
A dream!

He opened his eyes startled, (Are those my final moments?) he thought imagining himself as scattered bones holding themselves with what remained from his muscles and tendons. He did not feel pain but he felt his body heavy, something he explained as an aftermath of a whammy as he doesn't have a body to feel this way.

(Life is unbearable even in my last moments.) he tried to smile on that irony, in his last moments he didn't recall any specific events, he didn't want remember those painful moments or they were masked from his reach, it was a young women who stood in his mind, perhaps there was something beautiful there after all.

(I..I...) he felt bitter, he sensed some tears behind his eyes but he couldn't exteriorize them.

A silhouette appeared above his face, breaking his little sad expressions to disgust and agitation.

''Oh, you are awake!'' she slightly smiled.

He started feeling here hands on his cheeks when his senses got back from their departure.

''Oh! You are still in shock!'' She said concerned about his blanked out state and his frowned expressions.

Her green eyes were the same, her silky brown hair and red lips were on their place. The shape of her nose, her slightly awkward smile when she talks, to the faint tree moles on her left cheek were all as he remember.

He took several glances at her earlier as she was beautiful, graving in his memory every little aspect of her face, but he recalled her horrific form when looking at her now.

''..... choke you to death with her breasts!'' He jumped from her lap letting out a scream, his vision begun perturbing on the sight of the other girls who did not even bother killing him before ripping him off.

He felt dizzy and fell to the woman's lap, he had no control over it as he is totally drained to keep them fed even now.

''Are breasts that scary for you little boyy!''. Her teasing made him feel even worse. This 'Ara Ara' behaviour suits her appearance; the human form she is taking now, yet a monster wanting to appear sexy gave him the urge to puck.

He stayed on his back, the unreachable darkness he mistook for death was the unspotted ceiling going farther than he could see. He turned to his left side, toward the back of the victorien sofa, when he felt uneasy.

The women pout annoyed as he didn't reply to her teasing ''They were G cups if you are wondering'' she added.

There was no response from him. She caressed his hair and said in an alluring voice ''Quiet boys are the tastiest'' as a way to get him aroused, he got the chills recalling himself being eaten alive.

''five more minutes'' he mumbled. She took out a ''what?''. ''Just five more minutes of sleep'' he rolled on his stomach and shoved his head between her tights ''Your tights are soft, I will appreciate it if I stay like that a little more''.

She got her composure back after being surprised by his sudden change of behaviour. She put an alluring smile ''Ara Ara, going right to it without any introduction''.

He stayed confortable with his face deep in the gap between her milky skin ''You are such a bad boy to serve yourself on a women you didn't even talk to''.

'' I want to appreciate this first moment quietly'' he answered ''Besides, girls flirting back scares me, I can't hold those types of conversations'' he felt the need to clarify ''Not that any girl talked to me in the first place''.

''And you are confortable sexually assaulting them!'' she said playfully.

''Well...( telling her that I don't see her as a girl would be unexplainable) Feel free to choke me to death as a punishment, that's better ( than tearing me to pieces anyway)''

he got up and grabbed her shoulders ''Actually'' his eyes were sparkling '' you are more than welcome to do so'' ''this is every man's dream'' he was lustfully excited ''Help me make it true''. He leaned on the coach when he felt weak, he forgot for a moment that his energy is being sucked.

'' Huh, you are such an energetic little man. I can grant your wish to your heart content'' she grabbed his head and lowered it to her hips. He stretched his legs back to lay more comfortably .''.. but after the party is finished'' she removed her hands then placed them together to produce two consecutive claps.

''(Yeah that party, I already know that. I wouldn't really complice in being killed)''. ''A party!'' He asked in a surprised tone.

Youno wasn't foolish but he acted retarded at times. Looking dumb or do silly things to make people laugh, even if they laughed at him, was a way to make himself also laugh afterwards. Someones will say that he is weird or have no self respect, but he didn't care much about them as he cared about escaping the serious boring personality people lead to fit in.

Those behaviours started as a coping mechanism, he realized that calculating what he would do or over-thinking things to look cool to others just made him more depressed and feeling as a cast out, hence he started acting before thinking or do the first things that comes to mind.

Dumb people really does have it easy, on those thoughts acting retarded became a habit, a habit became his layered out personality.

''A welcoming party'' she answered when girls started entering on the order he anticipated.

''That's niiiice'' he put a dumb fish expression.

''(That was a close call earlier)'' when he was on his side, he had a brief moment to think about his situation. He had good observing skills and a flexibility to act at any given position, in reality he was the one who wanted to fit in around people and acting funny was a way to adapt.

''(Considering the way she acts, it sure is the first time for her)'' He had already realized that she never met him before. He assumed what he experienced as there first encounter was a dream or a future revelation.

He thought about this ability cause he read about it on some mangas. It was a handy ability as it helped him escape death by an axe, he can also escape death here as he know what awaits him.

He took a look at the door being closed by the girls, this is the only exit from here.

(Trying to escape right away from those numbers will be an open invitation for ganging up on me. I need to restore my energy first, then go for a dance and sneak out. Perfect plan) he was satisfied of himself.

It was this plan that made him act as he did earlier, enduring being touched by a monster and willingly do physical contact with them. It was easier on himself to view them as beautiful girls who turns to snake shapes by some shifting magic, and not actually man-devouring serpents who are disguised as girls.

The key of life is to lie to yourself about reality and pass trough the gates your delusion creates, it's the only way to keep moving.

The two girls came and supported him sit while the food was displayed in front of him. ''Say aaaah!'' one of them lift up a spoon ''aaah!'' he opened his mouth and they fed him.

''How is it?'' said the milf.

''The best I ever tasted'' he was chewing quickly, swallowing, having another spoon and repeating the process. The food was good, it was even better that it replenish one's energy.

''Fufufe, is it that delicious! It's self cooked after all'' He was still eating ''But chew nicely to not chock on it okaaay!''.

He emptied his mouth ''Your cooking skills are great, if I didn't know better I would've made you my wife''.

''Wife!'' she tilted her head.

''(Maybe she doesn't have it on her dictionary) You know, when a man and woman fall in love then they decide to spend the rest of there life together. They are husband and wife after going through some ceremonies''.

''Love!'' she tilted her head even more.

''Aaaah'' he actually never tough about a definition of it so he replied ''when your heart go Doukidouki and your mind go Ziinnnn and life go pshhhh, it's basically that''

she was puzzled by the weird voices he mimicked and his hands gesture

''You know, when your heart pump hard and you just know that you want that person... you just know, I don't know'' he took a grape and put it on his mouth, talking about love was a sensitive topic for him.

''Hmmm'' she put her finger on her lips ''So it's basically lust'' she concluded.

He remembered vaguely her speech about energy and lust, so she at least knows this feeling. ''No, love is beyond that. I would say when lust fade, love bloom''.

''Hunger!'' she added.

''HHH'' he laugh uneasy recalling that she fed on people after draining their lust. ''Something like that'' he was tired of carrying on this explanation, any answer would satisfy an unknowledgeable person.

The two girls tried giving him fruits as he shown that he wants them, considering his gesture to grab a grape. He refused as he just needs cooked food and pointed to another type of dish he wanted to taste.

"So I already had husbands"

''What am I gonna put in my mouth?'' he interrupted her while a girl was lifting a spoon.

''Meat!'' she briefly answered. ''Don't worry, it's as tasty as the previous. You can have as much as you want'' she did a 'go for it' sign.

''(Ooooh, so she doesn't want to inform me about the ingredients)''

He grabbed the girl's hand, gobbled that meat portion then tried to take the spoon ''I can eat alone now, thank you'' the girl was bright red.

A beautiful girl blushing should've made his heart accelerate, that if she was really a girl.

''(I need to hurry up before she realises I don't get excited)'' he dug into the food and took hastily several consecutive bites before he stood up to join the party '' If you excuse me, I'm going to have some fun''. He started unbuttoning his blouse.

''Of course, this ceremony is held for you after all''

He started walking ahead slowly, searching inside his open blouse and checking every pocket of his pants. He repeated this act again nervously ''(It's not here)''

''What are you searching for?'' She wondered behind him. His disorientation was obvious.

''A dagger'' he responded.

His eyes widened as he turned back.

''And why is that?''

It was those blunt rushed answered that got him killed in his dream.''Yo.. Cake, I wanted to cut a cake'' he tried to brush it off.


''That big mix of flour, sugar and other ingredients. If it was chocolate I will like it. And I need a big knife if I want to devide it''

''I have no knowledge of it so we don't have any here''

''Well, that's a shame. I considered that there will be one and I have to enjoy it with all of you girls since it was my birthday days ago. I hadn't an opportunity to celebrate it since I came here (to this world)''

''You can tell me the ingredients and I will make it for you''

''Noo, don't worry about it'' he waved his hands ''The ingredients can't be here (some are synthetic after all) and I don't like sweet things that much to give you a trouble. Besides, passing time with you girls is an enough present''

''So if you excuse me again'' he turned his back to her while staying hyper vigilent ''I will excuse myself for a dance''

She aproved in 'you were already going there' face expressions.

He shook his shoulders and hips, blinded among the dancers while copying their movements. It was hard at first but he quickly had grasp of it.

''(I don't know from where the dagger has fallen, it wasn't on me, and searching the room is)'' He peeked toward the milf, she was tracing his every move ''(...is out of the question. I have to escape without a weapon. The door is still far)''.

He danced a little more before going to rest among the girls chatting on the sides. He needs to preserve his stamina after all.

They were talking about some girls stuff, some daily life, it was stories about the outside world. They got to the part where they share their struggles, typical background female stories. It wasn't interesting for him so he took the lead to share various sort of adventures he read about, obviously as his own. He added some film or games scenarios when he got some sort of idea.

He stood up and put his hands on the air. ''Girls... Girls'' He called for them.

Every girl stopped what she's doing and looked at him.

''Can we do a different thing?''

''What do you mean?'' the woman on the sofa spoke

''Well, dancing and chatting and playing musical instruments is good. But can we play a game!''

[A game?!] The girls wondered between them.

''Yeah, since I can't match you on those things,I want to play some game to have fun''

''And what is the activity you want to play?''

''Well, it's a game where...'' he described a game where all of them will form a circle sitting down while one excluded who remain walking around.That one will touch someone at random then start running, the touched one needs to caught up before that one complete a turn and takes his place. The winner will choose a penalty for the one who lost.

''I will go first. The penalty will be that I kiss you or I enjoy your boobs bare. Is that okay with you?''

''Our clothing is unfitting, so you will have an advantage....I have no problem with that'' answered the milf.Including lustful acts made her approve instantly.

"And considering your worry that you will not look as attractive doing this silly game of mine. Actually goofy girls are totally my type" he clarified regarding the girls worrying between each other if they will still be alluring.

"Boobs shake when you run, the sweet running around your body and the fresh smile when playing. Whoooh! just thinking of it makes my heart beats faster"

Approving the game was fitting for doing their job, the girls installed as he told them. He put the circle to reach to the door as he walks by.

He started walking normally till he reached in front of the exit and stopped.''That was fun, see you later'' He sprinted toward the door and opened it ''(Well, I hope I never see you again)''