
Chapter 232

The box was broken, revealing the magic crystal inside.

And the magic crystal had already shattered into pieces at this time.

Seeing that his treasure was destroyed Faust, he didn't have time to panic and feel distressed.

Because now he's in a panic.

Everything in front of me is too scary, it feels like the whole world is going to be destroyed, even I may no longer be able to survive in this world, where can I think of those external objects?

If compared with his own little life, the magic crystal is nothing, it is just a gadget.

Just as they thought, the world was collapsing.

It was like a complete puzzle, but now it is falling off piece by piece, the sky is disintegrating one by one, and the same is true of the houses.

Everything in front of you can no longer be pieced together 060.

In addition, the body also has a tearing feeling that cannot be ignored.

It was like the pain caused by the body being torn off one by one, which directly made everyone present pale.

"How so, it's obviously just a simple control method, why is it so effective?" At this time, Elusha Knight Woka said this in disbelief.

She really wanted to deal with Su Fan, and she had already done something on that box.

It's just that the tricks and feet that were done were just to let Su Fan be temporarily controlled, but they didn't have such a powerful effect at all.

And if he knew that after doing something, it would affect him, Elusa Knight Walka would not do such a thing.

Elusa Knight Walka knew what was wrong with watching TV, but until now she couldn't find the reason, she could only watch everything happen in front of her, and she couldn't stop it.

What happened in front of him was really too strange, Su Fan looked at all this in front of him in surprise, but it was futile to try to prevent all this from happening.

No matter what method is used, the pace of the collapse of this world has not stopped.

"Am I going to die like this?" Su Fan thought desperately.

I didn't expect that he was so powerful now, he could already reach the point of being invincible, but he died in such a bizarre way here.

This was something he could not have imagined in the past in any way.

At the last moment when this AIDA world disappeared, Su Fan closed his eyes.

"Forget it, so be it..." Unable to struggle, unable to stop, unable to retain, Su Fan could only accept his life even if he didn't want to admit it!





Su Fan was woken up by a rhythmic sound.

It's the sound of the system! Just now, the system was trying to wake up Su Fan.

"What the hell is going on here? Why did the world collapse just now? "

"Is something wrong with the system?" Or is there something wrong with that magic crystal just now? "

As soon as Su Fan woke up, he immediately asked the system.

If no one knows exactly what happened, then the questioning system may know about it.

"You and the same thing just caused a collision, which had an impact, affected the development of the goblin world, and caused the goblin world to collapse!" The system said concisely, this is just saying this, but Su Fan still does not understand.

"What do you mean? Isn't that an ordinary magic crystal? "

"The reason has not yet been ascertained, the magic crystal is only one of the factors, and the combination of various factors will affect the entire world, and you are the variable that changes this world."