"I'm not impressed." He said and Kalina guessed the laughter in his words. "Still." She returned, trying to match his amusement and completely failing. That man had a knack for annoying her, that was for sure. ¿Why? Kalina didn't know for sure. She felt a little stupid about the discovery, but there was something else. Something attracted her to him, that was undeniable.
"Can you explain better?" Against all prudence, Kalina took a step towards the kru. Then he leaned his broad torso further until their damn noses were almost touching. ¡May the gods have mercy on her! Thinking like this, Kalina spoke again: "Someone like You. What do you mean by that?"
"Someone like You. Irresistible for the Drakes."
"Drakes. Drakes? "What the hell?"
In response, Valian moved a little closer, looking like he couldn't help himself. Kalina breathed in his scent and closed her eyes in a desperate attempt to avoid attacking him. Yes, attacking him with her mouth.
"I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson. One that was never given to you." The captain said and, for some reason, Kalina heard his molars grinding.
Hells, he could give her whatever he wanted. She was going to take it, whatever it was. Right there, in a dark alley with hundreds of strangers nearby.
Kalina had to take two breaths to cool her thoughts and her skin.
¿What the hell was wrong with her? She wasn't like that. She had never felt this way, not even with her infatuation with Irion.
"Kalina" Damn, he had to stop saying her name like that. "I'm afraid there is no time now, but I will give you the most important piece of information."
"I'm waiting." Her whole body was waiting. A sign, just a touch from him, and she was going to devour him.
¡Crap! She took a step back, scared of her very own thoughts.
"Drakes, an ancient Kru legend. The one who carries the beast. Our princess has a mystical creature tied to her soul. She is a drake. She is one with the beast. You, on the other hand, are a Pair."
"A pair?" She felt like a little girl again. Silly and naive.
Valian continued:
"Even rarer than drakes, a pair brings calm and control, and drakes are inevitably drawn to them."
"Calmness and control?" She repeated like a person who acts without reflection. ¿Calmness and control? Kalina almost laughed. However, something prevented her from doing so. The one who carries the beast… "I think you got the wrong person…" She started to say, but the captain stopped her.
"You are my Pair, Kalina. Our energies beat at the same rhythm. ¿Don't you feel the attraction?"
¿The attraction? ¡Hell, yes!
"We share our ability." ¿What? But Valian pressed: "¿Don't you see pieces of the future, Kalina?"
¿What the hell? ¿How?
"Who are you?" She asked. Suspicion was working its way into her mind through the haze of desire that seemed to envelop her damn head. ¿Attraction? ¡Hell, yeah!
"I, am your beast," Valian said.
Kalina would have laughed if it had been someone else saying those words. ¿Beast? He wouldn't know the connotations of that word.
"This is crazy. You are crazy."
However, his words made sense. How the hell did he know about her visions? No one knew about the visions of her. And on the other hand, Zintia herself had said there was something inside her.
"You must know that I will protect you. During this journey, I will protect you both."
¿And who was going to protect him? The thought flashed through Kalina's head. ¿Protection?
"I just need you to be alert while we are with the princess." With a fleeting movement, Valian advanced his strong arm.
This time, the surprise was unprecedented. Kalina forgot about anything else when the soft petals of a beautiful rose almost touched her cheek. ¿What in the world?
The rose had an exact color to Kalina's hair.
"As soon as I saw the damn flower, I couldn't stop thinking about you." Valian said.
That should have been flattering, ¿right? But it wasn't like that. He had said it as if he was angry and with this, Kalina was also upset. Who the hell had asked him for a flower? Why the hell was he bothering to bring her a flower? Yes, that had been a nuisance. Obviously.
"¡Damn it Valian! I'm going to trust you." She said, ready to slap the stupid flower away. However, Valian smiled and then disappeared.
He was fast. He had left her with the words in her mouth and, on top of that, he had left the damn flower between her hair and her ear.