
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

rednav · Tranh châm biếm
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60 Chs

jenny turtle squad!

xiao pinlong wanted to talk and stopped.

if it weren't for the fact that the boss introduced himself, he wouldn't want to come and waste his time.

such a small wang ba, how big can be the amount of water storage?

Anyway, xiao pinlong didn't believe the little bald blue head could fight a big fire!

"total road, can they do it?" I think... the jenny tortoise is small, not yet knee level. "

a certain fireman and soldier, under the instructions of xiao pinlong's eyes, asked questions.

lu sheng said, "no, you'll wait and see!" the secretary of literature met last time, and you saw that the secretary of public service had a calm face and didn't doubt authenticity at all. "


secretary wen seemed to be smiling.

lu sheng picked up a running jenny turtle, wiped its smooth head, and said, "don't look at the small size of the jenny turtle, the amount of water is not low!" they are still young, but just gathering a few amounts is enough to put out a fire, and if they reach adulthood, I believe they will be more useful than the fire brigade's water wheels. "

he knocked down the struggling jenny turtle and pulled out a whistle to blow.

the turtle jenny playfully heard the whistle and immediately stopped, lining up in four rows.

"jenny jenny~"


they stood in four rows, with two forelimbs on each side, and the line, while not particularly clean, was refreshing enough.

"some doors."

xiao pinlong's eyes sparkled.

I'm very afraid that when the time comes to buy it, it won't be good, at least jenny turtle's discipline is very good, and he can really understand the whistle and line up.

lu sheng took off his whistle and explained: "their intelligence is not low, you treat them like children, we only train for half a day, they already know how to organize the team." "

"only noon?"

xiao pinlong and others were surprised.

if you train a little more, will you be able to become a disciplined squad?

it can be said that this is very much in line with xiao pinlong's appetite.

even the fire brigade, which participated in militarized training, attaches great importance to discipline.

Secretary Wen hadn't seen Jenny Turtle's discipline when he came last time, and he was secretly surprised to see her this time.

Every time you come, there will always be a surprise, worthy of Lu Sheng!


in the procession, a jenny turtle sneezes.

Lu sheng's eyes narrowed, and he discovered he was a little boy again...

"In short, they can be trained, and now they're too young to have any ADHD."

lu sheng quickly tore up the subject, and then casually called ten jenny turtles out of line.

Each Jenny Turtle has a badge, and during this time they call out their names every day, and they gradually become familiar with their current names.

"yes, they also recognize names."

xiao pinlong once again appreciated.

"you give up your seats a bit, it's their turn to introduce themselves!"

waiting for xiao pinlong and the others to make way for a piece of space, lu sheng patted the ten little guys on the head, pointed forward, and said, "use a water gun over there, a piece!" "

ten jenny turtles inhaled and spat columns of water into their mouths.


the water rushed into the clearing in front of him, and the ground was suddenly wet.

there is a drain in the playground that leads to the underground.

ten jenny turtles use water cannons at the same time, and the water flows into a huge column of water, like a falling waterfall.

no no no no.

the playground was suddenly flooded.

xiao pinlong and other firefighters were in disbelief one by one, their eyes fell on jenny turtle's belly, and it was hard to imagine how there was such a large amount of water storage in the round belly!

I don't know how long this stream of water can last?

Jenny Turtles' staying power is more durable than they thought.

ten seconds later, lu sheng was distressed that little turtle jenny was too tough, and she didn't wait for xiao pinlong and others to give an explanation, and stopped first.

the ten jenny turtles were a bit harsh, and their mental state deteriorated a bit.

zhuo churan and the others rushed forward and replenished them with nutrients.

they stayed in the arms of zhuo churan and others, smoking nutrients, and their little heads rubbed every now and then...

"they are far from adulthood, no, it must be said that they are still in their early childhood stage!" wait until they grow up for another six months, or a year, and I believe they can work long hours. "

"Can you imagine that if there were a dozen Jenny Turtles that could run to the scene of the fire at a very fast speed after you received the warning, they would be able to suppress the fire to a great extent?"

"in the past firefighters might have to drive a water truck, is it easy for a bulky fire truck to find traffic jams? if it's a jenny turtle squad, you can use motorcycles to load it, and i believe efficiency can be improved by many levels!"

Lu Sheng stroked Jenny Turtle's bald head, slightly distressed.

it would be better to sell the jenny turtles to the firefighters, who would certainly take good care of them and not abuse them.

maybe in the future, lu sheng can produce a great movie based on firefighters, "jenny turtle team"...

Think about it!

"lets talk first."

xiao pinlong went to the corner with several other firefighters to discuss.

"general manager lu, it seems the problem is not big, captain xiao is familiar to me, only now he has been moved."

the secretary smiled and groaned.

"hope so." lu sheng raised an eyebrow, and he was sure of that too.

several people chatted for five or six minutes before returning.

xiao pinlong opened his first sentence: "if our fire brigade wants to buy 10 at once, how will the price be calculated?" "


lu sheng looked at secretary wen and guessed they were worried about the price.

"if it is a fire brigade to buy, of course, our company should try to provide convenience, after all, fire fighting is to benefit society, and the discount should be enough."

lu sheng explained: "I will give you a full explanation, the current cost of each jenny turtle farming is around 80,000..."

"only 80,000?"

xiao pinlong was quite surprised.

thought it could cost hundreds of thousands.

In this way, the price of taking 10 pieces will not be too high, within the acceptable range!

xiao pinlong had enough of the budget he could apply to his heart, and he smiled, "so it looks like our fire brigade buys 10 at a time, and the price isn't high?" "

lu sheng said: "yes, if i buy more than 10 jenny turtles, i only charge 90,000 yuan for the unit price, does captain xiao agree with this price?" "

in fact, the cost of the jenny turtle does not require 80,000.

the main expense is for nutrient solution, from seed to turtle egg, nutrient solution is more than 30,000.

the cost of hatching is relatively low, and the cost of feeding after that is not high, less than 50,000 when full.

single lu sheng since the price of 90,000, sell 10 at once, the profit is as high as 400,000!

not much but...

this is just business with the fire brigade in yunhai city, if the fame spreads in the future, firefighters in other areas will come to visit, and there will be no shortage of orders.

this was chapter 43 of raw

rednavcreators' thoughts