
I'm Rimuru (Tensura)

Slime Clash, a mobile game that grants players the ability to traverse the vast Tensura Universe. Allowing them to embody their favorite characters, select different starting locations, and explore varying timelines. A devoted player finds himself unexpectedly transported into the universe of Tensura, awakening within the body of his game character, Rimuru. Armed with his limitless potential as Rimuru, and knowledge as a transmigrate, he sets out to shape his destiny. __________________________ Got this idea from Luxuriant.

GoldenOsiris · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Mock Battle

After an hour of intense discussion, Treyni had thoroughly briefed everyone on the dire situation concerning the Orc Invasion. However, one chilling detail stood out among the rest—the absence of corpses left behind by the marauding Orcs.

It wasn't due to some mysterious magic or disposal method; rather, it was because the Orc Disaster possessed a Unique Skill known as 'Starved'. This dreadful ability allowed it to consume the corpses of fallen foes, absorbing their strength and abilities as sustenance.

The Orcs under his command followed suit, feasting upon the remains of their brethren to gain power, effectively erasing any evidence of their conquests.

Since the Orc Disaster, a being of calamity and chaos, exerted his influence over all Orcs, driving them to seek out and devour anything in their path. Their insatiable hunger for power, fueled by the Orc Lord's malevolent desires, led to a relentless invasion aimed at consuming all in their sight.

She also mentioned the connection to a Majin of a certain clown.

Throughout the conversation, Rimuru remained silent, his expression thoughtful as he absorbed the gravity of the situation.

Despite already being aware of this information, there was little for him to contribute to the discussion. Treyni couldn't help but notice Rimuru's quiet demeanor, and with a furrowed brow, directed her question to him.

"Why does it seem like you already knew all this?" Treyni inquired, her gaze probing.

Rimuru's lips curved into a serene smile as he met the Dryad's gaze, "Because I did. I already had prior knowledge to the Orc Invasion through my own investigation, however, your thorough briefing has only reinforced the urgency of our situation... Rest assured, the Orc Lord is as good as dead." He replied confidently.

Treyni was slightly surprised, but nodded in understanding, a sense of relief washing over her. The others also couldn't help but smile at Rimuru's reliable words, feeling a surge of pride knowing they had such a capable ally.

"Thank you, Rimuru." Treyni responded, her tone filled with gratitude.

Immediately after, Rimuru felt two soft mounds press against his arms as Shion hugged him tightly from the side, "Of course he'll win! The Orc Disaster is no match for Great Rimuru!"

With a deadpan expression, Rimuru forcefully pushed her face away, his nonchalance contrasting with the enthusiastic declaration, "Alright, guys, since that's the case, you're all in this with me anyways."

Shuna eagerly stood up with her hands tucked into her sleeves, "Of course, Great Rimuru!"

Benimaru followed suit, "That was our plan all along."

Then Kaijin the dwarf spoke up, "We believe in you, and we're with you. That's all we need."

The rest looked at him brightly, nodding in agreement.

After that, they decided that an alliance with the Lizardmen Tribe should prove to be useful, and that Souei would be the one to meet the Chieftain.

As they began to wrap up the meeting, Rimuru suddenly stood up with a playful clap, "Guys, I have a request!"

Curiosity sparkled in everyone's eyes as they turned their attention to their leader.

"Let's hold a mock battle, all of you against me." Rimuru proposed, a mischievous glint in his eye.

But inwardly his thoughts were distracted, 'This should be a good way to familiarize myself with this power... My reaction speed has been greatly enhanced compared to before, and my analytical abilities should allow me to copy or counter any abilities, including one's combat prowess in swordsmanship, fists, etc.'

Shion's face lit up with excitement, "A mock battle against you? That sounds like fun!"

Shuna nodded eagerly, "It would be a great opportunity to test our skills and tactics!"

Benimaru's lips curled into a smirk, "Count me in. It'll be a good chance to see how we fare against a strong opponent now that we have names."

Hakuro chuckled, "I agree, it should be an interesting battle."

Treyni, though initially taken aback by the suggestion, eventually smiled and nodded, "Very well, I can be the mediator of the battle."

Promptly after they left the small wooden building, as Rimuru led the way outside toward a clear field, the others following closely behind.

Benimaru, Shion, Souei, Shuna, and Hakuro stood in front of him, their expressions a mix of determination and anticipation. Surrounding them were a few goblins, excited to spectate the match of their lord.

Kurobe, on the other hand, did not participate. As a non-combatant and skilled blacksmith, he had no place in the upcoming battle. Similarly, Rigur also abstained from participating, his expertise lying elsewhere.

Gobta himself just declined, using the words, 'Hah! Fight that monster! You can count me out!'

Rimuru chuckled remembering his words, while watching his opponents with a calm smile, offering a nod of acknowledgment, "Good luck."

The other five Kijin nodded back, their expressions serious. Now that they had their names and the power that came with them, they were much stronger compared to their first encounter with Rimuru. However, they couldn't help but wonder if they stood a chance against their formidable leader.

At that moment, Treyni appeared at the center of the field, positioning herself between the two groups, "Are you ready?"

Noting their tensed figures, she shouted, "Begin!" Disappearing soon after.

With a collective nod, the five Kijin lunged forward simultaneously, launching their attacks on Rimuru.

As the four Kijin lunged forward, each utilizing their unique abilities, Rimuru calmly assessed the situation. With his newfound ability, 'Sage Mind', he felt a sense of clarity and focus unlike anything he had experienced before.

He could see what type of iron was used to create Hakuro's sword, what their clothes were made of, etc.

Rimuru's mind adjusted to his enhanced capabilities, 'This is incredible... With Sage Mind, I can predict their movements before they even make them by the slightest of muscle twitches, and by tracking their flow of magicucles within their body.'

Shion was the first to charge toward him, her fists clenched with determination, Rimuru observed the surge of magicules gathering in her right fist.

With a split-second decision, he twisted his body slightly, narrowly evading her punch. As Shion hurtled past him, he lightly pushed her into the ground, and couldn't help but offer a playful remark.

"Missed me!" He called out with a laugh, his confidence growing with each passing moment.

Nevertheless, Rimuru's eyes narrowed, as he sensed a distorting presence in his shadow, without even glancing back, he casually took a step to the side.

And right on cue, Souei materialized directly in his previous location, but what met him was a foot to the face, "Agh!-", sending him tumbling back.

Meanwhile, Benimaru and Hakuro launched their own coordinated assault.

Benimaru darted in close while conjuring fiery projectiles to keep Rimuru on the defensive, while Hakuro dashed forward with his katana in hand.

Rimuru deftly avoided Benimaru's fiery attacks, his movements graceful and fluid. Immediately after, Hakuro's blade swung toward him, Rimuru anticipated the trajectory and tilted his head at the last moment, allowing the blow to pass harmlessly by, barely missing his nose.

Shuna provided support from behind, utilizing her healing magic to ensure everyone remained in top condition.

Rimuru's eyes turned calculative as he watched the Kijin's regroup in front of him, 'While it may seem like I'm effortlessly dodging them, in terms of pure reaction speed, I'm above them slightly... Not to mention in my last encounter, Hakuro managed to blitz past me and cut my arm off, so now that their all named, it's much more dangerous...'

'But dealing with them shouldn't be problematic, I'll refrain from using any of my abilities, and focus on my manipulation of magicules.'

His control and mastery over magicules were greatly enhanced because of 'Sage Mind', this was because similar to how in canon Rimuru would sometimes let Great Sage/Ciel take over for his body in battle, now he had similar capabilities in base form.

Deciding to test his newfound ability, he pointed his index finger forward, directing his focus toward the gathered group of Kijin.

The magicules at the tip of his finger began to distort, swirling into a small purple ball of energy that rotated faster and faster.

In the distance, Hakuro's eyes widened in disbelief, "What in the world..."

Even the others could sense the immense power within the small spinning ball of energy. Before they could react, Rimuru smirked, "Dodge it." He muttered, before unleashing a wave of energy from the ball.

The powerful beam surged forward, engulfing the Kijin before them. It continued for thousands of feet, scorching the ground, and obliterating the trees in the far distance, leaving destruction in its wake before eventually dissipating.

Rimuru observed the aftermath with a raised brow, 'Well, that was more powerful than I thought...'

Glancing down, he noted Hakuro, Shion, and Benimaru gasping for air, their clothes tinged with burns. However, two were missing: Shuna and Souei.

"He must have saved her and used Shadow Step to escape." Rimuru concluded.

However, his demeanor shifted as he detected countless amounts of thin strings zipping through the air, locking on to his figure.

But, as if time slowed, his surroundings slowly came to a halt, his mind racing at immense speeds.

Thought Acceleration.

The ability allows the user to greatly increase their thought process, making their perception of time seem slower, when in actuality their thinking faster.

Rimuru sighed in relief, 'Usually I was supposed to get this ability when I evolved into a Demon Lord, but fortunately this was one of the perks of Sage Mind, giving me the mind of a Mythological Supercomputer known as Great Sage.'

