
I'm the Greatest Cultivation Teacher

With a glance from his eyes, all tremble. A mere stare robs mortals of their longevity. What happens when the Son of Destiny, meant to inherit untold power, vanishes from the world for countless years then suddenly returns? A story of the Greatest Cultivation Teacher and his Legendary Students! _____________ Cover is not owned by me, so if you would like me to take it down please say so.

CocoonedDaoist · Kỳ huyễn
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67 Chs

Establishing A Home

After Nyx properly entered the Graikos Realm, Logean Wuji returned to his incarnation in the Qin Realm and awaited her arrival there. It was by no mistake that he had told Zeus to instruct Nyx to go to the Qin Realm.

Standing in the ancient village atop Mount Logean, overlooking the village below, Logean Wuji took long breaths and stilled his being. Arcs of gold, red, blue and black lightning sparked around the surface of his body. His hair seemed to stiffen and become rock-like as it also rose into the air.

Around his body, gravity was repulsed and caught in an unstoppable reversal. With each breath Logean Wuji took, the area of reversed gravity expanded. This continued until it was around ten meters in diameter, then it stopped growing.

"Inner body seals the soul beyond where spirit can reach. If all things must return to nothing, then nothing must become something new. Divine lightning, law of the world; creation of all, destruction of all. From Nothingness, Chaos is Divided for All to be Born."

The different colored arcs assumed the shapes of cosmic singularities, stars, black holes and white holes. Time and space became irrelevant constructs, light and darkness faded away and all of existence became a fickle, fragile thing. Logean Wuji himself was transfigured from a human form into a form without form. His shape was shapeless, colorlessness filled him yet emptiness abounded within him.

Infinity was exuded from him and eternity was now a distinctly clear part of his aura. Even so, his body's aura no longer seemed to exist. It was a state unlike any other- something that should not exist even by Mythical Realm standards.

Logean Wuji lifted his feet from the ground, folding them as he entered meditation while floating a few feet off the ground. The lightning constructs around him swirled like natural celestial bodies, acting no different than their real-life counterparts would, but contained within that small space.

Before long, the realm was breached and Nyx appeared in the skies, her eyes immediately landing on the mountain. Logean Wuji's eyes snapped open, then he and his phenomenon vanished and arrived in the air in front of Nyx, evoking a shriek from the surprised woman.

When Nyx saw Logean Wuji's state, she lost control of her body, mind and soul. Without knowing it, her soul left her body and floated over to Logean Wuji, prostrating itself.

"Nyx, I know we have only just spoken, but I could only do this here."

Logean Wuji recalled everything around him, and the zone of reversed gravity also went away. The only thing that stayed the same was his body, like a Logean Wuji-shaped form made of pure cosmos. Nyx's soul was terrified and dared not raise its head. Instead, weak and pitiful fluctuations came from it that carried her voice.

"I am simply glad we could talk again so soon, Young Master."

Logean Wuji chuckled, then a number of spherical lights emerged from his body. As they popped out, they resembled glass marbles being pulled from a thick goo. Circling him in the air, these lights glowed at varying intensities but never settled on one. They seemed to be in a dormant state, waiting for his orders.

"Nyx, I have done all that I will. It will be up to you and the others from now on. Siddartha, Guanyin and Sun Wukong are here in my realm and will be joining you eventually. Until then, find the others and gather them wherever you wish. Plan well, retake the Mythical Realm and restore the clans."

Nyx soul emitted a few weak fluctuations, saying, "As you wish, Young Master. I shall not fail."

Logean Wuji's formless head seemed to nod and then he continued.

"From this moment onward, I will bind myself to the Qin Realm for one hundred years. In order for me to create a law powerful enough to bind even myself, I have burned the essence of my soul and thus opened a pathway from this realm into the Omniverse. This realm will soon develop a Wall of Primal Chaos, meaning that it will soon become its own dimension."

Nyx soul then said, "Young Master, you mean to say that-"

"Yes, Nyx. The Qin Realm is my home now. I will take for myself disciples, and give my all to train them. My ties to you, the Mythical Realm- the Thirteenth Void as a whole- have truly been severed this day. As my Qin Realm slowly grows into a new dimension, it will slowly become detached from the Thirteenth Void."

Logean Wuji's words seemed to set something into motion, and the lights around him shot off, each in a different direction. As they surpassed the speed of light, they entered the chaotic void and broke through the primal chaos zone, escaping into the multiverse known as the Thirteenth Void.

Those lights then reached every possible edge of the Thirteenth Void, coming into contact with an unimaginably thick, tall and solid wall. The aura of yin and yang seemed to birthed from this wall, providing the potential energy for any and all things to be born.

Logean Wuji's light pierced the Primal Chaos Wall, breaking into the Omniverse and whatever existed within.

Back in the Qin Realm, Logean Wuji had now become something else entirely. His eyes were like blinding suns, filling the world with so much light that it became nothing but pure white! His body expanded, growing to a size much larger than that of Mount Logean.

Nyx soul was scared back into its body, where she found herself shaking like a leaf in panic.

"I, Logean Wuji, do invoke the Omni-Law! No longer shall this be the Qin Realm. It shall become ...Akna-Logea!"

His voice filled the world, shattering any existing barrier and spilling forth into all existence in the Thirteenth Void. Without a powerful enough soul, one would only hear divine thunder. However, those with powerful souls like Zeus, Nephele, Xiwang Mu and others were easily able to hear him.

This was the declaration worthy of one who ruled above the multiverse. This was the might of Logean Wuji!

"My Divine Soul will be unable to leave Akna-Logea for one hundred years! I hereby confine myself to it! These are my words; my words are Law!"

The very second that he was finished speaking, Nyx was forcibly removed from Akna-Logea by Logean Wuji's words. She would never be able to return to it, no matter what she did. Unless Logean Wuji wanted her to return, she would never be able to. This was the power of one beyond Primal Chaos itself.

Once he finished this, the lights that had broken into the Omniverse returned and reentered Akna-Logea, then sunk into his body again. His body returned to its usual, human state, then he returned to Mount Logean.

Around the world, people were in utter confusion. After hearing that divine thunder, which was what most of them heard, they were scared shitless. This was enough to convince the majority that the heavens were angered by either them or their ancestors, sending them into immediate sessions of fasting, praying and repenting. They lit incense, spat on the graves of their forefathers, sacrificed animals and- in some cases- children as well.

"The Mandate of Heaven has been passed! The Mandate of Heaven has been passed! We will all die if we do not repent!"

A local, known stoner was going around the village beneath Mount Logean in his half-naked state. He held up various signs on which were written various warnings and curses.

"Shut up, crackhead! Go find your ancestor's grave and piss on it! If you're running on empty, Cousin Lie is giving away free jugs of water for only one bronze coin!"

"Wait, but didn't you say it was free?"

"Huh? Wait a min- That crook, Lie Shilang! Scum like him is the reason Heaven is angry! Find him and flay him alive!"

"Ah, Brother Chen, isn't Lie Shilang your cousin?"

"Does Heaven give a shit about cousins!? No! Even if that wasn't the case, the little shit used to steal my underpants and make me chase after him naked! All the girls in the village laughed at me back then. Oh- There he is! Grab him!"

"Ah! Chen Zhen, save me!"

"Save who? You? Stop farting from your mouth and die as a sacrifice to Heaven! This is for making Xian'er laugh at me when we were kids!"


"And Xiao'er, too!"


Chaos ensued in the village, and even elsewhere.

In the Proud Heaven Empire, rushing to and fro on the golden streets, mortals were screaming, praying, cursing and fighting with each other. The looters had already come out in their colors, robbing left and right. Frightened people were rushing to their homes, or in search of their family members. Others were locking up their home, lighting incense and praying to the Gods of Heaven in earnest.

Within the Proud Heaven Acadamy was a certain mighty pagoda, high above the rest of the empire. In it, an old man seemingly made of smoke was in deep meditation before the smoke whirled and he awoke, his eyes shining a deep and sinister red.

"Logean Wuji!?"

In the east, where the so-called Gautama Buddha Monastery was, monks were running around like headless chickens, prayer beads in hand as they chanted sutras and mantras, prayers and poems. Some of them were bowing to the statues of Buddha, asking him for understanding of the phenomenon and a guarantee that they would be safe.

Others were running to the stream with sharp stones, as they were forbidden from owning things like knives and swords, and started to cleanly shave their already bald heads. Some of them even went too far and cut into their scalps, but they bit their tongues and took the pain. To them, this would win them favor in the eyes of Heaven.

Even in the Yama Clan. The older, stronger clan members had been on the way back to the Clan when Logean Wuji spoke. When they heard this, they fell into despair and began to lament that their clan was truly doomed to fall. Not only was Bi Xue not a spy from the Snowfall Sect, thus causing them to be embarrassed by accusing the Snowfall Sect, but they had also lost the Elder with the highest cultivation base. The only clan member stronger than Yan Longxi was the Clan Leader, so they had truly suffered a loss for nothing.

As for the Snowfall Sect, they were relatively unbothered by the divine thunder. As a sect that considered itself to be cut off from the rest of the world, the Snowfall Sect and its members saw the thunder as a sign that the mortals were about to be punished for whatever it was they did to offend Heaven. This had nothing to do with them.

In all the sect, only one person truly understood the situation. She was sitting many hundreds of miles below ground, where- instead of magma- liquid cold flowed ceaselessly. Rivers of freezing cold water flowed into a lake called the Body of Absolute Zero. Though it was a shallow lake, it was not one that any sane person would dare to enter for a casual swim.

Sitting within the water, a woman in blue and white was wide awake as she mulled over what Logean Wuji had said.

"How unlucky I am. Someone from the Omniverse has taken this realm for a home. What a shame. I only just captured this body, but it seems fate won't allow me to cultivate in peace."

With that, the water around the woman converged on her location. A flood of water, which was technically the most potent form of liquid nitrogen, encapsulated her before being absorbed into her body trough the pores. At that point, she seemed to exhale the North Wind and breathe in the Essence of Frost itself.

"Logean Wuji, was it? Good. Let's see just how almighty you are!"