
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

rednav · Tranh châm biếm
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booths are small and the audience is large!

"pichu picchu..."

the little ones wake up in their pet kennels.

before, because of the dark curtain, many were sleeping.

at that time he was awakened, and one of them only opened his sleepy eyes, and two of his eyes were full of curiosity and anxiety about the outside world.

little by little, after becoming familiar with his surroundings, little pichu calmed down a lot, as he usually did in the laboratory, looking around curiously.

"so cute!"

"wow, it's so much prettier than in the video."

many girls took the lead around him.

spectators at the two stalls next door also shifted their attention for the first time.

"is it piss?"

someone stuck out a teasing finger, then looked up to ask lu sheng and the others.

"yes, it's only about a month old at the moment, we will release pichu later, if you want to try it, please don't go away."

lu sheng smiled and told everyone.

this sentence is full of magic, and many people stop and plan to watch the joy before making a decision.

booth 068 got its first popularity!

As the exhibition gradually opens to the public, more and more people enter, but passers-by go to booth 068 to have a look.

originally just to see a lot of people, to see a lively, immediately attracted to pichu...

then there was negative propaganda on weibo which gu li had gathered a lot of people.

originally, they came to see a joke, but they couldn't help but introduce themselves and want to tease the little pichu.

"open, put picchu out."

lu sheng saw that pichu interacted well with the spectators and showed no panic, so he gave a second command.

the kennel opened and little pichu jumped out, tilting his head to look at the crowd.

"wow, it's so cute, can you touch it?"

a girl was the first to ask.

"yes, but don't scare the little ones, or they might defend themselves."

After receiving Lu Sheng's reply, many people took pichu and rubbed them, even sucking...

The corners of Lu Sheng's mouth twitched slightly, and he explained to the others a few times, to take care of Pichu, it was okay to shake him, if he dared to do something too excessive, he should stop him.

"my god, i want one!"

"No, I heard it costs three hundred thousand."

someone said the pre-sale price, which scared several sisters who were sucking pichu.

if you suck someone else's piss badly, you won't have the money to make up for it!

"hey, what's the use of cute style, the price is three hundred thousand, who wants to spend that money wrong?" where is lu sheng, doesn't mean your family's genetic biology can unload, hurry up and have a look, not fool everyone, right? "

when the atmosphere was right, someone in the crowd said strange yin and yang.

Lu sheng's gaze was fixed on the other person's face.

a strange young man with several companions around him.

yes, don't pretend, you don't want to dismiss, hey, this is a big company patent, can this little thing work?

"Hurry up, if you dare to deceive people, don't blame us for making trouble!"

youth pander companions.

they reminded many to return to God.

in fact, pokemon and lu sheng swore on weibo that their genetic creatures have special abilities, and many people are here to check one or two!

lu sheng smiled, "ok, electric shock is just pichu's basic skill." "

he took pichu from a little girl and put it on the table.

"gigi, use an electric shock over there!"

lu sheng pointed to the position where the young man had just stood.

"pichu picchu..."

pichu, called gigi, bowed his head and looked displeased.

how am i myself?

lu sheng touched ji ji's hair and said helplessly, "wait a minute to give him a nutritional cream, you like the strawberry flavor!" "


gigi screamed in pleasure, and a burst of electric light shot out of his body.

there was a cry of surprise from the crowd, and many people were frightened.

can really download!

the young yin-yang-stranger yelled badly and backed off.

zi ————

an electric light flashed, right where the young man was standing!

"god, he can really unload!"

"ah, we've understood pokemon before, and it's a new species that can deliver electric shocks."

"looks so powerful, and intelligence is so high, can fully understand people's words, is it really just a month old?"

the crowd of spectators ran in dismay.

those who were supposed to come to see the joke were even more shocked and dropped their jaws.

just now, the young man's face was red, and his lips were straight...

punch in the face!

some of them have made sweeping comments online, which is quite embarrassing.

"cough, I also said that if you can really unload, the hand support pulls the thinning..."

someone silently took his cell phone and deleted the previous brain-dead observations.

then a hot comment under gu li's weibo disappeared.

there aren't some people who are similar to your approach, and they silently delete comments.

back then i thought it was no problem, and now i look at it with an afterthought, one is better than a stupid fork!

if people don't have confidence, how can they come to the exhibition...

someone just silently took a video, originally wanted to spread it to the internet as a joke to watch, even the text was edited in advance, the result can only be deleted, recomposing with a paragraph of text.

"sky show! the new species of biotech pokemon, pichu, was able to unload, and we misunderstand lu sheng."

the speed of changing faces can be said to be comparable to the Sichuan drama that changes faces!

videos like this one are hitting major online platforms at the same time.

The commotion here attracted a large number of spectators, and Lu Sheng let a pichu discharge electric shock from time to time, causing heated discussion among the masses.

As you know, after this incident, Pokemon Technology will enter the public eye as a successful person, and will be more famous than the mighty company that created the Greyhound...

the two tents at the edge of the pokemons were miserable.

if there is a lot of traffic, it is certainly a benefit.

however, when others came close, they were immediately drawn to pichu.

as for the pets in their tents, few people want to take care of them.

the pets they show are most popular, cats, dogs and dogs, which are not as attractive as pichu and not as cute as pichu.

Now that Pichu has demonstrated another discharge ability, everyone's attention is more focused.

half an hour ago, they thought that with the pokemon company, they could be a red flower, but they didn't expect it to be the green leaves that set off the red flower!