
The Best Of Ideas.

Valian hugged Kal's waist once again. Then the music started and they started moving. 

"One, two, three, four, quick step. And slow." The instructor amplified his voice from across the room.

"I must admit…" Valian began as he bent slightly, compromising his dancing stance and tickling Kal's ear. "This has been the best idea."

"I agree…" Kal replied while she concentrated on continuing with the steps. It was the first time she had danced such a dance. "I still can't believe this is just the practice room," She added as she roamed with calm eyes through the spacious and elegant room. "This is nice." After saying this, Kalina spotted Reya standing near the entrance doors, next to a huge, slender white porcelain vase filled with lustrous lilies and peonies. The instructing maid looked at them like a proud mother.