
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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not worth mentioning in my eyes!

james, the representative of the northon group, or huang yuesong's cousin of the jianhuang group...

Both sides were curious about Lu Sheng's proposal.

what's new in the lab?

their hearts fluttered, and they were aroused by curiosity.

Currently, there are labs nº 1 and nº 2 of the magic treasure company, of which nº 1 is the old lab, and only the culture tank is placed.

the original incubation room was also completely dismantled and sent to laboratory 2.

eggs are grown in laboratory #1 and transported to laboratory #2 for hatching.

Lu Sheng took a group of people to the furthest No. 2 lab, each of them had a car, and followed Lu Sheng's car for more than half an hour before reaching their destination.

"lu zong".

the door guard nodded.

in the morning, lu sheng brought a group of people, and in the afternoon, he brought a group of people...

security guards don't know who the other party is, but they can see from these little details that the company is really getting better!

"come with me."

lu sheng led people from both sides to the grow room.

In general, the breeding room should be divided into two types, one is a large room full of culture tanks, and the other is a space to grow genetic organisms to grow.

A formal biological laboratory is divided into research rooms, breeding rooms, incubation rooms, medical rooms, etc.

lab 2 lab was placed in the same location as there are no biological designers in the lab, only growers like zhuo churan.

Lu Sheng plans to go back and move the equipment out of the research room and expand it into an incubation room.

in the past, sun yong's company did not want all genetic organisms to lay eggs, so the location prepared for the hatchery was not large enough to meet lu sheng's needs.

lu sheng took them to the child's room.

the turtle jenny is running all over the ground, playing in the water.

when they saw lu sheng, they rubbed at lu sheng's feet, pointed to their mouth and wanted small snacks.

"cough, can be uncomfortable in the mouth."

lu sheng took jenny the turtle and threw it in the pool.

in the middle of the pool, the little fire dragon is sitting there watching the landscape, and there is even a jenny turtle named xiao gui.


the little fire dragon also saw lu sheng, one leap, fall to the edge of the pool, and another leap, fell into lu sheng's arms.

the flames on the tail are evident...

James' eyes straightened.

the ability to manipulate flames!

lu sheng pointed to the jenny turtles who were spraying water and playing with each other in front of him, patted the little fire dragon on the head, and smiled, "sir, do you still think i need your company's genetic technology sennuo?" "

"this is the new work I'm going to show you, and it's the creatures I recently designed to manipulate water and fire..."

"It's true that compared to your northon group, the gene technology is lesser, but your northon group's technology is nothing to me, and now I can design genetic creatures that manipulate water and fire, and in the future I can master the technology that your northon group seems particularly precious!"

james said in disbelief: "impossible! the core technology of our northon group is that after decades of investing a lot of money, hiring a large number of experts, and accumulating results over and over again, why do you do it yourself!"

"nothing is impossible."

lu sheng stank and said, "maybe this is genius, you need to use some years of research on gene technology, in my eyes not worth mentioning." "


the corners of James' eyes bulged violently, and he stifled, "Mr. Lu is not modest at all, and he is not the same as the Tengguo Dragon Folk I know." our scientific research ability in the field of biology of norsen group is definitely the first in the world! "

"why should we be humble and discreet when we have the strength?"

Lu Sheng stroked the little fire dragon's head and asked, "Since you Northon Group are so confident, why do you still come to me to buy technology?" keep researching steadily, I believe you too can master evolutionary genetic technology. "

"this is because research costs a lot of money, it is better to buy it now."

james is tough.

lu sheng scoffed: "if you're reasonable, the problem now is that i can't look at your norsen group's gene technology!" so you should go back and have a good talk with the company and see if you can exchange it for some other terms. "

James was silent.

"Do you know how long it took me to design them?"

lu sheng pointed to the little fire dragon and jenny the turtle: "all in one month, now i have a new idea in my mind, and it won't be long until a new genetic creature is born, with more special abilities!" "

mind-type genetic creatures, this world does not exist.

"since mr lu is not happy with one of them, i'll go back and report it."

james had to reevaluate lu sheng, and pokemon's potential.

although he didn't believe some of lu sheng's arrogant words, he had to admit that lu sheng was indeed a genius designer, designing three different types of species in a short period of time.

few scientists in the northon group can match!

james left first.

"two, how do you feel?" Do you think the previous 1 billion to collect 18% of my company's shares is too much? "

lu sheng smiled and asked the other two.

huang yuesong and zhang quan have remained silent since they arrived.

Fang falls, seeing the little fire dragon and jenny the turtle again, hearing lu sheng's arrogant speech, they had to admit one thing -

underestimate lu sheng!

two new species, each with their own peculiarities, capable of manipulating fire and water...

Lu sheng claimed that the project was completed within a month, and the efficiency was greatly exaggerated.

or, very genius!

"don't say you just give 1 billion, give 10 billion, and take 18% of our company's shares, I won't agree."


huang yuesong felt very outrageous, and lu sheng was arrogant to no end!

10 billion to 18% of the shares is not enough?

crazy thinking about money...

Lu Sheng said: "I'm not interested in your company's acquisition and investment, but in channel cooperation, you can sit down and talk about it, how?" everyone has money to earn, it's not very good, you have to make an investment to do something. "

huang yuesong was silent for half a moment, and said, "I want to go back and ask big brother about this matter, and I will reply to lu zong as soon as possible." "

after the matter was decided, huang yuesong and zhang quan also hurriedly left.