
I'm King?

So I read a story about king, I've always wanted to read one, but it either wasn't good enough or they just weren't good. This is one I will be writing after getting some inspiration from @Iamshellfish. The story basically started off the same as king engine, but better. For those who wish to read his book the links down below: https://www.mtlnovel.com/one-punch-man-king-engine/

Taste_The_Rainbow_8941 · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs



   A City, in King's two-story apartment building, Aston played "Street Fighter 3" idly, after inheriting King's excellent gaming abilities.

King is a great video-game player in general. He has won the championship in several game competitions. After Aston inherited this ability, he played games such as "Street Fighters 3" again and again. It didn't matter what difficulty he was on, every character the game A.I pitted against him, he easily won.

"I'm so bored..."

   After he won a few more times, he sighed in disappointment, threw the controller at random, and laid directly on the floor. King had no friends and family before, and he has no friends and family now, so he can only kill time by playing games and reading manga.

   "In my previous life, I thought it was the best thing to spend money, eat, shit and wait to die. I didn't expect that my wish in this life would come true, but life would become extremely boring, without any passion... What can I do?"

   He stared at the ceiling blankly, his face looked helpless, but then he remembered, for the first time in his life, he had powers, and a system.

"Hey, system?" he asked aloud, hoping for a response that did not take long.

"Ding, system has been enabled, do you wish to hear the functions of the system?"

"Yes please!"

"Ding, firstly this is the first and last system notification that you will get from this system."

"What? why is that?"

"The system is just a simple AI and has no human intelligence to speak of, meaning, their is no need for anymore system notifications as the system only has one function, which is to absorb the power of any dead creature and make it your own."

"Is that so... Then can you tell me what I need to do to get stronger?"

"Yes host, the system functions are as stated below."

Soon a blue holographic image appeared before Aston which had the system functions stated.

The system only has one function, that function is to absorb the power of any dead being, so in simple terms, once a monster or human has died you can absorb and simulate the strength that the being had right before its death. The power obtained will also be able to grow stronger through training, their are also 4 different ranks of abilities, they are:

1. Black rank, this rank has two stages, low and high, which corresponds to both disaster level wolf and tiger. The monster you had a skirmish with the previous day, fits into the upper echelon of the black rank, in the one punch man world, its strength can be categorized as tiger level.

2. Silver rank, this rank doesn't have more than one stage, but it takes a quantitative leap in strength when compared to black rank. This rank is equivalent to a demon ranked monster in the One Punch Man world.

3. White rank, this rank holds the power of the second strongest disaster class in One Punch Man, disaster level, Dragon. The abilities that fall into this category are strong enough to level cites in the world of one punch man. Villains such as Vaccine Man, Gouketsu and others fit into this category, as they effortlessly defeated heroes and destroyed cities in minutes.

4. Gold rank is the epitome of strength in the universe of One Punch Man, equivalent to disaster level God. Beings such as the majority of the S-class heroes fit into this category, as they alone can threaten humanities continued existence. Beings like Boros, Geryuganshoop and cosmic Garou also fit into this rank, as Boros was said to have conquered/been the strongest in the universe and Geryuganshoop was stated to be the strongest Esper in the universe, a title Tatsumaki now holds. (AN: Geryuganshoop wasn't stated to be the strongest Esper in the manga nor was it stated in the anime, I'm just making shit up.)

"That is all host, I'll now be taking my leave."

"Wait, system! who sent me here? Was it the guy who created that game? Is it because I called it shit!?"

Before Aston was even able to finish his question the system AI had already departed, never to be seen again, leaving Aston to Sigh and sit back on the floor.


Putting his hand to his stomach, Aston now realized how starved he felt.

'I should probably go eat some ramen, I heard there was a new placed that opened up, called Ichiraku.'

Standing up and getting his signature shirt and cap, Aston left to get some lunch. Locking his apartment door, he commuted to Mob street within A-City where Ichiraku was rumored to have been opened.

After 5 minutes of light jogging, made easier by his now enhanced body of tiger level, he quickly arrived Infront of what looks like a restaurant.

Making his way inside, he was met with a middle aged man with a kind and aloof aura around him. Sitting at the counter, he picked up a menu and skimmed through it before requesting a Miso Chashu Pork Ramen. This ramen typically consists of pork belly, large eggs, Shiro miso, delicious ramen noodles, enoki mushrooms, green onions and chicken stock.

"Is that all sir?"

"Yes please."

"Coming right up then."

"So... This is the first time I've seen you around here." Asked the store owner, making small talk whilst cooking the Pork ramen.

"Well I've just heard a few rumors that you sell the best ramen, so I came to see for myself."

"Really? where'd you hear such praise for my food?"

"Just picked it up in a passing conversation."

"I see, then I'll have to thank whoever it is by giving them a free bowl of ramen."

Finished with cooking the ramen, the store owner handed it to Aston, along with some chopsticks.

"Thanks, smells great."

Praised Aston as a whiff of the ramen's scent entered his nostrils, unconsciously making him drool.

"Well I'll leave you to eat, you seem hungry."

Wiping the drool from his mouth, Aston proceeded to dig into the ramen devouring it in no time at all 'by the gods, anime food really tastes as good as it looks.'

Having finished his bowl of ramen, he called the store owner back to thank him.

"Once again, thanks for the food, it tasted divine."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

After paying, Aston prepared to leave, just when he remembered something.

"By the way, what's your name store owner?"

"It's Teuchi, and you are?"

"You can call me.... King."

"Like the hero?"

"Take that piece of information however you wish."




Heroes Association Headquarters.


  The Heroes Association customer service hotline kept ringing.

"Hey, hello, this is the headquarters of the Heroes Association... ah? You said that monsters appeared in the east of A-City? Well, we have understood the situation and will immediately send people to verify and notify the recent heroes to destroy the monsters. Please rest assured, the Heroes' Association will eliminate the monsters as soon as possible..."

   "Minister Sitch, according to a report from the citizens, monsters appeared on Mob(AN: little reference to Mob Psycho 100.) Street in A-City..." After the customer service lady hung up the phone, she immediately reported to Sitch, the minister of the Association's Justice Department.

  The Heroes Association has many departments, such as the Operation Department, Finance Department, Hero naming Department, etc. The Justice Department is responsible for fighting against monsters.

   "A-City?" Sitch's middle-aged face full wrinkles turned serious, "Immediately pull up surveillance of a nearby camera to verify the situation, and evaluate the level of the monster according to the degree of the disaster class, and check whether there are heroes active near the place where the monster appeared."


Julia, who is the main branch operator of the hero association at the headquarters, nodded, and immediately directed the computer operation staff to get busy immediately. The sound of crackling and typing continued to sound throughout the room. The live video was soon pulled onto the screen. In the live video, the street was in ruins, and it was hard to see, but she still recognized a looming figure in the dust.

"The monster is there..."

   The staff quickly assessed the situation on the spot as seen by the camera, and concluded after a while that the level of the monster was... Dragon!

   "Sound the monster alarm immediately." Sitch commanded.


Julia immediately rang the A-City alarm. In all major cities, the Heroes' Association installed an emergency alarm. The sound of the alarm can be heard throughout the city to inform citizens to evacuate and find shelter.

   "Attention residents of A-City, please note for residents of A-City, the Heroes Association urgently reports that a dragon-level monster has appeared in Mob Street. The Heroes Association is currently dispatching heroes to eliminate the monsters. Before the monsters are eliminated, please evacuate to the emergency shelter and stay clear of Mob street..."

   After Julia sounded the alarm in A-City, the residents immediately began evacuating. Seconds later however, they lost signal with the live feed.

  "Search for heroes within the area!"


"Heroes nearby...no one within a kilometer...expanded to within one kilometer..."

   On the other side, the staff is searching for heroes who are active near A-City.

   Standing behind Sitch, Coleson, who is in charge of hero management, stared at Mob street of A-City on Julia's computer screen, and said quietly: "By the way, King lives in A-City, right?"

   "What? You said that King, who is known as the strongest man on earth, lives in A-City?" Julia said startled.

   Coleson nodded, "Look at the address reported by the residents. It is indeed near King's apartment."

   Sitch promptly commanded: "Call King immediately and ask him to take action to eliminate the monster."


   Julia's slender fingers tapped a few times on the computer, and a few seconds later it can be seen that she was calling king.

In the world of One Punch Man, the technology is very advanced, and such things like cyborgs that would be a fantasy on earth, is simple technology here. However, this advanced technology is not handed out to the masses. It is only used in a few higher institutions and companies, as well as by the rich.


   "Attention residents of A-City, please note for residents of A-City, the Heroes Association urgently reports that a dragon-level monster has appeared in Mob Street. The Heroes Association is currently dispatching heroes to eliminate the monster. Before the monster is eliminated, please evacuate to the emergency shelter and stay clear of Mob street..."

   "Eh, what?"

   Aston raised his head and questioned with a blank expression on his face, "A monster has appeared in A-​​City? Where is it?"

   He was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head: "Just leave it alone, it's a dragon level disaster, with my tiger ranked strength, I wouldn't be of any help."

He shook his head and continued to walk home, when suddenly his phone rang.


   Just as he was walking, the phone inside his shirt suddenly rang, he took a breath, took out the phone, and pressed the answer button dreading what was coming. "Hey, who..."


   "Is this king?" Julia asked cautiously.

   "Yes, it's me, if you have something to say, I'm busy!" Aston lied through his teeth shamelessly, and replied casually.

Inside the Heroes Association headquarters, Julia, Coleson and Sitch were in a daze, and the computer audio continued to emit various noise.

   Julia hesitated: "King seems to be fighting with people?"

Because of all the noise and rumbling that suddenly took place as Aston picked up the phone, Maria misunderstood and thought he was in a battle.

"Eh, yes, yes that's right, so if you don't mind, goodbye."

Aston successfully bullshitted his way out of the phone call and hung up.

"Fight a dragon level threat? Are you lot crazy? You might think I'm invincible, but I'm far from it."


What Aston didn't know however, was that he was actually walking in the direction of the monster. He only realized once the explosions got louder and louder. Suddenly, he saw purple blood and a child on the floor. He might be weak shit, but he couldn't find it in himself to leave a child behind.

Walking in the direction he saw the purple blood, which he assumed was the monsters, although he didn't know who made it bleed this much, he still marched forth.

Reaching the child who appeared to be unconscious he quickly picked her up and attempted to make a run for it, when suddenly he heard shouting.

"Everyone, it's safe now, the monster has been defeated."

"My baby, where's my baby!"

Aston filtered out all other voices but one, he assumed that the child he was holding belonged to this woman. He walked up to the woman and attempted to ask if the girl was her child.

"Ma'am is this your child?"

"My baby, how did you...?"

"Don't worry about that, she's fine, just unconscious."

Handing her the girl, Aston quickly walked away, relieved to be able to go home. It seemed that he inherited more from king than just his appearance and memories.


Five minutes earlier.

"who're you?"

Asked a purple humanoid wannabe Namekian.

"Just a guy that serves as a hero for fun."

Replied a bald man in a horribly colored yellow costume, a smirk adorning his face.

'That's one half-assed setting...' thought the purple humanoid.

"I, on the other hand, was spawned by the continuous pollution of earth caused by you filthy humans, I am Vaccine man!"

The purple humanoid, now identified as vaccine man, continued to rant.

"Mother earth is a lifeform itself and you human scum are nothing but a virus eating away at her life energy. I was born to wipe you humans and your evil civilization from the face of the earth, I am the wrath of mother nature incarnate. But you! you're what? A hero for a hobby? you dare oppose natures apostle for that reason? There is no other cure for the human virus... other than to exterminate each and everyone of them!"

Our bald hero, in the once again, terribly colored yellow spandex, punched a literal hole into vaccine man, having enough of his chatter...

However the reaction from our bald hero was quite different to how a hero of justice would react to defeating a monster.

"Fuuuuuck! how can this be, another fight that ends with one punchhh!"

Screamed the bald hero in despair.

'being invincible is boring.' Thought the bald man.


Making a last minute decision to absorb the monster that died, Aston walked to the source of the fight, only to comedically slip and fall on blood and organs.

"Dammit, when I'm done, I'll need about 20 baths."

Standing back on his feet, Aston's jaw dropped when he finally recognized the battle field.

What he saw was the power sphere of a dragon level threat, a white sphere. Making his way to it he silently said in his mind


"This... isn't this the beginning of canon when Saitama killed vaccine man? Guess I know which part of the story I am, it should be easier to plan and mooch off Saitama now."

Absorbing the power of vaccine man brought all sorts of changes in Aston's strength. If before he could destroy a small block in a city, he can now level one without breaking a sweat. His strength should be right on the edge of being a God level threat.

"Wait, what exactly is vaccine mans abilities?"

Speaking his thoughts aloud, suddenly a blue holographic screen appeared before him, listing all vaccine mans abilities.

Vaccine man's abilities:

Immense strength: As a Dragon-level Mysterious Being, Vaccine Man was presumably very powerful, although the depths of his strength were never seen. He was strong enough to defeat two A-Class heroes and several other heroes with apparently little to no effort.

Immense speed: As a Dragon-level Mysterious Being, Vaccine Man has immense speed.

Energy balls: Vaccine Man was capable of shooting energy balls which caused large-scale explosions upon cities. His energy balls are said to be the accumulation of "biological" energy present naturally on Earth.

Flight: Despite not having any wings, Vaccine Man possesses the ability to fly. When he does, he is surrounded by an aura that's similar to his energy balls.

"Damn, it's a shame Vaccine mans full capabilities weren't showcased on screen, dudes goated fr."

Having completely assimilated Vaccine mans full power, a sudden wind blew by, causing Aston's hat to fly off.

"Hey, isn't that king? Hey, everyone, look its king. He killed that monster."


'Shit, this again."

Using his new abilities, Aston quickly disappeared from the eyes of the civilians, and the 2 heroes approaching. Leaving behind a chaotic crowd chanting his name.



So this is it for chapter 2, I decided to beef up vaccine man because of something Murata said in one of his interviews and I quote, "that because there's no way to measure Saitama's strength, it can't be excluded the possibility that Vaccine Man is the strongest monster of the series, as ONE breaks the storytelling mold of introducing monsters that are subsequently stronger." Because of this I believe vaccine man was stronger than how he was portrayed so ill stick to that.

The one below is from the wiki page:

Murata stated that the energy balls Vaccine Man uses are the same as Choze and Homeless Emperor.

feel free to leave a review guys and check out my other book on my page "Reborn in jujutsu kaisen."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Taste_The_Rainbow_8941creators' thoughts