
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

rednav · Tranh châm biếm
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you are not human!

the jenny turtle promotion is being planned.

Official accounts on various platforms have posted pictures of the jenny turtle, as well as some information.

the remaining short film is in progress.

rao is like that, it has already caused many repercussions in the outside world.

the first is the image of the turtle jenny...

a bald head.

despite being a tortoise-like genetic creature, she can walk upright, with a pair of large purple eyes, brown tortoiseshell shell, blue skin, tail like a small wave, looking soft...

According to information from the Pokemon Company, Jenny the Turtle also has good intelligence, has evolutionary genes, can control water, and can store a lot of water in her small belly.

in the information released in advance, it is not clear how much water can be stored, only "a lot" is used to describe it.

when others looked at him, they thought of the shape of the turtle jenny and didn't care.

think "a lot" is relative to the jenny turtle souvenir!

At the same time, Jenny Turtle has more than one ability to spray water, and the information describes that Jenny Turtle's "Rocket Head Hammer" can crush rocks, a true iron head ability!

according to this special message, one netizen added a joke to a promotional photo of jenny turtle: "i jenny turtle hit a hammer on the rocket head, let you taste x head!" "

This netizen is not another person, but an emoji made by the employees of Lu Sheng's company, with a big bald head of Jenny's Turtle, which is highly praised by netizens.

so much so that the jenny turtle video has not yet been made available to the public, and the emoji has been spread by many people in the chat...

the last time pokémon released pichu, many netizens questioned it.

this time, no one denied.

everyone is looking forward to more news from jenny turtle...

At the same time, Lu Sheng received a reply from the Secretary of the Civil Secretary.

the fire department will come to the lab tomorrow to watch the jenny turtle show, if they can negotiate with the fire department, and if the fire department is satisfied.

the time came the next day.

at 10 am, lu sheng went to lab 2 around 9:30 am, first made some arrangements, and then took a black glass bottle to the grow room.

"mr. lu, you are..."

zhuo churan looked at the black glass bottle in lu sheng's hand, and his eyelids fluttered, "the grow tanks are full, there are only 10 super big grow tanks left, and the road always has to release the turtle jenny the little one fire dragon, or pichu?" "

"none of them." lu sheng shook his head.

"it won't be..." zhuo churan couldn't be sure because the break was too short.

"in the beginning I will learn to answer oh yes it is a new species!"

lu sheng shook the black glass bottle and smiled, "After several days and nights of hard work, I finally have the inspiration to invest in four new species this time." "


zhuo churan pressed his lips together, and after being shocked, he said seriously, "lu zong, you are not a human being." "

what a curse!

lu sheng: "??? "

you are a monster, and these genius biotists would be ashamed to know you are one.

zhuo churan sighed.

it took a long time for four new species to be expelled.

she believes in an idea.

produced by lu sheng, must be a boutique!

"little churan, you'll get used to it later."

Lu sheng's words are heavy and long.

"the road, the road, people are not small."

zhuo churan blushed shyly.

"go, find someone to fill 10 super large culture tanks, and still operate the same as before."

"I understood".

zhuo churan announced the news to many laboratory staff.

the newcomers were perplexed.

old employees are relatively used to it, and even show off with them: "what is this, you will get used to it later, our road is always a genius designer, not the exterior of the charming cheap products can be compared with oh!" "

"first inject the culture solution, then put it in the biological cells, do not make a mistake, can not leave the road for days and nights of hard work be in vain."

zhuo churan urged several people to move quickly.

a group of newcomers is full of question marks.

what's the problem, some days and nights is also a drain?

they didn't understand lu sheng's commotion anyway.

When they finished this step, Lu Sheng once again pushed people away, called the system, and chose the dream first.

"dream cultivating a pair, close to people's attributes pulled up, loyalty pulled up ..."

lu sheng was created and planned to put dream seeds in super large tanks #1 and #2.

however, after the seeds were placed in the culture tank #1, and then wanted to put in the culture tank #2, the system map showed that it was "locked"!

"huh? is the dream too amazing to cultivate casual elves?"

lu sheng was stunned, and the other unlocked elf atlases were still available, indicating that only dreams were more special.

"Forget it, in the future you might be able to trigger some conditions to unlock it, one of them."

"next is gollum, whose intellect can be pulled a little higher..."

"Meowth's learning ability plus one more, maybe he can speak human words in the future..."

"when it was the turn of the frog's seed, I remember that the seed in her body was not innate, but her mother planted it after she was born!" if i lean on the incubator, won't the seeds grow behind my back? "

"leave that alone, let's get two and try..."

all four elf seeds were dropped, and 10 oversized growing tanks were also in order.

after zhuo churan and the others entered, they first observed a circle, still the same as before, the vitality of each seed was tenacious, and they quickly absorbed the nutrient solution.

at ten o'clock.

the secretary and several members of the fire department went to laboratory 2.

"hello, lu zong's name is like thunder."

the first middle-aged man in the uniform of an officer and soldier had a resolute face and calluses on his hands.

He shook Lu Sheng's hand, "I'm Xiao Pinlong, the Chief Captain of Yunhai City Fire Department, and I heard Secretary Wen say that your Pokemon company has a new creature that can provide much convenience to our firefighters? " "

lu sheng nodded: "yes, this creature is called jenny turtle, they are currently about 10 days old, they can understand human speech, and they have a lot of water storage." "

"jenny turtle?" xiao pinlong was curious.

"I asked you to bring a batch of jenny turtles to the playground, please come with me, and the jenny turtles won't let you down."

a crowd of people came to the small playground.

xiao pinlong and the others saw that there were many small bald blue heads jumping on the ground, and fixed their eyes on it, it turned out to be wang ba, which had changed color...

at the time, two firefighters had fun.

in the future, if the fire department forms a wang eight squad, the picture must not be too pretty!