
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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advanced pills

"don't be surprised, you are always a genius designer, this little thing must also be shocked at first, how to blend in with me in the future?"

lu sheng criticized him in a straight face.

"... I! "

zhuo churan was speechless.

knowing that lu sheng is a powerful biosentist, but so...

emmm, it must be said that it is so powerful that it is perverted!

"first, the culture solution is infused, and in addition, other biological cells are injected into each culture tank."

"Oh well..."

zhuo churan didn't ask for much anyway, just follow lu sheng's demands.

the rest of the lab researchers were stunned and unable to speak one on one after learning that lu sheng had made another big move.

two new species?

how can be!

"Mr. Lu said it's a new species he's been drawing lately."

zhuo churan explained to everyone.


the others had a "you tease me" expression.

"Could it be that last time's success always allowed lukestan to find self-confidence, so I designed it casually?"

"possibly! others design genetic creatures, but they have to pass many tests to be created, and the road is not always very casual."

"hey the lab is the head of the road how did he say we do it forget picchu?"

at the mention of pichu, everyone silently closed their mouths.

the last time no one believed it, and the result was the birth of a magical species like Pichu.

not only can it use electric shocks, but also its intelligence is extremely high, which is loved by everyone in the lab.

after they had taken care of everything, lu sheng pushed them away again.

"how mysterious is the always mysterious road..."

"maybe there's a special way!"

several people whispered, full of curiosity.

lu sheng seemed unpredictable anyway, and after waiting for the others to leave, he started to choose which two to unlock.

"I want to unlock them all at once, so many types of elves, which two should I choose?"

facing the dazzling elves in the system atlas, lu sheng felt for the first time that he had a hard time choosing!

"Ibrahimovic? Absolutely soft and beautiful, as long as it is released in the market, it will definitely attract girls' love."

"even the duck? face to face, special skill, should also be very marketable!"

"jenny turtle? six tails? meow? mosquito coil frog..."

lu sheng looked around and simply chose a fire and a water.

the fire attributes little fire dragon ( sharmander ), water attribute jenny turtle!

two are more classic elves.

unfortunately, there are no elves that are too anti-celestial to unlock for now.

the jenny turtle is more normal when unlocked, but when unlocking the little fire dragon, the system suddenly pops up on a reminder screen:

"congratulations to the host for activating the lucky mechanism and getting an 'advanced pill' that was placed in the backpack!"

"advanced pills: give any elf to take it, 100% evolve to the next stage, no side effects."

lu sheng was stunned, and then noticed that there was an extra backpack logo on the system interface, and a black ball glowed in front of him and covered the backpack.

advanced pills?

lu sheng was still thinking about how to advance pokemon, after all, there were no props in the animation game.

now the system gives advanced, simple and rude pills!

"go back and get a little fire dragon to advance, or give picchu a advance and get a pikachu?"

lu sheng first dropped 50 pichus, followed by jeni turtles and small fire dragons.

originally prepared for the turtle jenny and the little fire dragon, they changed their minds when they released the little fire dragon's genetic code.

"no need for all elves to be sold, keep it grown like a fire-breathing dragon, and it must be pretty windy to ride, right?"

lu sheng thought about it again and again, and only a small fire dragon seed was released, and the rest was all put into jenny turtle's seed.

all 100 tanks are stuffed.

just like the last time, when the genetic code of the three elves was injected, the original cells quickly disintegrated, and the doves occupied the magpie's nest, giving rise to a new seed!

lu sheng called zhuo churan and the others to take a closer look at the seed situation.

"lu zong, all normal, almost last time, the nutrients in the culture solution are draining fast."

zhuo churan reported the results.

"well, there's not much cultural solution in the warehouse, right?" I will contact the manufacturer later and send a batch. "

lu sheng pointed to the grow tank where the little fire dragon was located: "this is the only new species in the grow tank, which should be very attentive."

"understood!" zhuo churan looked curiously at the small fire dragon grow tank, thinking that he would grow a creature.

Currently, it appears that the seeds of the two newly added species are all normal and have a similar characteristic as Pichu-

absorb the nutrient solution quickly!

"must belong to your unique abilities."

zhuo churan thought so.

the days of the new century pet show are approaching day by day.

Lu sheng arranged for the staff to contact Pichu in advance and become familiar with Pichu's habits.

on the day of the exhibition, at eight o'clock in the morning, the lu sheng company rented a large truck and brought 10 carefully selected pichus to the exhibition.

the exhibition was held at the yunhai international expo center.

when a large number of people arrived at the place, they could see many people looking forward to it.

the official opening time is at 9:30 am, and currently, only organizers, large companies and organizations can enter and organize the venue.

After showing his ID, Lu Sheng and his party brought in various tools and 10 pet crates covered with black cloths to enter the scene.

"this is pokemon company now, hey i didn't expect it to come!"

"hope they don't lose people, there are a lot of people waiting to see your jokes."

Before Lu Sheng and the others had gone far, the officials in charge of the door inspection couldn't help but laugh and chat.

once you enter the venue you will need to get your cabin number.

Large companies arrange directly for large booths, while small companies only give a small place, similar to setting up tents.

three consecutive days of exhibition, opened many companies, not so organized, the venue is not enough.

lu sheng and zhuo churan went to the office where they received the sign for the booth, and when they entered, they suddenly saw two acquaintances.

Guli and Miao Lina...

the two had already discovered lu sheng and his party, and deliberately chose to get the number plate before lu sheng, just to have a face with lu sheng!