
I'm Inside Naruto Manga

A shuriken flew through the air. It is an unexpected angle. The moment it was so close to him, Logan's eyes widened - not because of the sharp weapon that carried death, but because of the thing that jumped out of the shadows. A line of text that should not exist in this world appeared behind him. [To be continued...] "To be continued?" Update Schedule: 4chp/1week Mon,Wed.Fri,Sun.

Iampoorguy · Tranh châm biếm
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63 Chs

Chapter 58 Teacher and Student

Currently, the teaching method at the Konoha's Ninja Academy tends to be gradual. As evident from the original work, whether in class or during breaks, the atmosphere in the academy is relatively relaxed.

This is also related to the overall environment. Four years later, the batch of twelve-year-old students, including the Konoha Nine, had just become Genin at the age of twelve. Looking back, Itachi graduated at the age of seven, became a Chunin at ten, and was already an ANBU Captain within a few years. Kakashi was even more impressive, graduating at five, becoming a chunin at six, and getting Jonin status at twelve, breaking Konoha's record. The comparison between the two is like that between a rocket and a snail.

During the Fourth Hokage's era and Kakashi's generation, wars were constant. Every few years, Great Countries would engage in conflicts, necessitating the rapid development of new Ninja forces.

At that time, children were hastily trained and sent to the battlefield. Growth through battle and killing was the main reason for the rapid advancement of Ninja level during the wartime. The teaching level at the Ninja Academy during the wartime was different from today's, as wartime undoubtedly escalated in cruelty and severity. It can be said that those born in Konoha at this time were fortunate.

On the other hand, in Kirigakure, the graduation exam still involved throwing the entire class into the wilderness to kill each other. Those who survived became Genin, and Momochi Zabuza was a prime example of this ruthlessness. Looking at it this way, Konoha's children are living in paradise.

Each approach has its pros and cons. Konoha's method provides stability, and the mentality of those who graduate from the Ninja Academy are relatively normal. In contrast, in Kirigakure, although their students are powerful, with only two or three graduates each year, many of them suffer from psychological issues.

Logan kept his distance from such methods.

Sasuke had enough talent, and his mindset was not as leisurely as that of other students, so the teaching method at the Ninja Academy indeed didn't suit him. Logan was also considering whether, while sparing time to train Sasuke, he could also make him less obsessive.

"Hey, hey, running a lap is enough, stop, stop." At the entrance of the yard, Logan helplessly grabbed the sweaty Sasuke.

After hearing the instruction, Sasuke's body went limp and he sat on the ground, gasping for air.

'It was too difficult to make Sasuke less obsessive, or rather, it was a contradictory mess.' Logan handed over a bottle of water. Sasuke subconsciously wanted to refuse, but the feeling of thirst made him take the water.

Logan didn't have the meticulous care and skillfulness to change things. Moreover, Sasuke's hatred towards Itachi was deeply ingrained, and no amount of persuasion would change that.

Furthermore, if Sasuke became less obsessive, then Itachi's 'efforts' would be in vain?

Feeling powerless, Logan shook his head, 'It turned out that helping others was such a painful endeavor.' He then decided to let Sasuke enjoy himself a bit first.

The day after Logan accepted Sasuke's request, Sasuke arrived very early at Logan's place. After considering it carefully, Logan felt that it would be better to start from the basics, so he waved his hand and asked Sasuke to run laps.

When Sasuke heard this, he suddenly felt that the training was very unreliable. It was different from the cool and noble training method he imagined. However, since he had accepted Logan as his half-teacher yesterday, he had to obey him.

"After intense exercise, don't sit down immediately; stand up and walk." Logan's words were like commands, firm and unyielding. Sasuke reluctantly stood up. He had never run a lap around the village at constant speed, so now, he felt a bit unsteady.

"Do you know Ninjutsu?" Logan stood on the side eating a bun from the breakfast he had bought earlier, as he observed Sasuke's reaction.

"Yes." Sasuke replied, still panting slightly. He straightened his chest and added, "I know how to use Fire Release."

"Oh, not bad. That'll do." Logan mumbled with his mouth full, sounding insincere.

In fact, Logan's praise wasn't insincere. Sasuke's mention of Fire Release meant more than just the simple Three-Body Technique. It also involved the nature transformation of Chakra. How many kids his age could do that?

"The Uchiha Clan's talent for Fire Release is no joke."

Hearing this, Sasuke's expression soured. Logan was basically saying that his mastery of Fire Release was mainly due to his bloodline, which wasn't something to be proud of.

'Though there was still a bit of truth to it,' Sasuke thought unhappily.

Logan guessed that Sasuke had probably mastered the Great Fireball Technique, as mentioned in the original work.

"Then, let's start training your Chakra now. Remember to incorporate the nature transformation of Fire Release." Logan took another bite of his bun and said.

Sasuke staggered, 'I had just finished running around the village and hadn't had much rest yet, yet I was asked to concentrate and use Chakra?'

Seeing Logan leisurely eating his bun, Sasuke couldn't help but feel resentful. However, he knew he couldn't beat Logan, so he could only grit his teeth and activate his limited Chakra.

Even when in a bad state, one must be able to mobilize their Chakra to continue fighting. In the future, there will be many adverse conditions, so Logan is not just teasing Sasuke. Half an hour later, Sasuke's breathing gradually stabilized, and Logan waved his hand, "That's enough, go for another lap."


At this moment, Sasuke was holding a leaf - this was a method Logan had told him about. Feeling unsettled, the flames almost burned his sleeve. Despite this, Sasuke's competitive spirit remained unchanged. With a cold expression, he ran out decisively.

Logan wasn't worried that Sasuke would slack off, as only Naruto would be like that.

While waiting, Logan went out to buy groceries and also practiced his Fire Release.

As the sun began to rise higher, Sasuke returned step by step. Logan knew that it was about time. Sasuke was young and too much training now would be counterproductive. After letting Sasuke rest, Logan realized it was time for lunch and went to the kitchen to prepare food.

"Come in and eat."

Sasuke was still leaning against the door to catch his breath. Upon hearing Logan's words, he was momentarily stunned, as he hadn't planned on staying for lunch.

But Logan didn't give him a chance to refuse and disappeared back inside after calling him.

The aroma of the food wafted over, and Sasuke reluctantly stood up, his expression showing his reluctance.

Before entering, he squeezed away the sweat on his clothes, and frowned at his wet clothes. Just as he was about to endure and put them back on, a set of clothes was thrown over his head.

"These are the clothes I used to wear. Change into them and come in."

If Sasuke comes to train at Logan's place from time to time, there would definitely be many areas where adjustments were needed, such as food and clothing, which Logan had considered the night before.

"Sorry for the intrusion..."

During the meal, Sasuke was quite restrained. Logan's attempts to ease the atmosphere had little effect, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, the two of them were not familiar with each other yet, so he chose to eat in silence.

After resting in the afternoon, they continued training. Initially, Logan wanted to Sasuke to practice shuriken throwing, but seeing Sasuke's skill in it, Logan realized the techniques passed down by his clan were indeed strong.

To prevent him from slacking off, Logan, relying on his experience and skill, shamelessly show off his skill, then criticized and educated Sasuke.

Most of the training focused on physical conditioning. While Sasuke did push-ups, Logan was doing daily exercises by himself nearby. As mentioned earlier, a small amount of practice was enough to maintain his skills.

However, this still made Sasuke couldn't help but focus on him. Sasuke saw with his own eyes that his speed and power were far inferior to what Logan showed, so Logan's status as a teacher was slowly being established.

Because the courtyard is small, Logan hasn't practiced Chakra Nature Transformation yet, otherwise, Sasuke would be even more surprised.

The two spent almost the entire day together, with their teacher-student interaction appearing formal but substantial. However, in reality, this was just because Logan and Sasuke happened to have time, and such guidance on the sidelines would definitely be rare in the future.

In the evening, Logan announced that they would stop for the day and invited Sasuke to stay for dinner. Sasuke's small face tensed, saying he couldn't trouble Logan anymore.

"Here, this is your homework. Remember to complete it." Since Sasuke was leaving, Logan handed him a piece of paper. Sasuke's expression changed as he took it, and his small figure seemed rather desolate.

"Okay, okay, sensei."

Logan watched Sasuke walk away and smiled. He was used to being alone, so it felt good to feel like this occasionally.

In the following days, Sasuke will continue to go to Academy, and Logan will deal with Akatsuki's work, and then go on missions from time to time, so they might only be able see each other a few times a week.

Day by day, in this strange way, the relationship between teacher and student builds a weak connection in the summer.

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