
I'm Leveling up in DXD

Everything stopped instantly. I tried to move but couldn't, it's like my body is floating in a dark abyss. Suddenly, something strange happened. [You have fulfilled the conditions of the "Secret Quest: Unbreakable Will" therefore the system will proceed to install shortly]

LordPhenex026 · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter 21: Tsubaki Pov

Tsubaki pov:

I was watching the sunset of the city from a window of the student council room, to tell the truth, the scenery was quite beautiful.

I smiled remembering my talk with Goku, it had been a long time since I talked to anyone being myself... without having to pretend who I am, it was a natural conversation.

Talking with Goku was something fantastic, he always brought out that side of me that I had hidden for so many years without anyone knowing.

His way of being, his smile, his jokes... I liked everything about him and spending time with Goku was a balm for my soul, luckily I wouldn't have to wait to see him since we'll meet tomorrow at my house so I can teach him how to cook better.

Yep, Goku was definitely nothing in the kitchen, I can attest to that because I tried something cooked by him... although the fact that he is the first person, something of his makes my heart beat faster, I guess... I feel special.

There was also the fact that we had things in common... we were both raised by our grandparents and loved them very much, but I was intrigued to learn more about him.

I would like to tell him about myself, but tell him that I come from an Onmyouji clan and that I was reincarnated as a devil? It wouldn't be right and as much as he hated how it sounded, he would have to lie to her. During how much time? I do not know...

If only he had some super power... Sona could reincarnate him and there would be fewer obstacles, but I didn't want him to have the life of a devil either... all of this was extremely difficult.

But on the other hand... if Goku had power he would attract trouble as expected. As Sona informed me a couple of days ago, there are fallen angels in Kuoh who are killing Sacred Gear users who have high potential.

Therefore, if Goku had a high-level Sacred Gear and hadn't manifested it yet, there was a high chance that he would be attacked and killed... I certainly didn't want that to happen!

She also told me that Rias was aware that a perverted second year boy would have a date with a fallen angel masked in a human, that she would surely kill him and Rias would take advantage of reincarnating him at that moment.

End of POV

It was not necessary for her to turn around to know who had entered the room but she saw in the reflection in the window, it was none other than Sona... her king and the person who rescued her from "that dump".

From what she could see she had a small suitcase in his hand. Yes, she would go to the underworld so that Ajuuka Beelzebub could solve the matter with her pieces and she would be gone for a good part of the weekend.

Tsubaki really wanted to apologize to her, Goku had advised him but he didn't know how to start, in the time he had been with Sona they had never been in a situation like this.

"I'm leaving..." Sona spoke harshly and when she turned around she saw a teleportation magic circle with the seal of the Sitri under her feet that surely connected to some point in the underworld.

Sona also wanted to apologize to Tsubaki for not having taken her feelings into account, they were her servants but above all they had her dignity as people but she failed when she did not respect Tsubaki's dignity.

But it was just difficult for her to take the step being in a situation that she had never been through, although that did not mean that she did not recognize the mistake she had made and that she was sorry for it.

"Goodbye..." Tsubaki said goodbye with the same tone as she turned around again, Sona closing her eyes nodded and disappeared from that room.

'Kaichou...' Tsubaki sighed, she couldn't go on like this with who she was her only and best friend because her heart wouldn't take it.

If Tsubaki had paid better attention she would have seen how a single tear came down Sona's face until she landed on the ground...

With Goku.

The boy was walking towards a certain direction opposite to his house, he had no time to lose but he had to become more powerful.

With the 'dungeon key' he could access an instant dungeon from the Kuoh subway station, that's where he was heading.

He needed to practice his handling with daggers since it would be useful for him in the future, he was good at fighting with bamboo swords but with daggers and real swords it would be different.

For that he would enter the dungeon, to become more powerful through battles with different beings and gain more experience, the status points gained would increase his stats and thus he could gain skills and items.

Goku brought up a screen in front of him showing his inventory and selected 'dungeon key', which appeared in his hands seconds after doing so.

He inserted the key into the lock of the subway station and it magically opened, allowing him to pass It closed again with no option to exit, Goku learned that the first time he entered.

]The host cannot leave the dungeon]

[Defeat the boss or use a return stone «Return Stone»]

"Well, well, system, let's see what awaits me this time... surprise me" Goku asked himself with a wild smile on his face, he didn't know what this emotion was that he felt at this moment.

The surrounding area began to turn into a dungeon like last time, only here it seemed bigger and there had...

The station had been transformed, combining its natural interior with elements of a jungle.

The walls of what used to be the station were covered with vines, and the stench of rotting corpse stabbed Goku's nose, again that putrid smell arose.

Goku took the dagger after opening the inventory, ready to end the threats that were presented to him during his time in the Dungeon.

He heard howling and when he turned around he saw that it was the pack of werewolves again... that disappointed him a bit since he expected something better, at least it would serve him to practice and exercise his muscles.

"Come get me, I'm ready!" Goku yelled with a smile and the wolves as if they obeyed him ran towards him at an enormous speed.

Goku had a fleeting idea, he quickly brought up a screen in front of him looking at his stats and smiled seeing what he wanted.

[Wolf Killer: All stats are increased by 40% against beast-type monsters]

He smiled and immediately activated the 'wolf killer' skill making all of his stats go up by up to forty percent.

[Strength: 32 -> 45]

[Constitution: 15 -> 21]

[Agility: 34 -> 48]

[Intelligence: 20 -> 28]

[Sense: 20 -> 28]

[Charisma: 15 -> 21]

[Luck: 10 -> 14]

He saw that his stats had gone up several points since he last checked, all because of the 'wolf slayer' title, which increased them by forty percent for a few moments.

'I'm not good at calculating what to say, but everything seems to have increased enormously when activating 'wolf killer', let's see how long it lasts' Goku thought preparing himself for the fight.

He had the dagger and as a last option the green light stones that would blow up everything, this time Goku didn't want to play kamikaze and get hurt.

Goku tightened his grip on the dagger seeing the wolves approaching with enormous ferocity... he lowered his gaze swallowing saliva and immediately went on the attack.


A wolf appeared on his back and Goku with his enhanced senses turned around and with the dagger made a pretty fatal cut to his torso area.

That wolf howled in pain before lying on the ground completely dead, Goku knew that it was strictly necessary to kill them if he wanted to get stronger to get out of the Dungeon.

"One less" Goku spoke before turning around and dodging a claw, and with his 'divine speed' he returned to the attack and made several cuts on the wolf.




The wolf died instantly without having a chance to defend himself against Goku's successive cuts.

Each wolf was mercilessly ripped apart by Goku's dagger, one of them dodging and clawing at Goku's back, knocking him back.



Goku screamed as he received a wound to his back, so he backed up and stood by a wall hoping he would stop stinging the wound.

'For a moment I'm careless and the most dangerous appears' Goku inquired, seeing that the wolf that hurt him was different from the others.

That wolf without giving up returned to the charge to assassinate who was his opponent, who smiled taking a new position with his black dagger.

'If I go again with the same movement, I'll probably get hurt again, I guess it's time to change tactics...' the boy asked looking at the screen that showed the inventory.

[Green light stone]

[Quantity available: 5]

Goku smiled activating the 'Hermes boots' skill and gave an incredible jump before taking a 'Green light stone' and throwing it at the waiting wolf.


A small explosion was instantly created as a result of the action of the boy.

Goku deactivated the 'boots of Hermes' skill and restored himself by spinning on the ground, the remaining wolves fled in fear.