
Chapter 14

The most extroverted of the three students, Alice went ahead to introduce herself to everyone.

"My name is Alice Black, I'm sixteen, my biggest dream is to become a great specialist in medicine so that I can help people in need" Ever since Alice almost lost her parents she has kept in mind that she should specialize in the art of healing so that she would never feel powerless like when she was a child and almost lost her parents without being able to do anything to help them.

"In my free time I like to make the most of my time with the people who are important to me and create good memories with them..." Alice's happy expression as she talked non-stop suddenly changed, her head and shoulders pointed to the floor and her cheeks blushed a little as she quietly spied on the three people in front of her and spoke in a hesitant tone of voice "... and my biggest fear, in fact it's a weakness, I have "weak stomach" to see people seriously hurt, I feel even worse if it's an internal injury that's visible"

Alice closed her eyes waiting for them to make fun of her, after all it was ridiculous for a person who has trouble seeing the patient's injury want to specialize in medicine, but what she expected never happened, the young blond man just looked at her with curiosity, the young bald man had closed eyes without sketching any emotion and Arthur sketched a smile on his face, but not a mockery, the feeling that that smile conveys managed to reassure her somehow.

"You did well, Alice, now who will be next?"

A few seconds of silence passed without either of the other two young men making any kind of movement, then Arthur sighed slowly.

"We will spend much of our time together at least this week, this presentation will make it easier for you to interact with each other and maybe it will help me understand what kind of training will be effective for each of you..."

Listening to what Arthur said, the bald young man took a few steps forward and began to speak in a cold voice and in a constant tone.

"My name is Oliver, I came from a small village so I don't have a last name, I'm currently seventeen" Usually only clan members have a last name, independent martial artists have the habit of creating their own last name when they become strong enough to create their own clans, of course, there are exceptions.

"My biggest goal is to get strong enough so that no one dares decide the fate of my life, and to achieve that goal I can't be afraid of anything, otherwise I'll never get there, my only hobby is training to become stronger"

After saying those few words Oliver bowed respectfully to Arthur and quietly returned to his place and closed his eyes again.

Then the young blond took a few rigid steps forward and spoke in a low tone of voice, clearly indicating his nervousness "C-Can you call me Jack, I'm also sixteen, my current goal is to become strong as soon as possible to get recognition from a certain person and my biggest problem is my problem for social interactions"

With his gaze fixed on the ground, Jack spoke quickly and returned to his place in quick steps, if someone looked closely they might notice that his face was paler than usual.

"All right, now I need the three of you to show me your martial arts mastery and your physical condition, I'll set up a specific training for each of you so that you can absorb as many benefits as possible while you're training"

Arthur explained that they would first display their martial arts, in sequence doing a series of exercises for the body in order to test their physical limits.

"You can all do it at the same time, it will save time for all of us and don't worry about me, I can observe the three of you without any problems"

Of course, the biggest reason for this was to prevent Jack from unconsciously suppressing his full strength while he was at the centre of attention, if everyone does the exercise sequence at the same time they will be too busy with themselves to pay attention to Jack and the "pressure" on him decreases considerably.

The three of them moved away from Arthur and took distant positions among themselves so that everyone had enough space to unleash all their power without the risk of unintentionally hitting another person.

"You may begin!"