
I'm Patricia

When the gateway to the realm of beasts was opened, a multitude of perilous creatures were unleashed upon the human world, resulting in significant damage and loss of human life. In light of their family's impoverished state, Patricia, a resilient young girl, and her twin brother Patrick, a skilled wizard, made the decision to embark on a quest to vanquish these beasts and earn much-needed funds. Operating covertly, they harnessed their extraordinary abilities, harboring the hope of evading detection. Their endeavors progressed smoothly until an unexpected turn of events transpired—the inspector uncovered their true identities. This revelation completely upended their lives, compelling them to embark on a new and challenging journey. During their arduous expedition, they were approached by a nobleman who enlisted their services to slay a formidable dragon. Now faced with this daunting task, what fate awaits the twins? How will they confront such a ferocious creature?

Dream_catch · Kỳ huyễn
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83 Chs

The Mission

Lilith became shocked after Patrick asked her to take off her dress out of sudden.

She backed off while crossing her hands:

- W...What did you say?

Patricia caught up with them, and she noticed Lilith's confused face:

- What's wrong, Patrick?

- You too, Patricia. Take off your dress. You must change your clothes. A lot of people wondered about your identities when they saw your luxurious dresses, especially you, Lilith. No one should know that you are a princess.

Lilith understood what Patrick wanted and that she overreacted over nothing, which made her feel very embarrassed.

" I'm such an idiot. Patrick doesn't like me, and certainly, he would never think about that. "

Patricia realized what was going on. She sighed, and then she pushed Patrick out of the room:

- Get out!

- Wait! Give me the dresses first. I must exchange them for normal clothes.

Patricia became annoyed due to her brother's lack of sense:

- Are you willing to watch us while taking off our dresses, or maybe you want to help the princess and remove the laces for her?

At that moment, It hit Patrick. He felt embarrassed only by imagining it and rushed out of the room:

- Hurry up, I will wait outside with Alexander.

Patricia smiled at Lilith:

- I'm sorry. Indeed, Patrick is very smart, but in the matter of women, he is very slow. If you want to keep your dress, it's okay. My dress will be enough to provide what we need.

Lilith started taking off her dress while trying to act indifferently as usual:

- I prefer to wear a rag rather than keep this dress on me another day. I wore it for a whole week day and night.

After some moments, Patricia gave the dresses to Patrick, who rushed toward the first clothes shop to get rid of them.

The seller checked them, and when he made sure that they were made from the finest fabric, he accepted them gladly and asked Patrick to take whatever he needed and gave him some money above.

On his way back, Patrick bought some fresh loaves of bread and fruits, and as soon as he arrived at the inn, he gave his sister and Lilith their new clothes.

- Change your clothes and let's eat something.

Patricia was the first one to show up. She seemed like she went back to her normal self. As for Lilith, the moment Patrick saw her in that normal dress, his heart started beating so fast.

" What's wrong with me? "

For the first time, he didn't feel the class difference wall between the both of them. On the contrary, she seemed more appealing and approachable, which made him very confused.

" Snap out, Patrick, she is a princess, and she will be forever, no matter what happens. "

- How do I look?

Asked Lilith while looking at Patrick.

- You should take off your jewelry as well. No one will believe that a peasant girl would possess such expensive pieces of jewelry.

Lilith took off her golden necklace and her bracelet and gave them to Patrick:

- Why don't you sell them as well?

but Patrick refuses to do so:

- Keep them, I'm sure that someday when you become on your own, you will need them.

Those words pierced Lilith's heart, but she smiled instead:

- Alright...

The group spent the whole day in their room. They slept and ate as much as they could, and then when the night came, the twins prepared themselves for their next move.

- Patricia, don't forget what I told you!!

- I got it already. Stop nagging me. I will only ask about the mission and what kind of beast we should hunt, then we will discuss it together and take the decision.

- Don't forget that you will be on your own, If anything happens, call my name.

Patricia sighed:

- Just let me go, You lectured me for about an hour. Don't worry, I won't make any mistakes.

Lilith also became annoyed by Patrick's overprotective behavior:

- Why don't you just go with her while being invisible?

- I can't. They will be able to detect my magic easily.

Patrick changed his sister's appearance while the rest were stunned by the complete change:

- WOW! How powerful!

Finally, she managed to leave the inn and head toward the nobleman's house. She wasn't afraid, but she was nervous since it was her first time dealing with a client:

- Everything will be okay. Dealing with humans is much easier than dealing with beasts, right? I will just know what he wants from us, then I will leave right away.

She kept repeating those reassuring words until she arrived at the mansion.

In the meantime, Patrick was waiting eagerly for his sister. He was very nervous that he couldn't stop his leg from vibrating.

Lilith couldn't understand Patrick's behavior. She witnessed how much Patricia was strong and capable of defending herself:

- Don't worry, nothing will happen to her.

- I'm not worried about that! I know that she is physically very strong. No one can harm her.

- Then, why are you this worried?

And before he could answer, Patricia opened the door and entered.

- Hey, I'm back.

Patrick stood up right away and showed her with questions:

- What did happen? What does the nobleman want? Did he tell you what kind of beast he wants us to hunt?

Patricia sat in front of her brother while forcing a smile:

- Well, the nobleman is willing to give us much more money than we thought he even agreed to give us half of the diamond mine.

Lilith became very surprised:

- The half of a diamond mine! THIS IS AMAZING!

But Patrick didn't seem that excited. On the contrary, he became more suspicious:

- What is the job?

Patricia tried to act normal, but Patrick could sense her nervousness:

- Of course, he wants us to hunt a beast.

- What beast?

she didn't dare to tell the truth to her brother:

- A...A very dangerous one.

Patrick slammed the table:


- He wants us to hunt a...a dragon.