
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Sweet Lulabby

Mabel's eyes lit up at the mention of food, her earlier apprehensions momentarily forgotten. She nodded eagerly, her heart beginning to open to the possibility of a new chapter in her life—one filled with caring souls, warm embraces, and the promise of healing and happiness.

"Oh right, you haven't had dinner, have you?" Duke Caius's tone held a note of concern, his brows furrowing as he realized they had been so engrossed in preparing for Mabel's arrival that they had forgotten a fundamental need.

"Shall we enjoy dinner together, Princess Mabel?" Duke Caius's arms enveloped Mabel and carried her in his arms, his care evident in his touch.

Mabel's melodic giggles chimed in the air, a delightful sound that matched the rumbling of her hungry stomach. "I want meat and sweets!" Her excitement painted her words vividly.

"Of course, Princess. We'll make sure you have a feast. Look at you, so delicate and slender. We'll have to change that," Duke Caius teased, his eyes alight with mischief.

The words "delicate and slender" had barely left his lips when Mabel's expression shifted. An adorable pout formed on her lips, and she blew a defiant raspberry, her cheeks puffing in protest. Thin? No way!

In an amusing act of rebellion, she grabbed a strand of the Duke's hair, her little fingers wrapping around it like a lifeline.

"I'm not frail! I'm strong! I can mop and sweep all the floors in the orphanage! I'm really strong!" Her declaration held a mix of pride and determination, making her small frame seem larger than life.

Caught off guard but thoroughly entertained, the Duke couldn't help but chuckle, his laughter a deep melody that matched Mabel's feistiness.

He gently tried to pry her fingers from his hair, and in a gesture of sheer affection, he pressed a soft kiss to her indignant cheek, his lips a promise of understanding.

"Of course, my dear Princess. You are the strongest in the entire world," he declared playfully, his eyes shining with affection. "I'm all beat up now," he added in mock defeat.

Mabel's laughter echoed like music as they made their way to the dining room, her tiny hand still holding onto the Duke's hair for a moment longer before she released her grip.

Clara followed close behind, a fond smile on her lips as she observed the heartwarming interaction between the Duke and Mabel.

In that shared laughter, in the playful tugs and endearing pouts, Clara saw the Duke's genuine care and Mabel's resilient spirit.

She recognized that rumors and titles could never fully define a person, and as they walked toward the dining room bathed in the soft glow of evening, Clara knew that Ashford Manor was now blessed with a new story—one of companionship, trust, and the boundless potential of a little girl named Mabel.


The long dining table was a polished masterpiece, set with an array of dishes that sent a symphony of enticing aromas wafting through the air.

Candles flickered gently, casting a warm glow over the room as if to embrace the diners in its soothing embrace.

Mabel sat at the table, her eyes wide with wonder as she beheld the feast laid before her. There were platters of roasted meats, bowls of colorful vegetables, and baskets of freshly baked bread.

Her heart fluttered with delight, and her excitement was palpable. "Wow! I never seen so much food before!!!"

Having spent most of her life in an orphanage, a simple meal like bread and a bowl of soup was often a rare and delightful dinner for Mabel.

Sometimes, she went without a proper meal altogether. Thus, the sight of the bountiful spread before her now caused her stomach to rumble even louder.

Duke Caius smiled at her, he was sitting in the head of the table. "You can eat whatever you wanted Mabel." he said as he begin to feast.

Observing Mabel's slight frame, the Duke made it his mission to ensure she received nourishing and substantial meals.

At the tender age of eight, her height barely reached 120 cm, a clear indication of the challenges she had faced in terms of proper nutrition and care.

Meanwhile Mabel just nodded her head eagerly. Her heart fluttered with delight, and her excitement was palpable as she eagerly reached for her favorite dishes, her fingers dancing like butterflies in the air.

Duke Caius, couldn't help but smile at her exuberance. He watched as her thin hand dug into her meal with gusto, her cheeks flushed with happiness.

However, he also noticed the smudges of food that dotted her cheeks and lips, a clear testament to her messy eating.

With a soft chuckle, the Duke reached over and gently wiped a smudge of sauce from the corner of Mabel's mouth. "Easy there, Princess. No need to rush," he said in a gentle tone, his eyes warm and amused.

Mabel looked up at him, her cheeks turning a shade of pink as she realized her less-than-graceful dining habits. "Sorry, Duke," she mumbled, her voice a mixture of embarrassment and sheepishness.

Across the table, Clara observed the interaction with a kind smile. "Your Grace, I was thinking," she began, her voice holding a touch of concern.

"Perhaps it would be a good idea to arrange for an etiquette lesson for Mabel. It would help her learn proper table manners and other social graces."

Duke Caius considered Clara's suggestion, his expression thoughtful. "You might be right, Clara. It's important for Mabel to learn those skills, especially since she's living here now."

Clara met the Duke's gaze with a knowing look, understanding the weight of his concern. "But I think it is too fast to teach Mabel about etiquette, for now, let her just be a child."

The corners of Duke Caius' lips quirked into a soft smile, his affection for Mabel evident in his eyes. He didn't want to rush her childhood, wanting her to savor every moment of it, free from the constraints of formality.

Meanwhile, the subject of their discussion was completely engrossed in her own world. Mabel continued to eat with enthusiasm, her cheeks now puffed up with food, resembling a playful chipmunk.

Unaware of the conversation taking place around her, she was fully immersed in the simple joy of a hearty meal.

After the satisfying meal, Mabel's eyelids grew heavy, and her tiny yawns revealed her growing weariness.

The Duke, noticing her fatigue, rose from his seat and gently suggested, "Shall we head to bed, Mabel? It's been a long day of traveling."

As he approached her with a reassuring smile, Mabel's sleepy state got the better of her. Her head drooped onto the dinner table, and she slipped into a peaceful slumber right then and there.

The Duke and Clara shared a soft chuckle. Clara, sensing the Duke's intent to carry Mabel to her chamber, prepared to stand up.

However, the Duke's raised hand halted her movement. "You needn't trouble yourself, Clara. Allow me to handle this. Enjoy your first night here," he insisted, his arms gently cradling the slumbering Mabel.

Clara smiled gratefully and bowed. "Thank you, Your Grace. Good night," she bid them before they set off, the sight of the Duke and Mabel leaving a trail of warmth in the dining room.

Duke Caius cradled Mabel in his arms as he carried her to her enchanting chamber, a haven of comfort and care that he had designed himself. The room exuded an aura of love and warmth, perfectly suited to its new inhabitant.

With gentle hands, he tenderly placed Mabel on her bed, tucking her small frame under the covers. A soft smile graced his lips as he gazed down at her peaceful sleeping face, a mixture of affection and regret in his eyes.

His fingers brushed over the bruises on her hands, his heart heavy with guilt and with magic, he heals all the bruises, the new one, the old one. Not event a stratch left.

"I should have come sooner, I'm sorry..." he whispered softly, his voice a mixture of sorrow and regret.

The weight of his past sins bore down on him, a reminder of the pain Mabel had endured alone for so long. He caressed her head gently, as if trying to erase her past hardships through his touch.

He felt the weight of responsibility for her pain, the ache of knowing he hadn't been there to protect her. His gaze lingered on her slumbering form, a sense of longing mixed with the desire to shield her from any further harm.

Pushing these thoughts aside, Duke Caius leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to Mabel's forehead. With a heavy heart, he rose from the bed and moved toward the door.

But just before he could leave the room, he felt a small hand gripping the edge of his clothing.

"Duke, thank you for adopting me," Mabel's sleepy yet radiant voice reached his ears, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Turning back, the Duke's eyes softened as he regarded her tired face. "It's my pleasure, Princess Mabel," he replied playfully, a glimmer of warmth in his gaze.

"Would you sleep with me tonight? This bed is too big for me," Mabel admitted shyly, her vulnerability showing through.

In the orphanage, she'd slept surrounded by other children. The vast, luxurious bed was overwhelming, despite its comfort.

The Duke chuckled, his heart touched by her request. He ruffled her hair affectionately. "Of course, anything for Her Majesty," he agreed with a bow.

Positioning himself beside Mabel, the Duke faced her with his head resting on his hand. Mabel mirrored his movement, turning her body to face him.

"What do parents usually do with their child before sleep?" Mabel inquired with a burst of excitement, her eyes wide with curiosity.

The concept of sharing a bed with a family member was entirely new to her, and it filled her with a sense of joy she had never known.

The Duke pondered for a moment, his own childhood devoid of such interactions. But he was determined to provide her with whatever comfort she desired.

"Tell me, Princess, what would you like me to do? Your every wish shall be granted," he vowed, his words carrying the tender tone of a devoted protector.

Mabel's laughter filled the room as she responded, "I want you to sing me a lullaby, just like Anne said. She told me lullabies help you sleep better."

The Duke's brows furrowed slightly, uncertainty crossing his features. Singing was not a skill he possessed, and he was unfamiliar with lullabies.

However, a memory of a woman he had once loved crossed his mind, and a small smile touched his lips.

And so, he began to sing, his voice a gentle melody that flowed with warmth and sincerity.

"Close your eyes, my little one,

Beneath the moon and setting sun.

Dreams take flight on starlit wings,

As the night its gentle song sings."

"In a land where dreams come true,

Where fairies dance and skies are blue.

Slumber softly, safe and sound,

In dreams, adventure can be found."

"The world is calm, the night is deep,

In your heart, sweet dreams shall keep.

So rest, dear child, and sleep so tight,

Embraced by the magic of the night."

As the Duke's soothing voice filled the room, Mabel's eyelids grew heavy, and a serene peace settled over her.

The gentle lullaby carried her into the realm of dreams, where a golden fairy embraced her in a world of warmth and love.

The Duke watched over her, his heart swelling with tenderness, until her breathing steadied into the rhythm of a peaceful slumber.

This is the new added chapter, I hope you guys like it!

Suzu_Rimcreators' thoughts