
I'm Son Goku The Gamer!

A random anime and manga fan dies then gets chosen by a random with super being and given a few abilities along with being reincarnated in his favorite anime. - - - - - - This a slow pace story and most events will follow close to canon, if you have a problem with that, you may drop if you feel like it. And the mc isn't harem seeking he won't want to stick his dick in every girl that's apart of the cost.

SilverZerothFox78X · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs

Chapter 21: West City!

[Hidden Quest Complete: Android Saga? What's that? - Kill doctor Gero before he can create any of the future androids.

Rewards: Android 16, 17 and 18 Schematics /30 stat point's/ Scientist type Sub-Classes are now available]

[Hidden Quest Complete: Red Ribbon who? - Completely Annihilate The red ribbon army.

Rewards:20,000 shop points/Extra life]

I was currently floating over a now empty red ribbon base, as I've sent all the soldiers to King Yemma about now. Anyway I'm pretty happy with the rewards of quest.

Not only that I got an extra life! That'll be helps useful just in case!

Soon after, I met up with Chichi and Artoria(after blowing up the base) who had successively found the other two dragon balls. We then followed my compass which I'm calling the Greed Compass as the last ball was still with the Pilaf gang and that ended as it espected.

The girls then gathered all the balls. "Both girls held my hand as they smiled at each other and said the chant. Soon the dragon burst out in a beam of energy as the sky turned as black as the deepest abyss.


"Hm!" A man with dark skin and large red lips looked up to the sky, he was holding a pot and seem to be watering flowers. "Is everything okay Mr.Popo?" Asked an elderly man with green skin and antennas on his head, he was dressed in robes and had a wooden cane on him.

"Nothing Kami." Says Popo as he went back to watering his plants.

-With Goku-

"I shall grant you one wish! What is your desire?" Says Shenron the girls were about to excitedly say their wish when Goku stopped them. "Calm down you guys, you two need to structure your wish in a way, that monogamous relationships don't become undermined." Says Goku

"What do you mean?" Asked Chichi. "I'm saying we should tell the dragon to make it so that polygamous relationships aren't hated, looked down upon and illegal, however make it so that cheating is still looked down upon and only if the other person is okay with them being with another person." Said Goku.

"But we don't really mind you being with other girls or getting a bit more girls. Well only if you truly love them." Says Chichi, Artoria nodded and added her own opinion. "I agree, however there must be a limit." Says Artoria along with Chichi who nodded in agreement.

Goku might've have forgotten he has the Harem Lord title equipped he opened up his status and completely forgot that whenever he gains a title it automatically becomes equipped.

He just didn't bother to unequip it. He sighed and said to Shenron. "Shenron just grant what I said about the wish we want." The dragon's eyes glowed as it replied "Your wish have been granted, farewell!" The seven balls blasted up in the air, as they were about to be scattered, Goku used telekinesis and stopped all seven of them.

"Alright Chichi let's go visit your dad." We need to discuss her stay in West City to study, he's her father he should know how his daughter is doing or that's she's planning to study in west city.


At a construction site was the Ox-King currently discussing Chichi's stay with Goku. "That's the gist of it." Said Goku, the Ox-King nodded his and head replied

"I don't mind Chichi staying in west city to study, however Goku please make sure she's okay. Chichi is all I've got." Says the large man with a sad smile on his face. The little girl hugged her father and he hugged her back.

They then went off to west city.

"Here it is." Says Goku as he and the girls flew on his nimbus, down to Bulma's house. Landing down at the front gate the group of pre-teens and pegasus walked in.

"Whoa! So this is Bulma's place?" Says Chichi as she looked at the gigantic circular house. Goku didn't really know how these houses could have so much space yet they are circular, but he stopped questioning it a long time ago.

"Bulma!" Shouted Goku soon Bulma came out with a smile on her face, soon her parents came out along with Yamcha, Puar and Oolong. "Yo Goku your finally here!" Says Yamcha we bumped fist as we introduced ourselves to Bulma's parents.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. And Mr. Briefs. Thank you for taking us in." I say politely, but the old man just laughed. "Well aren't you polite, it is of no problem young man. Thank you for being friends with my daughter." Says the man.

"I have a couple requests if you don't mind." I asked him and he raised an eyebrow.


"These are! Child where did you find these?!" Says the old man as he kept reading through the schematics frantically. "I took them from the red ribbon army headquarters. I managed to destroy the entire army." Hearing this he became shocked.

"Oh! Yeah those guys. In hindsight we probably should have dealt with those a long time shouldn't we." Says Yamcha. "Yeah but we were to busy with our training and it's gains." I replied.

"So by your words indeed I'm guessing what your saying is true then. If the red ribbon truly had this then the world would truly have been in the grasp." Says the old man.

"What your kidding right?" Says Yamcha. But I shook my head. "No he's right we wouldn't win the way we are now" I says shocking the bandit.

"Tell me why are giving me this?" Asked the doctor. "Simple the Androids have something called an infinite energy generator. This should end the uses of fossil fuels right?" I said.

"I see so this is why you gave it to me. You want to end the steadily rising pollution." Says the old man as I nodded. This world isn't as polluted as my old one but in a few decades it would've got as bad as in my old world.

Sure Bulma would've definitely solved the problem before it got that bad, but with infinite energy. Things would probably get alot better.