
I'm Inside His Dream

“For him, it was just a dream. But for me, it was all real.” -Shiana Alvarez “I know it was just a dream but why do I feel like it was all real?” -Yuno Muri

race_to_G · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: No Choice

*Bzzt Bzzzt Bzzt*

"Ugh, who's calling this early?"

I reach out my phone to check who's calling and I almost jump out of my bed. The one calling is the loanshark boss. Oh my Gosh, should I answer it? Ugh, I don't want to answer it. I still don't have any money that I could use to pay him.


What? He's already outside? I can't just lay here in my bed. I need to go out to talk to him. I need to ask him to extend the deadline again.

I immediately go outside and as I open the door, I saw a big truck in front of our house and standing outside is a really big man holding a megaphone. Did he really have to go this far?

"Boss, good morning. How are you?"

"Huh, you still have the audacity to ask me how i am? Well, I'm not ok. Give me my money back now."

"Boss, I still don't have money right now. But I promise, I'll pay you next week."

"I am so done with your promises. I cannot wait any longer. You know that I also need that money to run my business. I've given you a lot of chances already, I won't give you another one anymore."

Ugh, how can I surpass this. I need to think of something.


"A rich CEO's son is currently in a coma. He's been like that for 3 years now and his parents want to do anything to wake him up..."

"The client will give 2 million to whoever get this job done."

"So, are you in?"


"I'M IN!" I shouted, making everyone confused.

"What are you talking about? So, give me the land title of this house."

"Boss, just give me one more day. I promise you, I'll pay you tomorrow. Please. If not, then you can do whatever you want to our house."

"I said, I will not give you another chance anymore. So my answer is NO. If you can't give me the money now, I'll break into your house and destroy it if necessary."

"Boss, just trust me on this one...just give me until midnight today. I promise you, I'll be able to pay you."

"Ok, I'll give you until midnight. If you still can't give me 300,000 until midnight today, then you know what you and your house will become."

"Yes, sir"


I almost lost our house there. But I still can't relax right now. I guess, I really don't have a choice but to take that job.

"So Shiana, I guess your in?" Rob said to me with that smug expression.

"Do I have a choice? I only have two options right now. Either get that job and sell my sleep or just wait here until my house and my body got taken from me."

"Ok, I'll text you later. I'll give you the address and the number of the person that you need to contact."
