feeling to finally hold her in hir arms because all this time he only talked with her through video calls and phone calls.

" OHH!! my little angel!!. I'm so happy to see you my dear.. I miss you too darling.. so much!! " he said hugging her close, patting her back.

"only her?... what about me!!.. did you not miss me??" flora said pouting.

he saw his daughter standing with her arms crossed.

chuckling he spread his right arm open indicating her to come while carrying heaven on his left arm. flora smiled and ran straight io him and hugged him, her eyes teared up, she was meeting him after a long time. she missed her superhero, her dad. wiping her tears she looked up at him. " Papa!.. I missed you so much"

" me too princess... this mansion feels so empty without you and heaven." he said kissing their forehead.

" now come on!.. let's eat together!. you guys must be hungry after such a long flight. I asked maids to prepare your favourite dishes! " "yay!! flora squeal in joy. food is her first love and right now she's hella' hungry.

"what about me!!!.." heaven asked puffing her cheeks. "Ohh!! how can we forget about our little cupcake, don't worry dear they've prepared your favourites too.." he spoke ruffling her hair.

"alright now! let's eat.. and after that we'll go and meet your grandparents." flora stiffened at at mention of her grandparents. she likes her grandpa as he's a good man and he's always nice to her and heaven but her grandmother... well she doesn't like heaven much... or maybe you can say she doesn't like her at all. flora still remember the huge argument she had with her before she left this country 3 years ago. heaven was too small at that time. she don't want heaven to meet that woman as she was afraid that she'll hurt her daughter's feelings. " father.. is it necessary for heaven to go with us. I won't tolerate this time if she says anything ill about my baby. or what if she said something about the past in front of heaven I-" her words were cut off by her father.

"No... mother won't say anything,I've already talked to her about this. don't worry I'll be present there and won't you let your grandpa meet his great granddaughter... you're not angry with him right!.. so just relax, don't panic, nothing wrong will happen." he consoles flora and reluctantly she agreed.

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