
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Bonds of Heart and Home

The night enveloped Mabel's room in a warm embrace, despite the darkness that surrounded it. The soft glow of the room's lighting revealed Mabel's contemplative reflection as she gazed into the mirror.

Meanwhile, Clara's tender touch brushed through Mabel's silver locks, the rhythmic strokes creating a soothing melody.

The conversation during tea time lingered in Mabel's mind, especially Clara's story. Mabel felt an urge to share something from her past with Clara, an inclination she hadn't felt with anyone else before.

Clara had shown immense courage by sharing her pain, and Mabel felt a growing sense of responsibility to do the same.

Yet, the weight of her history felt like a stone lodged in her throat, making it difficult to speak about her painful experiences.

Summoning her courage, Mabel started a conversation, a tentative step towards opening up. "I had a friend back at the orphanage. She's not with me anymore, but she's still alive!" Mabel revealed her words carrying a mix of nostalgia and a bit of awkwardness.

Clara's gaze turned towards Mabel, her eyes filled with genuine interest. It was a rare occurrence for Mabel to reveal a part of herself so openly. "You must miss her a lot," Clara empathized.

Nodding, Mabel continued, her eyes averted to the floor below. "Her name is Anne. I really hope I can see her again…" Her voice held a tinge of vulnerability as she confessed her longing for the friendship she had cherished in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Mabel shared more about Anne, the friend who had brought moments of kindness and light to her time in the orphanage. "She taught me how to read and write. She was just like you, nanny."

Mabel's excitement was palpable, her foot wiggling with the energy of her words. "You know, nanny, we often read stories about princesses and princes, or brave knights battling dragons!" Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she spoke as if the tales were alive within her.

She leaned in, her voice softening with a tinge of nostalgia. "But the best days were when the sun was shining brightly, and the flowers at the back of the orphanage were in full bloom. On those days, we'd put on our most beautiful white dresses and create flower crowns. We'd dance and sing until the sunset. It was like a magical world just for us."

Mabel's voice carried a sense of longing as if she could almost touch those memories with her words. Despite the challenges of her past, those moments seemed to hold a special place in her heart, a source of solace and joy.

Her eyes gleamed as she continued, "And you know what? Whenever Mrs. Jenkins punished us for some silly reason, we'd turn into heroes. Our holy swords were just mops and sticks, but we'd swing them around like champions! We played as if there was no tomorrow."

With each word, Mabel's animated gestures painted a vivid picture of the carefree days she had spent with her friend Anne.

Her words were filled with innocence and happiness, like a glimpse into the world of children's imagination where the ordinary became extraordinary.

Anne's image was etched in Mabel's memory, lingering vividly in her thoughts despite the passage of time. Though three years had passed since her adoption and departure from the orphanage, memories of Anne continued to hold a special place in Mabel's heart.

Clara listened with a gentle smile, captivated by Mabel's storytelling. The bond between them deepened as Mabel shared her cherished memories, allowing Clara to glimpse the layers of the young girl's heart and the resilience that had carried her through difficult times.

"Do you believe in fate, Mabel?" Clara's gentle question broke through Mabel's reverie, her eyes reflecting both wisdom and kindness. Clara's hand found its way to Mabel's shoulder, a comforting touch that carried reassurance.

"Sometimes, when people are meant to be in each other's lives, no matter the distance or circumstances, they find their way back to each other in unexpected ways."

Mabel looked up, her eyes shining with newfound hope. Clara's words stirred a sense of anticipation within, "Do you really think so, nanny? That I'll meet Anne again?"

Clara's pat on Mabel's head was affectionate, her voice warm with certainty. "Absolutely, dear. Fate has a way of weaving connections back together."

With a lighthearted feeling, Mabel began to hum the lullaby that Duke Caius had sung to her. The heaviness she had carried, the burden of her past, felt lighter after sharing her feelings about Anne with Clara.

It was a step towards vulnerability and healing, a testament to the growing bond between Mabel and her nurturing nanny.


As the morning sun bathed the manor in a warm golden glow, Mabel's excitement couldn't be contained. She awoke from her slumber with boundless enthusiasm, rushing to the foyer despite the pleas from Clara and the other maids to slow down.

"Calm down, Mabel! Let's get dressed first!" Clara called out, attempting to halt Mabel's determined dash.

Yet, Mabel was swifter than any attempt to stop her. Down the corridor, she sped, her heart drumming with anticipation. "Daddy's coming back today!" she exclaimed to Clara, her eyes sparkling and her voice quivering with pure excitement.

Today marked the return of Duke Caius, her promise of an entire day of play filling her heart with anticipation. She darted through the corridors, her pajamas billowing behind her, almost colliding with Charles along the way.

"I'm sorry! I'm in a hurry," Mabel chirped, not even sparing a glance back as she continued her sprint. Her bare feet padded the marble floors with an eager "thud" as she raced toward the man she longed to see.

Duke Caius, with his raven-black hair and captivating azure eyes, was engrossed in conversation with one of the staff. Unfazed by decorum, Mabel rushed into his arms with an exuberant cry.

"Daddy!!!" she exclaimed, wrapping herself in his embrace.

"Oh, my princess Mabel," Duke Caius replied, his voice brimming with affection as he effortlessly hoisted her into the air before enveloping her in his warm hug. "How have you been without me?"

Duke Caius was utterly delighted to be reunited with Mabel, even though they had been apart for just two days. To him, it felt like an eternity. The weight of all his burdens seemed to dissipate when his eyes locked onto his daughter's sparkling purple orbs.

"I'm great, Daddy! Nanny Clara is amazing! We went on a treasure hunt together!" Mabel's eyes shimmered with joy and admiration for Clara.

"Really? Don't you miss me?" Duke Caius teased a hint of playful sadness in his tone.

Mabel pondered for a moment, still bashful about her true feelings. She replied with a small fib, "No, I'm fine," trying to maintain her proud demeanor.

"Oh no," Duke Caius responded dramatically, feigning disappointment. "I suppose I should have been away a little longer, so my princess could truly miss me."

Mabel's eyes widened in alarm at his words. "Ughhh... I lied, I miss you, Daddy, don't go away anymore!" she confessed, embracing him once more.

Duke Caius chuckled, running his fingers through her hair affectionately. However, his playful banter was only the beginning of the surprises he had in store for his beloved daughter. The towering pile of gifts behind him held the real treasures.

Mabel's eyes widened in awe as they landed on a grand doll's palace, a plaything unlike any she had ever seen. "What is that, Daddy?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"That is a palace for your dolls," Duke Caius explained, placing her down gently.

Mabel cautiously approached the doll's palace, her eyes sparkling with wonder. "Wow, it's huge! Can I go inside?"

Duke Caius advised her with a tender smile, "You can, but I would recommend against it. It's just for your dolls."

Undeterred, Mabel's attention was swiftly drawn to the next set of gifts her father had prepared. Dresses and accessories spilled from the open boxes, each one more exquisite than the last. Duke Caius showed her a pristine white dress as a sample of what awaited her.

"All for me?" Mabel gasped, her excitement bubbling over as she leaped with unbridled joy.

It was the most substantial pile of gifts she had ever laid eyes on, and the prospect of owning them all filled her heart with sheer delight.

With a grin, Duke Caius confirmed, "Of course, all for you, Mabel. The butler and maids will deliver these to your room."

He then scooped Mabel into his arms, ready to fulfill the promise he had made. "But for now, my little princess, it's time to get you dressed. I have a beautiful place to take you, just as I promised."

"Really? Thank you, Daddy!" Mabel chirped, playfully planting a kiss on Duke Caius's cheek.

Her heart swelled with happiness, for this was the first time anyone had showered her with such lavish gifts. She remembered the simple, cherished bouquets Annie had given her in the past and treasured them deeply.

Now, in Duke Caius's arms, she felt like the luckiest child in the world.

"Oh, you lovely child," Duke Caius murmured, reciprocating with a tender kiss on Mabel's cheek. Their laughter filled the air, a joyful symphony echoing through the manor.

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