
I'm the creator of the system

This Story is about a man, who got chosen to be a creator of a system, for the so called "Game of monsters".

Glos_Re · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

The portal

In Front of me I could see something glowing. In Front of me was a big, blue glowing portal. The blue showing, that this is a portal for people who are really weak.

I could see, how there was a massive amount of people around it. Most of these people seemed to search for people to join them on their "hunt" in the portal.

I didn't think much about it and just searched for a group to join myself, as I don't have any combat power.

I didn't need to look for long, as I could see a friendly looking group right in front of me. In this group were four people.

One of them was a big and massive guy, looking menacing, but also attractive. (I wouldn't like to fight against that guy)

Another one of the four people, was a girl. The girl seemed to be a magician as she wore a magician robe and has a sign on the robe, saying: magic tower (5th ranked). This probably meant, that she is really really strong and I should never attack her, but she also seemed nice, so she was the first person, I approached. (Kinda looking good)

There were also two people, where I couldn't see the faces. (Could be troublesome, but it shouldn't matter for myself)

I gave my greetings and said: „hello, my name is John and I am awakened as someone who can make a fire out of thin air, it sadly is pretty weak and I can only make a little light in the dark. What do you say, can I join your group?"

I could see how that girl was thinking about her answer, as she was tapped on the shoulder by the big and handsome guy.

Surprisingly, I was accepted in this group afterwards. (I actually also tried to get on other groups, but none of them really liked me…)

After a while, I can say, that they really are a friendly group of people. We ate something for breakfast together and now decided to go inside the portal.

Whenever I go near it, I can hear some kind of voice saying, that I should come in, that there isn't anything dangerous inside and so on…

I could hear the voices again as I came near the portal again, but I seem to be the only person hearing them, as nobody else reacted to them. It was really scary, but nothing for me, who is actually pretty old.