
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Knowledge is The Best Treasure

Something caught Mabel's attention. She came to an abrupt stop in front of a giant painting. The artwork portrayed a woman with flowing blonde hair and mesmerizing purple eyes. The woman in the painting exuded beauty, her smile radiant and her attire elegant.

"Nanny, who is this?" Mabel inquired, her small hand delicately tracing the contours of the painting.

The exquisite woman in the portrait emitted a solemn presence that Mabel couldn't quite decipher, but it felt oddly familiar.

Clara, approaching the painting and seeing the curiosity in Mabel's eyes, displayed a hint of nervousness.

Despite this, she managed a gentle smile. "This, Mabel, was the Empress of the Isindor Empire," Clara explained, her gaze fixed on the painting with a hint of nostalgia.

"Wow, she's so beautiful! I bet she has the best life, wearing beautiful dresses and eating all the candy she wants. It must be like a dream," Mabel mused, her imagination painting a picture of luxury and indulgence that only royalty could enjoy.

However, Mabel couldn't help but notice the absence of an Emperor in the painting. This peculiar detail caught her attention. "Where is the Emperor then?" she asked, curiosity piqued.

Clara couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort. The truth was, that the Emperor and Duke Caius shared a profoundly complex sibling relationship, one that couldn't easily be summarized in a casual conversation.

This made the absence of an Emperor's painting in the manor an intricate matter to explain, especially to a young child like Mabel. For the time being, Clara had to navigate this sensitive topic with a carefully crafted explanation.

"Well, the painting of the Emperor is in a different room. That's why you can't see it here," Clara replied, trying to keep her tone reassuring.

Mabel accepted this explanation, albeit with a hint of disappointment. "Oh, I see... Can't I see it, then?" she asked, her curiosity still burning bright.

In Mabel's vivid imagination, if the Empress looked this breathtakingly beautiful, then the Emperor must be even more astonishingly handsome. She couldn't help but yearn to lay eyes on his portrait and let her imagination run wild.

"And isn't the Emperor Daddy's brother? Will I meet the Emperor someday?" Mabel continued with excitement, looking at Clara with hopeful eyes, eager to embark on new adventures in the splendid palace she imagined.

Clara cleared her throat, aware that these were matters best explained by Duke Caius himself.

She shifted the conversation back to their treasure hunt, suggesting, "Mabel, aren't we in the middle of a treasure hunt? Don't you want to know where the next place is?"

Mabel swiftly refocused her attention on the paramount matter at hand—their grand adventure and the treasure hunt they had embarked upon since the morning. The alluring thought of the Emperor's portrait could wait for another time.

"Oh yeah, I forgot! Let's go to the library!" Mabel exclaimed, ready to dash off once again.

But Clara gently restrained her, holding her hand. "Don't you know where the library is?"

Mabel's cheeks reddened slightly as she shook her head. "Um, isn't it this way?" she pointed down the hallway in front of her.

Clara chuckled softly, "This way, Mabel." She then led Mabel in the right direction, thankful that Mabel was still a child easily distracted.

However, she knew that these questions would need to be addressed with Duke Caius eventually, sparing her the need to continue concealing the truth.


As Mabel and Clara ventured into the depths of Ashford Manor's library, they found themselves immersed in a world of literary enchantment.

The library was a vast chamber with towering bookshelves, their mahogany surfaces gleaming under the soft glow of antique chandeliers.

Rows upon rows of leather-bound tomes, some ancient and weathered, others pristine and inviting, lined the shelves in perfect order.

The scent of aged paper and leather bound together in harmony, filling the air with the unmistakable fragrance of knowledge.

Mabel's wide, curious eyes drank in the magnificence of the library, its soaring shelves filled with the promise of adventure and riddles.

Taking a single, reverent step into the room, Mabel's gaze gravitated toward the massive oak table that dominated the center. She claimed one of the plush chairs, sinking into its cushioned embrace.

With eager anticipation, she awaited Clara's next clue, her small fingers tapping rhythmically on the tabletop.

"What's next, nanny? Does the map reveal anything?" Mabel inquired, her voice filled with youthful excitement.

Clara, her eyes dancing with amusement, opened the map and unfurled it on the table. The parchment transformed into a depiction of the library, revealing the cryptic number "7315."

Furrowing her brows, Mabel contemplated the numbers, her chin resting thoughtfully on her tiny hand.

"What does that number mean? It looks so random," she mused, her young mind diligently working to decipher the puzzle

"Well, Mabel. What do you think?" Clara, sitting beside her, encouraged her to think further.

Yet, as the numbers seemed to defy explanation, Mabel's frustration bubbled to the surface. She sighed heavily and leaned on the chair.

"This is hard! Is searching for treasure supposed to be this difficult? Shouldn't it be more fun?" Mabel lamented, her brow furrowing in dismay.

Clara couldn't help but chuckle at Mabel's frustration. She decided to divert their attention temporarily.

"Why don't we explore the library while we think about it? This place is beautiful, right? It would be a shame to just sit here without appreciating it," Clara suggested.

Clara extended a hand, and Mabel, with a sulking face, took it. Together, they ventured to the second floor of the library, where even more books beckoned.

With Clara's guidance, Mabel ascended the staircase to the library's second floor. The room stretched out before them, a labyrinth of knowledge with sections meticulously marked by numbers.

Mabel's sharp eyes quickly caught on to the section numbers, and her enthusiasm bubbled over. "Look, nanny! The sections have their own numbers! Maybe they have something to do with the map!" she exclaimed.

Clara, the patient mentor, encouraged Mabel's curiosity. She pointed at the sections and counted aloud, "It has seven!"

Impatient with excitement, Mabel tugged at Clara's hand, leading her to section number seven. Once there, they found themselves in the midst of history, specifically the chronicles of the Isandor Empire and the Ashford Dukedom.

Mabel gazed at the rows of books impatiently, eager to decipher the meaning of the numbers on the map and locate the hidden treasure. She was determined not to let someone else discover it first; she and Clara were going to be the victors of this treasure hunt.

However, Clara's observant eyes noted Mabel's impatience. She raised an eyebrow and posed a question, "How are you so sure that this is the right section, Mabel? Remember, the map has four numbers."

Mabel's excitement waned as she considered Clara's words. It could be section number 3, 1, or 5, and she might have chosen the wrong one.

With a perplexed look, she admitted, "Umm... I don't know, nanny, gut feeling?"

Clara couldn't help but chuckle at Mabel's honesty. "Well, Mabel, let's see the next number then, shall we?"

As they ventured deeper into the library, Mabel wondered aloud, "Nanny, what are we actually looking for? Is it a book or something else?"

Clara prompted her to recall the riddle: "What was the riddle before this, Mabel?"

Mabel tilted her head, pondering for a moment. "Knowledge is the best treasure?"

"That's right," Clara confirmed, "So where would you typically find knowledge?"

Mabel's face lit up with understanding. "Oh yeah! Books!"

Clara playfully patted Mabel's head and explained, "Now, Mabel, the three remaining numbers should indicate the specific location of the book. Number three could refer to the bookshelf rows, and another number might indicate the column, or it could be the other way around. What do you think?"

As Mabel gazed at the multitude of bookshelves, the complexity of the puzzle overwhelmed her, and she held her head, feeling a headache coming on.

"Ugh... I don't know, nanny. There are so many shelves and books. I think I have a headache just thinking about it."

Clara couldn't resist pinching Mabel's cheek affectionately, acknowledging the child's adorable puzzlement.

However, she recognized that this riddle was quite challenging for an eight-year-old. Nonetheless, she couldn't resist teasing Mabel a bit; she was just too endearing.

Suddenly, a soft, muffled thud echoed through the library, followed by the faint scraping of something against the floor.

"Did you hear that, Mabel?" Clara whispered, her voice tinged with intrigue.

Mabel nodded enthusiastically, her headache instantly replaced by a surge of excitement. "I did, Nanny! What was it?"

Clara extended a hand to Mabel, who took it eagerly. "Let's find out," she said, leading Mabel toward the mysterious sound.

They tiptoed through the rows of bookshelves, following the sound. It led them to a hidden corner of the library, where an antique globe stood on a pedestal. Below the globe there was a number; 7315.

Mabel's eyes widened as she saw the globe, its surface covered in intricate etchings of continents and oceans. But what truly captured her attention was the way the globe was now slightly ajar, with a concealed compartment revealed beneath it.

Clara gently pushed the globe aside, revealing a hidden compartment containing a small wooden chest. Mabel gasped in awe as Clara carefully lifted the chest, dusting it off before presenting it to Mabel.

"It seems we've stumbled upon another clue," Clara said, her voice filled with excitement.

With trembling hands, Mabel opened the chest to find a book with a luxurious golden cover adorned with intricate details with the Ashford family crest in it. The book was sizable, and its title read, "Ashford Dukedom."

Mabel's eyes lit up with wonder. "Books! Are they secret messages, Nanny?"

Clara examined the letters, her curiosity piqued. "It appears to be quite old. We may have just uncovered a piece of the Ashford family's history."

With spirit, Mabel and Clara returned to the first floor, settling at the grand oak table in the heart of the library. Clara gently opened the ornate book, its pages filled with the history of the Ashford Dukedom, and Mabel nestled closely beside her.

"Come on nanny! We should read it!" Mabel inquired, her voice growing soft despite her excitement.

The sun had climbed high in the sky, signaling the time for Mabel to have her lunch and a much-needed nap. Her eyelids drooped, heavy with sleepiness.

Seeing Mabel's drowsiness, Clara decided to weave the story of the Ashford Dukedom for her instead, so she closed the book gently and reached for the map.

It was a perfect opportunity to impart knowledge about her own family, nurturing her understanding and connection to her new life.

"Now, Mabel," Clara began in a soothing tone, "we should start a story about Ashford House because you're embarking on a new journey as a part of this family."