
I'm No Magical Supernatural Demon, I'm Just A Farmer's Boy!

Damn it... They really think I'm the Demon King? I'm not! I swear I'm not! This isn't fair. Of course it wasn't. Nothing in this World was fair. I'll prove it to them that I'm innocent... no matter the costs, no matter the blood I must shed!

Sweet_Sui · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Mareii The Nurse Assistant!

Ngghh... Ahh, what is this bright light? This bright ceiling...? It's quite literally brighter than my future!

Is this... Heaven?

I heard a sharp gasp and a relieved exhale, followed by an endearing, sweet voice.

"Oh! You're awake now, aren't ya? Hehe, I've been meaning to see your face."

My body groggily lifted itself straight up as I sat on a fluffy white bed, noticing a woman in a standard Vrusta Kingdom White nurse dress and nurse hat. Tulip Blue short hair down to her shoulders, paired with charcoal black eyes and pinkish lips, standing with a small, shorter figure. That's the best I can make out of this person's features.

In other words, I realized that the woman staring right at me, was, undoubtedly cute.

"Uh, so, who are you?" I asked the unknown woman, a slight sleepy and confused look on my face. I wanted to know more about her. And her attire. Is she a nurse?

"Me? Ehehe, I'm Mareii Dinqii," she proudly announced, her voice cheering, "Captain Of The Elite Vrusta Kingdom Medics! And, your assistant!"

My assistant... why would I be needing one? Not only that, but... she called herself Captain of Vrusta's Medics. Who the hell was she?

"Mmm, I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and I'll answer all of them, but before that..." The woman, Mareii, said before walking behind the blue curtains to retrieve something.

"Freshhlyyy made from Vrustaaaa's finest Kitchen! Eat up! You must be starving," Mareii walked back to my bed and handed me a bowl of Chicken soup with a spoon.

It's been forever since I've seen real food. And this food is hot too!

Needless to say, that bowl of Chicken soup was gone in a matter of seconds. Mareii nervously chuckled.

"Eheheh... Seems like you were really hungry. How about some tea as well?"

"Mmm... yes please."

"Okayy! Just wait right here while I go warm up some tea for you," Mareii took the now empty bowl out of my hands and disappeared out of the room to go get me some tea.

So, now that she's gone...

What exactly happened? Let me think. I was just right there with Iomene, and she disappeared to go clear up those clouds. Ah, right! Those clouds... something about them tells me they weren't normal.

Hell, of course they aren't normal! A cursed beam of light pulled me out and into the clouds, how is that ever gonna be normal to a farmer's boy like me!?!

That nurse... Mareii said she would answer my questions. She better have a reasonable explanation for this!

Ah, but how can I really trust her? If she's part of Vrusta Kingdom, wouldn't she want me dead? I don't know... she definitely came off as nice.

But besides from that, all the wounds on my arm had healed. Even the wounds on my chest, stomach, maybe even my entire body...!

I jumped off the bed and took off my infirmary gown to examine if there were any wounds covering my body. It seems like... they had all been healed. It should've taken years for all those cuts to have healed, and scars to have taken place of my cuts.

Jeez... someone must've healed me. Whoever it was, I owe them thanks!

A scoff escaped from the corner of the room. My head turned to the direction of the sound, and my eyes were greeted with the sight of a familiar person.

"You're as foolish as usual... idiot," Iomene teleported out of the room just as she finished her words. Just as quickly as she entered this room, she left.

And Mareii returned, a hot cup of tea in her hands. She almost dropped it when she saw me practically naked.

"P-please put on some clothes, Mister!" Mareii exclaimed as she looked away, flustered and completely red.

Ah... I almost forgot about Mareii!

I quickly put on the infirmary gown. "You can look now," I reassured her.

Mareii peeped at me out of the corner of her eye. Once she saw that I was wearing something, she looked back at me and asked, "What were you doing?"

"I- erm- I was looking- I was touching my body!" I nervously yelled. It had just occurred to me how weird I must've looked.

"Hehhh?? You were touching your body!!!"

"Nonono, not like that! I meant I was checking if there were any wounds or cuts!"

Mareii set the cup of tea on the nightstand next to my hospital bed and let out a heartfelt sigh.

"Ahahaha, what a misunderstanding. For a second, I thought you were-"

I cut her off from finishing her sentence.

"Nevermind that!"

She giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.

Moving on...

"So, about my wounds... who healed me? Was it you, Mareii?"

She gave me a nervous look, like she had done something wrong. I walked up to her, looking her in her eyes that averted my gaze. "You did heal me... I can tell by that look in your eyes. Mareii, thank you."

Mareii looked away, turning red once again. She was trying really hard to suppress a smile, but she eventually did smile.

I ignored her expressions. My body doesn't hurt as much as it did before. For that, I'm forever thankful. For the food as well. I'm sure I'd be dead now if it weren't for her!

Finally, Mareii looked back at me.

"You said my name for the first time, Mister... th-thank you instead!" Mareii gave me a heartwarming smile, her eyes glittering with happiness.

"Huh? Yeah, I said your name- but you shouldn't have to be thanking me for it!"

"No, not just that. Do you really not remember, Mister?"

"Remember what?" What was she talking about...

"You saved us all, Mister. From the Demon King! Ahaha, and to think we thought you were the Demon King!"

"Mmm, about that..." She said she was going to answer any of my questions, so... At least give me an explanation!

"Right," Mareii took a deep breath as she got ready to explain the whole ordeal. I sat down on the ledge of the bed. This is gonna be long, I can already tell. Oh well.

"So, ah, where to start... Oh yeah. Up on those clouds, it seemed to have opened the gates of Metozos Kingdom, and we were transported into the courtroom of Metozos Castle. That is to say... we were in the Demon King's courtroom! After that, all of us fainted," Mareii began to explain.

Jeez, so blunt. I can hardly understand what she means. Like, Metozos castle? I thought that was imaginary, fictional. Metozos castle is the name of the Demon King's castle, and is thought to have only been reflected in the clouds. And, what does Mareii mean when she says we? All of us fainted?

"Um, thank you for expl-" I was cut off.

"Waitt! I'm not done explaining yet!"

"Okay okay, I understand, but what do you mean by we?"

"We? Oh, I mean the whole Order of the Vrusta Legendary Council! They were up there too... including me, but it's not like we had a choice! You saw those weird lights, right?"

I nodded.

"Right! Anyways, as I was saying, it seems like the entire Council had fainted. But when we woke up, we saw you... fighting the Demon King! And as it turns out, a strange light from your hand had sealed the Demon King."

Woah woah wait, there's got to be some error. There's no way I could've done that. My head instantly thought that it was Iomene instead of me, fighting the Demon King in a dark courtroom with an exchange of sparking swords and heavy grunts in an epic duel.

"Are you sure it wasn't Iomene who was battling the Demon King? I think It'd be more reasonable if it was her," I was totally disbelieved in what Mareii said.

"Actually, Iomene was right next to us. She had fainted besides us as well. She wanted to fight, but she couldn't move at all. None of us could!!!"

Actually... that could be right. Iomene's spell had worn off, which meant that she was weakened.

"To be honest... we're still hazy on the details. After that, we all fainted from the burst of light you gave off, and we were back at Vrusta Kingdom. It all happened very fast, as a matter of fact I don't even think it was 10 minutes and that whole situation was over! You must be some strong level warrior, even stronger than Iomene!"

Is everyone here crazy? I'm just a farmer's boy... not some magical high-level warrior!

"It must've been your plan all along! To pretend to be the Demon King... Amazing! You predicted everything right that from the start!"

Wh... am I crazy?!

"Um, hey Mister, are you okay? You're looking a little... pale?"

"I'm okay, I guess. I just don't..." I gripped onto my hair. This was all so confusing, especially with the way Mareii put it.

"Ah, so I was wrong about you having planned all this," she placed a finger on her chin, "Truth be told, we didn't expect you to understand. But I think there's something that'll help you believe. Do you wish to see it, Mister?"

"Yes...?" What was this thing that was meant to help me believe?

"Okay!" Mareii took my hand and lead me to the door, "Waittt, I almost forgot!"

She let go of my hand and scurried behind the blue curtains. After only a few seconds, she came out, holding a few pairs of clothes and some boots.

"C-choose any clothes you'd like... b-but just don't let me catch you naked!"

"Alright! I get it..."

"Ehehe, okay then. I'll be waiting outside."

Mareii put the clothes on my bed and walked out the room, into the hallway.

Jeez. She really makes my head spin.

What a headache... But I guess she's something to be thankful for.

After all, my wounds were healed by her.

Hmph. I think this might be the start of something new.

That makes me a bit...


Ugh. I don't know if it's all the information I just learnt about that's giving me a headache or if it's Mareii. Still, it oddly wasn't that hard enough to comprehend. It was like...

A story.