
I'm Patricia

When the gateway to the realm of beasts was opened, a multitude of perilous creatures were unleashed upon the human world, resulting in significant damage and loss of human life. In light of their family's impoverished state, Patricia, a resilient young girl, and her twin brother Patrick, a skilled wizard, made the decision to embark on a quest to vanquish these beasts and earn much-needed funds. Operating covertly, they harnessed their extraordinary abilities, harboring the hope of evading detection. Their endeavors progressed smoothly until an unexpected turn of events transpired—the inspector uncovered their true identities. This revelation completely upended their lives, compelling them to embark on a new and challenging journey. During their arduous expedition, they were approached by a nobleman who enlisted their services to slay a formidable dragon. Now faced with this daunting task, what fate awaits the twins? How will they confront such a ferocious creature?

Dream_catch · Kỳ huyễn
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83 Chs

The Red Slayer

Patrick, upon hearing Lilith's words, was shocked and overwhelmed with frustration. He grabbed Jacob by the collar, his anger palpable.

"You told me you saw both of them on the boat. Were you lying to me?" Patrick demanded.

Jacob didn't deny it. "I had to lie to make you leave the ship. If I had told you I didn't see them, you would have stayed there and kept searching for them."

Patrick's anger boiled over, and he punched Jacob squarely in the face. "You bastard! How could you do that? What if they were still on the ship and drowned?"

Jacob met Patrick's defiant glare head-on. "You know that would never happen, right? "

Patrick released his grip on Jacob, confusion taking over his anger. "You knew?"

Jacob smirked, self-assured. "Of course, I did. Did you think your sister's disguise could deceive me?"

Patrick inquired further, "What about the captain?"

Jacob leaned in with a conspiratorial tone. "Well, let's just say he had his suspicions. Your sister managed to hide her power, but her demeanor gave her away. She's not much of an actress. So, stop the worried brother act. Someone with her level of power would never drown."

Patrick pushed Jacob away, his concern for his sister genuine. "I wasn't acting. I'm genuinely concerned about her. She might seem strong, but she's easily shaken. I won't forgive you if anything happens to her."

Turning his attention to Lilith, who was gradually recovering, he hugged her tightly. "Thank God, you're okay. Don't worry; nothing bad will happen to you."

Lilith, still trembling with fear, inquired, "What about Patricia?"

Patrick reassured her with determination. "You know how strong she is. We'll definitely find her."

Meanwhile, Patricia found herself alone on the island, wandering around in search of anyone. "Where is everyone?"

When the ship was on the brink of sinking, she had wanted to return for Lilith, but William had stopped her. "Your brother went to save his lover, and you must save yourself. There's an island nearby where we'll meet," he had told her, then pushed her into a boat.

Confused and alone in the boat, Patricia had exclaimed, "Wait! Why am I all alone?"

William had offered her a reassuring smile and said, "We'll meet at the island."

But before she could reply, the waves had forcefully carried her away, and everything had transpired so swiftly that she hadn't been able to react.

Upon her arrival at the island, the sound of the dragon's roars confirmed that she had indeed reached Majorca. Determined, she thought, "I must locate Patrick as soon as possible and devise a plan to hunt the dragon. But first, I need to witness it with my own eyes."

Without a trace of hesitation or fear, she began her ascent toward the mountain.

As she got closer to the source of the roars, Patricia couldn't help but imagine the dragon's appearance. She had never encountered such a creature before, which filled her with both anticipation and excitement. "I expect it to be quite large," she mused. "I can't wait to get a closer look."

Patricia carefully climbed the mountain, her movements agile and silent as she leaped over rocks. Eventually, she arrived at the entrance to a cave, the source of the resounding roars. While the temptation to enter the dark abyss was strong, her courage faltered. Instead, she chose to hide behind a rock, patiently waiting for the dragon to emerge.

"I'll remain here until the dragon leaves the cave," Patricia decided. "It's the best course of action for now."

As Patricia waited patiently in hiding, the boredom began to gnaw at her, prompting her to take action. She selected a substantial rock and flung it toward the cave entrance. However, the reaction was much more intense than she had anticipated, with a sudden burst of powerful flames shooting into the sky. Startled and panicked, Patricia retreated behind the protective cover of the rock.

"Thank goodness I didn't become a roast," she muttered, chastising herself for her impulsive move. "Provoking the dragon was not the smartest idea. I need to be cautious and stay out of its line of sight, or I'll be in serious trouble."

Eventually, the dragon left its nest and made its appearance. Patricia observed in awe as the magnificent creature revealed itself.

As Abeloth the Red Slayer emerged from the dark cave, Patricia was awestruck by its immense size and majestic presence. The dragon was a formidable creature, covered in crimson scales that shimmered in the faint light. Its wings, expansive and powerful, stretched out impressively, revealing intricate patterns etched into the scales.

The dragon's blue eyes gleamed with intelligence and ferocity, scanning its surroundings with a predatory focus. Its horned head rose high on a sinuous neck, crowned with imposing spikes that resembled a regal crown. A row of sharp teeth lined its massive jaws, occasionally visible as it let out deep, rumbling growls.

Abeloth's wings rustled with a sound like thunder as they stretched out fully, revealing the sheer span of its wingspan. Smoke and heat radiated from its body, creating a shimmering, otherworldly aura around the beast. Patricia could feel the intensity of its presence, a mix of awe and trepidation, as she watched the formidable dragon take its first steps out of the cave.

" What should I do?"

She realized the gravity of her situation, and she admitted that she had acted recklessly, provoking a creature of immense power without any concrete plan. Regret filled her as she imagined her brother's disapproval.

" If Patrick knew he would scold me so hard. I must get out of here right now. "

Fear gripped her heart, and instinct pushed her to move. She slowly began to back away from the dragon's sight, careful not to make any sudden or loud movements. Each step was taken with utmost caution, her heart pounding in her chest. But when she thought that she finally got away, a rock that she had stepped on moved

Her heart sank as the rock shifted and tumbled down the mountainside. The loud clatter echoed through the area, drawing the dragon's immediate attention. Abeloth's immense eyes locked onto her, and Patricia felt a cold shiver run down her spine.

" Holly Crap!"