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> Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL) > Chapter 146 A Few Things

Chapter 146 A Few Things

Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL) by Crazy_Darkside_Cat

556 0 16

As the students walked out of the classroom in groups of two or three, with great relish, discussing the new and interesting experience.

A couple of Ravenclaw girls, for example -

"Honestly, at first I especially wanted to leave, it was so eerie, but now I'm starting to miss it."

"Me too, how cute that little skeleton is!"

"... When's the next rune class is?"

"Let's see, it's Friday."

" So long to wait!"

"I'd say we're pretty lucky, if you think about it, only sixth years have practical classes ..."

"Haha, who let us have no lack of time and knowledge, I must tell the other year students!"

Their voices faded away.

Percy and Penelope avoided the crowd, their faces had mixed expressions as their originally hidden relationship came to light. Percy, in particular, kept frowning.

"If they find out, they find out, what's the big deal?" Penelope said as she looked at him.

" Penelope, if you had three brothers and a sister at school, any gossip would reach your parents' ears." Percy said, "Especially Fred and George, they'd be happy to help with that."

Percy seems to have a headache, although he also often writes letters to snitch, there are legitimate reasons, such as the most recent one "Mom, Fred, and George fanned the school ghost on parade with a fan, got fifty points deducted plus three weeks of detention ..."

He could imagine how his twin brothers would playfully speak to him -

"Oh, Percy~ our model student finally got the hang of it~"

"Gotta tell Mom the happy news!"

"And Bill and Charlie, you got ahead of them."

"And how can you beat little Ronnie and Ginny?"

Penelope had a horrified look on her face as she stammered, "You, your parents, will know?"

"Don't worry," Percy muttered, "they'll at best get you gifts for the holidays and invite you over for a visit ..."

Penelope's eyes widened.

During the meal in the great hall at noon, Felix talked with the loudmouth Professor Kettleburn and the Nearly Headless Nick, only to explain that he and the two ghosts were friends, and he helped to clear up some misunderstandings and put the finishing touches on the public opinion of the "ghost salvation practice".

In a short time, these words will spread throughout Hogwarts, and eventually, the heat will pass, the attention will be less and less, everything like the tide fades.

The truth of the matter, will also be submerged in time, occasionally flooded with a similar pattern of blossoms.

The time that followed flew by, Hogwarts is like a well-organized machine moving forward, the professors and students are a part of the whole behemoth, being pushed forward, no unexpected breakdown in the process.

Until the Easter holidays, there were only so many things that could leave an impression on Felix's mind -

he hinted to Dumbledore about Dobby's awkward situation, and the old man picked up on his subtext and did not rush to turn over the case for Hagrid, the diary that still had a strong dark aura locked up in the Headmaster's office

"Felix, you're doing the right thing." The old man said - unfortunately, he did not know that Felix intended to cast a Confundo on Lucius.

The fact that his assistant had completed the first set of rune circuits, but still trudged along the path of repairing the beaded pouch.

The snakeskin of the basilisk was constantly tanned with magic, a process that was extremely slow and Felix did not want to settle for anything less than a runic enchanted cape, plus an inner armour, to be made from the skin of the basilisk and the fire dragon.

The skin of the snake had finally returned to normal, as he had been told because Felix had not been able to contact with the skin of the basilisk lately.

Belby told him in one of his casual conversations that he and Professor Snape had completed the first round of improvements to the wolfsbane potion, reducing the cost to a third of the original and, of course, making it taste more than three times worse

"Sounds good, maybe you'll share an Order of Merlin together."

"I don't think so, look at the newspapers in recent times! It's all about ' the gospel of werewolves' and the 'Werewolf Registration Amendment Act' again, only registered and regulated werewolves have the right to buy wolfsbane potion, the Ministry of Magic is using my potion to recruit the scattered werewolves... ..."

"It's not necessarily a bad thing, as long as their list ..."

" Hehe! It's been leaked more than once, and many werewolves would rather remain anonymous than use the Potion, not to mention they can't afford it."

Belby is very dissatisfied with the Ministry of Magic's approach.


In the latest dueling class, the young wizards learned a new spell - 'Full Body-Bind Curse' - the effect of which is to cause the opponent's arms and legs to clamp shut, stiffen up and fall to the ground like planks of wood.

Felix explained, "The Full Body-Bind Curse is included in the book Curses and Counter-Curses, and it is wonderfully described by Professor Vindictus Viridian."

"The spell is so simple that even underclassmen can learn it ..."

Speaking of which, Harry and Ron looked at Hermione, who had petrified Neville with this very spell in her first year.

"Of course, as far as I personally believe, its effect is not as direct and effective as the Stunning Spell, and its might is not as potent. For example, at your level, holding a wand and casting this spell at me, I might just stiffen slightly. But ... it's enough to deal with the trouble at school, it's perfectly adequate."

Felix and Snape cooperated in the great hall to conjure up hundreds of mats for the students to prevent injuries when they practice.

"Ron! You should have fallen on the mat!" Hermione said to Ron, who stiffly smashed on the floor.

Ron grimaced after making contact with the spell and said, "Easy for you to say, can you still adjust your fall when you're hit?"

Hermione panicked and changed the subject.

Felix and Snape watched the young wizards practice, the two discussing with each other.

"Gee, even such a simple spell is still not mastered by half of the students." Snape exuded a low-tension atmosphere around him.

"But they're improving fast, aren't they? Wouldn't it give you a sense of accomplishment to see clumsy students become excellent in your own hands, Severus?"

Snape gave him a stern glare.

Felix counted off on wagging his fingers, " Disarming Charm, Shield Charm, Tongue-Tying Curse, Full Body-Bind Curse, and Belby also taught the Supersensory Charm and Expulso Curse in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Add to the list their own mastery of prank spells, and the number is already quite large."

Snape's eyes looked at him, "What you mean is--"

"Increase the importance of other sections, such as pace, situation judgment and these, especially practical combat."

"I have no problem with that, Felix," Snape said softly, his eyes very indistinct.



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> Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL) > Chapter 147 Forbidden Forest

Chapter 147 Forbidden Forest

Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL) by Crazy_Darkside_Cat

573 0 16

Easter break lasts about two weeks, when Hogwarts had entered into summer, the school is full of lush bushes and seasonal laurel.

But the students did not feel the leisure of the holiday, the professors left a lot of homework, which makes Easter break is far less fun than at Christmastime.

Especially under the guidance of Belby, the professors (led by McGonagall) one after another discovered new uses for the answer space, constantly updating it with new test questions.

In the common room, Ron stared at the parchment and used it to make simple dice, in order to choose the answer according to the result he got.

As a result, he rolled the largest number six three times in a row.

He put the tip of his wand against the dice and yelled angrily, "Look, there are only five options at most, if you give me one more option that doesn't exist ..."

Hermione looked up impatiently, "Can't you be serious and do it yourself?"

Ron looked desperate and slumped on the table: "What can I do? Every professor has left so much homework."

"You just piled up all the homework to the end! You went to watch Harry's practice every day for the first three days!"

Amidst all the bickering, Harry came back dragging his tired body, he looked quite exhausted.

"Harry, are you okay?" Hermione asked with concern, "You don't look too good."

"I'm fine." Harry said, noticing that his voice is unusually hoarse, he cleared his throat and explained, "Spent too much time discussing tactics with Wood ..."

"We're currently in first place for now, with Slytherin in second, and the points are tightly matched."

"What's the gap in points?" Ron asked with interest, tucking his answer space into his book bag smoothly.

"Thirty points."

"That's a dangerous number."

"That's what Wood said. They're getting adept at using their new brooms and scoring a lot of points in the later rounds of the Tournament."

"When's the next game?"

"The first Saturday after the holidays."

Harry took out his parchment and started to finish his homework, he saw Hermione drawing a square with a different colour of ink.

"What's this?"

Hermione didn't look up, "Review schedule."

Ron's mouth wide opened, "Hermione, you're thinking about this too soon, aren't you?"

"I have to remind you," Hermione looked up at them with a serious expression, "we only have six weeks until the exam."


Deep in the Forbidden Forest.

Felix and Belby travelled through the knee-high grass, where there were no more paths, and everywhere you looked there were tall trees and low shrubs, and herbs that grew unchecked.

A thin layer of fog coated the forbidden forest with a hazy colour.

During the Easter holidays, Felix and Belby agreed to explore the Forbidden Forest together. Belby wanted to explore the Forbidden Forest for the purpose of creating a topic on Forbidden Forest creatures for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, while Felix simply wanted to see some new and interesting flora and fauna, and pick up some materials for experiments along the way.

"Belby, wait!"

Felix squatted down, plucked a shrub, carefully with the roots and leaves, and picked off a plant with black roots and white flowers.

Belby took a look at it and said excitedly, "It's Moly, right? It's quite rare, what are you going to do with it?"

" Brew a potion, I found a recipe in the library that can neutralize the cold properties of magical biological substances."

Belby said thoughtfully, "I'm not sure about that, I only know that after taking Moly it can counteract enchantments."

"The effect is that exaggerated?" Felix looked at the black plant in his hand with some surprise.

"I can only say that it is somewhat effective ... actually it is better to make it into a potion, and it has a miraculous effect on all kinds of dark magic damage." Belby is an expert in this area.

Felix transplanted the Moly in a copper vessel, and Belby took a thumb-sized clear glass tube out of his robe and carefully put two drops of potion on it, "There, it should last through the transplanting period - if you want to keep it."

"I need its flowers, which part do you need?"

"The roots," Belby said without thinking.

The two looked at each other with a silent smile.

This is the third day of the forbidden forest expedition, they know each other's attitude and habits well.

There is a heavy footstep in the distance.

Both of them pointed their wands in that direction at the same time.

The Forbidden Forest is also known as the Dark Forest, just because the dense, tall trees block out the sunlight. The bushes ahead shifted violently, and with the dim light, Belby shouted nervously, "Who's there?"

"Woof! Woof!" A huge black hound emerged from the dense foliage, followed by a burly figure.

He stood so oppressively tall that he looked like a giant, and his long, tangled black hair and whiskers almost covered most of his face.

"Hello, Hagrid." Felix greeted.

Hagrid, carrying a large bucket in his hand, gave Belby a wary look before seeing Felix behind him and relaxing his expression, "Hello, Felix."

Hagrid asked hoarsely, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for some magical materials." Felix raised the copper vessel in his hand. He then put the Moly into a specific area in the ring.

Belby said, "I came to meet the forbidden forest creatures and pick some for the young wizards' lessons."

"Yes?" Hagrid asked with interest, "Any targets?"

"Some dark creatures," Belby said, "Regular magical creatures, are not in the scope of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Felix suddenly spoke up, "Hagrid, I heard that Professor Kettleburn decided to retire, and he recommended you to Dumbledore."

Hagrid's face turned red, "Yeah, I didn't mention it to anyone, I always thought it would be somewhat suspenseful ... but Dumbledore promised to solve my status problem, and he always does what he says."

Next, Hagrid led them around the vicinity, he easily found the traces left by various magical creatures as always. He pointed to an indentation on the ground and said, "Some of these look like porcupine walk marks, or maybe it's a Tebo warthog, I've seen it a few times ..."

Walking forward some distance, Hagrid said to them, " Up ahead is the territory of the unicorns, but they just gave birth and were extra vigilant."

Hagrid placed the large vat in a clearing and stepped back a short distance, whistling under his breath.

Two or three minutes later, a tall, athletic male unicorn came out, covered in snowy white fur, and it stared warily at Felix and Belby.

"Lupe, these two are my friends." Hagrid said from afar, turning his head to the two and explaining, "I brought some nourishment with them, it's good for the female unicorns after they give birth."

The unicorn nodded at Hagrid and left with the vat in its mouth.

Belby asked with interest, "Are they always this proud?"

Hagrid said gruffly: "Actually, not really, consider an animal like a human, we are also quite strange in the eyes of some creatures, do not even eat raw meat. It's all habit, isn't it, you know?"

"Very interesting point, Hagrid."



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> Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL) > Chapter 148 Fantastic Beasts

Chapter 148 Fantastic Beasts

Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL) by Crazy_Darkside_Cat

536 0 14

It didn't take long for the male unicorn to return, and it gracefully walked up to the trio, lowering its head and putting down the empty bucket.

Up close, Felix noticed that its mane shone so white as a pearl that even the grimy forbidden forest couldn't cover the light that pulsed from it.

High up on the brown slope, a slender unicorn watched them from afar, and next to it stood a small unicorn with golden fluff.

"Look, look, look," Hagrid said, rubbing his hands together in fascination: "That's your baby, isn't it, Lupe?"

The unicorn named " Lupe " rubbed Hagrid's hand affectionately.

Soon, Lupe leaped up to the slope with a few steps, taking his family away.

The dappled silvery-white light followed them until they disappeared completely.

"I'll show you around," Hagrid said, "I don't have much to do anyway."

He looked at the hound: "Fang, you go home first."

Fang bared his white teeth and let out a "whine"-

"Go on, don't worry, I'll be back in a little while." Hagrid's big hand stroked its head.

Only when Fang's figure disappeared, Hagrid realized that he's still carrying a bucket in his hand.

"I should have asked Fang to bring the bucket back." He said with remorse.

Felix used his wand and tapped on it, making it transform into a silver cane.

Hagrid waved it twice with some excitement - the cane slashed out a dense silver light, emitting a "swoosh" whistling sound, almost hitting Belby's head.

"Watch out, Hagrid!"

" Sorry, I'm a little excited, your Babe, right?"

"Belby, Damocles Belby."

"Oh, uh, well, Professor Belby."

In the dense jungle, Hagrid walked ahead, with Felix and Belby following behind him.

As they walked and chatted -

"Hagrid, I heard that there are werewolves in the Forbidden Forest, and trolls too... Is that true?" Felix asked with interest, sceptical, at least he had never encountered them during his nights out during school with the Disillusionment Charm

" You mean that one," Hagrid muttered, "there is indeed, but it's on the other side of the Forbidden Forest, not next to us."

Belby, who had delved into the werewolves as a group because of his wolfsbane potion-making, couldn't help but ask, "Why would there be werewolves living in the Forbidden Forest?"

Hagrid's eyes widened, and he stopped to think for a while, and finally, he waved his big hand and said, "Don't ask me, I'm not sure. Most of the werewolves live away from the pack, and I know of some that live with a pack, I think, they're probably heartbroken ..."

They skipped the topic, and Felix inquired, "Hagrid, are there any interesting magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest?"

This question hit Hagrid's buttons, and he named a string of names as if he were a family man: "Acromantula, Hippogriff, Flobberworm, Piebald horse, Three-Headed dog Fluffy, Tebo Warthog, Bowtruckle, Hinkypunk, Manticore ..."

Belby quickly jotted down, some names are dangerous just by the sound of it.

"There are also quite a few humanoid creatures, in addition to Centaur, some Gargoyles and werewolves, and I remember seeing a group of flower fairies." Hagrid said, "Of course, they just look a lot like humans, the winged kind."

Felix had learned about such creatures, fairies or flower fairies as they are called, generally, 1 to 5 inches and look very similar to humans - except for a pair of insect wings on their backs.

They are generally divided into groups according to the type of wings, ranging from transparent to colourful.

Unlike the common, wise fairy figures in muggle fairy tales, the creatures are generally not very intelligent, like to argue, and cannot speak human language.

But that's not the point here for Felix -

"Three-headed dog Fluffy? I seem to have heard that name somewhere."

"Ahem!" Hagrid coughed violently as he explained in a panic, "I think you misheard it, did I mention it to you?"

Felix looked at him with a calm gaze, somehow, Hagrid suddenly felt his gaze was somewhat similar to Dumbledore's, he unnaturally scratched his cheek: "Well, I admit, I let Fluffy loose in the forbidden forest, that is a three-headed dog I have, the details are complicated ... "

"Hagrid," Felix said softly, "as far as I know, the three-headed dog is more dangerous than a troll that travels alone."

"Ah, that, that ..." Hagrid stammered for a while, and finally hung his head and said, "Your words make sense, Felix. So I drove it deeper into the forbidden forest, further away from the school than this place. I go to see him once a month, poor Fluffy, he is still so small ..."

He huffed sadly, tears glistening in his eyes.

Felix and Belby were silent and did not speak, adult three-headed dogs are at least three or four meters tall and are quite dangerous magical creatures that can fight one-on-one with a troll without losing.


With Hagrid's guidance, Belby's goal got accomplished quickly, and Felix picked up a lot of miscellaneous materials.

They saw the lumpy, brown twig-looking Bowtruckle, the little guys peering down through the tree.

They saw a family of Hippogriff with an eagle head, horse body, and wings that fit their name perfectly, with their big bright orange eyes standing out in the dark.

There was also the Hinkypunk hiding near a patch of water, an area dominated by blue Billywig insects ...

Felix even picked up a giant Acromantula's large claw along a rugged and winding rocky trail.

It became dark, the only light in the forbidden forest is rapidly fading away, and the trees all seemed to turn black by the time they were ready to return to the castle.

"It's too far to reach in time for dinner," Hagrid said as he raised his arm, using the silver cane and his other arm to pluck away the dense foliage overhead and look at the hazy sky.

As he moved, golden light spilled down, creating a dazzling circle of light near the trio.

Felix squinted his eyes, adjusting to the sudden bright light.

"I have a better idea, Hagrid."

He held out his hands, one on Belby's shoulder, one on Hagrid's waistline--

"What?" Hagrid asked, somewhat startled.

The next second, their bodies quickly twisted and disappeared from the spot.

The branches that lost their support bounced back violently, and a few leaves fluttered down.

On the edge of the forbidden forest, not far from Hagrid's hut, the three figures suddenly appeared.

Hagrid surveyed his surroundings, and after seeing his hut, he yelled out in some excitement: "Is this an Apparition? How convenient! To be honest, I've never practiced this magic before ..."

"I've heard passing wizards in the tavern talk about it, and they think that people who use Portkey and Apparition to travel in a hurry are fools - it takes you at least half a day to get used to that disgusting feeling, but it's actually not as bad as they say."

Felix shook his head; it took a lot more effort to carry Hagrid through the Apparition than he would have on his own.

After eating dinner in the great hall, Felix returned to his office.

He took out today's harvest from his ring, some magical plants were piled up in the corner, and he prepared to visit Professor Sprout to ask about transplanting and replanting them - no need to raise them carefully, as long as they could be sustained until they were available for his use.

Besides, there were some materials of magical creatures, such as the large claws of the Acromantula, the feathers of the hippogriff, and the tail needles of the Billywig insect, and he planned to test their magical properties one by one.

The time barely passed eight o'clock when he heard a knock on the door and when he opened it, he saw his assistant standing outside the door.

"Professor, I have some questions to ask you, it's about class choice."


Thanks for all your support.

I am going to open P_atreon with 30+ Advanced chapters, if you have some extra pocket money Support me on P_atreon: www.p_atreon.com/Crazy_Cat.



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