
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Ashford Dukedom

"Now, Mabel," Clara began in a soothing tone, "we should start a story about Ashford House because you're embarking on a new journey as a part of this family."

With a swift and practiced hand, Clara closed the ornate book she had just opened and replaced it with the mysterious map. Her delicate fingers rested on the aged parchment, and suddenly, a shimmering magic circle appeared beneath her touch.

Mabel's eyes widened in sheer astonishment, and she couldn't contain her excitement. "Nanny, you can use magic?"

Clara merely smiled, her focus still on the enchanted map. She continued to channel her magic into it, her touch as gentle as a whisper. After a few moments, she withdrew her hand from the map.

"I will tell you a story about a hero from the north and how this hero forged the legacy of House of Ashford from the ashes," Clara began, her voice carrying the promise of an enchanting tale.

Mabel's attention was now fully captivated by Clara, hanging on every word she spoke. Her fascination peaked when the map underwent another transformation, displaying the title, "The Founder of House of Ashford." Excitement coursed through her.

"Once upon a time," Clara began, her voice carrying a hint of magic itself, "there was a knight who was fiercely loyal to the King of Isandor. With unwavering bravery, he fearlessly eradicated every enemy and vanquished the foulest monsters that threatened the kingdom. His valor ultimately played a pivotal role in elevating the once Kingdom of Isandor into a grand Empire."

As Clara spoke, the map came alive, depicting the knight in glorious battle, his sword gleaming with blood as he stood resolute against hordes of foes. Mabel could practically hear the clang of steel and the anguished cries of his adversaries.

Under the knight's leadership, the Kingdom achieved countless victories and rewrote history, transforming the Kingdom of Isandor into a mighty Empire. Clara's storytelling was so vivid that Mabel was utterly absorbed.

"Recognizing his unparalleled bravery and unwavering loyalty, the Emperor rewarded the knight with a vast northern region to govern, which he named House of Ashford. It derived its name from 'ash,' for the knight had fashioned it from the very ashes of his enemies to his resplendent glory."

Clara paused for a moment, and the map shifted again, this time portraying the knight kneeling before the King. Mabel watched with rapt attention as the King touched the knight's shoulder with his sword, bestowing upon him a revered title: "The Ashen Phoenix."

"Much like their namesake, the Ashford family has been known for its signature black hair, fiery red eyes, and mastery over the elemental magic of fire."


Before Mabel could voice her question, Clara gently placed a finger on her lips. "Now, dear, let's save your questions for later, shall we?"

Clara continued her tale, her voice taking on a dramatic tone. "However, not everyone looked kindly upon the Duke of Ashford. Some considered him an eyesore. As a result, neighboring kingdoms cast a malevolent curse upon the descendants of Ashford."

She paused for effect, letting the weight of the curse sink in before continuing, "This curse exacted a heavy price, diminishing their lifespan each time they wielded their formidable magic. To make matters worse, they plunged the once thriving northern lands into eternal winter, turning the fertile land barren."

Mabel's eyes filled with tears, her concern for her father evident in her voice as she questioned, "What about Daddy? Will he meet the same fate?"

Clara, wiping away Mabel's tears with tenderness, replied, "Mabel, this isn't the end of our story. So, please, keep listening, alright?"

The map, as if burdened by the weight of centuries, underwent another transformation. It portrayed the Ashford founder and his descendants, each surrendering to an eternal slumber, their eyes closing in endless rest.

Beside them, the once-flourishing lands now lay under a relentless blanket of never-ending winter, a cruel chill that tormented the land's inhabitants and left them in enduring suffering.

"How about daddy? Does he will end up like that too?" Mabel asked urgently, her voice laced with worry and her eyes started to shed tears.

Mabel couldn't fathom the thought of her father enduring the pain of the magic curse, like all the Ashford descendants before him. The idea of him suffering and leaving her alone weighed heavily on her young heart.

"Mabel, this is not the end of the story. So keep listening, alright?" Clara then gently wiped her tears

Mabel steeled herself for the story Clara was about to share. She hoped it would be a tale with a happy ending, much like the fairytales she had read.

"Nowadays, there are just two descendants left of the House of Ashford. Your father was not originally an Ashford; he was granted the title of Duke by the Emperor to carry on the legacy of the House."

Clara's reassuring touch on Mabel's shoulder helped calm her racing heart. The relief washed over her as she realized her father was not bound by the curse.

With her worries now eased, Mabel's curiosity shifted to the remaining Ashford descendants. "What about the two descendants of Ashford? Why haven't they been ruling their land?" she inquired.

"They are still children, Mabel. One of them is your age, and the oldest is twelve years old. They are not yet old enough to rule their land," Clara explained, her fingers gently stroking Mabel's hair.

Excitement bubbled up within Mabel as she considered the possibility of having brothers. The thought of siblings filled her with joy, as she had always been alone, except for her one and only friend, Anne. The prospect of playmates thrilled her.

"So, does this mean I have brothers?" Mabel asked, her enthusiasm evident in her voice.

Clara smiled warmly. "Practically, yes, they are like your brothers because you all share the Ashford name. The eldest is named Drystan, and the youngest one is Damien."

"Wow! When can I meet and play with them? And why am I not in Ashford territory?" Mabel bombarded Clara with questions, her impatience palpable.

Clara chuckled in response. "You'll have to ask His Grace for the answers to those questions, Mabel."

She continued, "What I do know is that the Ashford land isn't suitable for a child to grow up in, and I believe His Grace didn't want you to endure the harsh winters and the barren lands there."

Mabel huffed with determination, folding her arms across her chest. "Hmph! I'm not weak, Nanny. I can handle any weather out there! Back at the orphanage, I even bathed with icy cold water," she boasted, her eyes gleaming with pride.

Clara couldn't help but pinch Mabel's cheek affectionately. "But you've never experienced a winter like the ones in Ashford. Even in the coldest weather in Paladia city, it would never be as frigid as Ashford."

"From the beginning to the end of the year, the warm sun always shines on Paladia, and the flowers bloom beautifully. You would never have to endure the harsh winters and the desolation of Ashford's land. His Grace truly loves you, Mabel. That's why he left his territory, so you could live here in peace with him."

Clara's explanation touched and frustrated Mabel simultaneously. She didn't see herself as so fragile that she needed protection even from the weather.

Moreover, she felt like a burden to her father. For now, she was determined to persuade her father to take her back to the Ashford territory.

"I'll ask Daddy to take me to the Ashford territory!" she declared resolutely.

Clara chuckled softly, understanding Mabel's determination. Their conversation continued for a while longer before it was unexpectedly interrupted by Charles.

"Lady, I think it's time for Princess Mabel to have lunch," he said politely before taking his leave.

"Ah, right. We'll head to the dining room immediately," Clara responded.

"But what about the next clue? I want my treasure!" Mabel protested.

Clara, realizing her oversight regarding their treasure hunt, silently infused another hint into the map, causing it to reveal the next clue.

With excitement, Mabel read the clue on the map. "Follow your senses to where flavors dance, and culinary secrets find their chance."

Bubbling with enthusiasm, Mabel grabbed Clara's hand, eager to continue the adventure. "Come, Nanny! We have to find the next puzzle!"

However, Clara gently held Mabel's hand back, her expression softening. "Dear, why don't we have lunch first? We can explore the next place tomorrow. You need to take your nap."

"But the puzzle!" Mabel sulked, disappointed that she wouldn't get to find her treasure immediately.

"No 'buts,' alright? Let's go to the dining room now," Clara said firmly.

Mabel flinched for a moment, her past experiences haunting her, fearing a harsh punishment for her haste. "I'm sorry, nanny, I didn't mean that. Please don't punish me," she stammered, her voice filled with trepidation.

Clara's heart went out to the young girl, and her tone softened as she knelt in front of Mabel. "Oh, no, Mabel, I will never punish you for such a trivial matter, alright?" She gently brushed Mabel's cheek, reassuring her.

Mabel nodded, beginning to realize that Clara was unlike Mrs. Jenkins at the orphanage. Here, she was safe, and no harm would come to her.

Hand in hand, they made their way to the dining room, Mabel's fear replaced with a newfound sense of security.

As they walked down the corridor toward the dining room, Clara suddenly asked, "How's your day been, Mabel? Are you having fun?"

Mabel didn't hesitate to respond, nodding vigorously. "Yes, Nanny! It's been so much fun! Everyone is so kind to me, and I've gotten lots of candy and had amazing adventures."

Clara gently patted Mabel's head. "I'm glad you're enjoying it, Mabel. If you ever want another adventure or to see more magic, you can always come to me, alright?"

"Of course! I'd love to see more magic! Nanny is really good at it, and that map is amazing! I bet there are many treasures hidden in this manor, right? I hope we can find all of them!" Mabel exclaimed, her purple eyes shining with excitement as she swung the hand that held Clara's.

Her impression of Clara had transformed as she realized Clara meant her no harm.

This brought a warm smile to Clara's face and filled her with happiness. Her goal of becoming close to Mabel and providing a safe environment seemed to be succeeding.

She hoped that one day, Mabel would trust her enough to share her pain, allowing Clara to help her heal.

With that, the two of them walked peacefully to the dining room. The sun shone brightly, casting a hopeful light on their day, full of promise for the adventures yet to come.