
Chapter 201

Although it was a little surprising that the dark guilds in other kingdoms suddenly rebelled.

But Su Fan still told Makarov about this, and with the other party, followed Rahal and others to the council again.

On the magic guide train, Makarov and Sufan sat opposite each other, and in a few carriages next door, there were members of the forcible supervision force such as Rahal.

Since he did not stay in the same carriage with Rahal, Makarov did not have too many worries, and directly told Su Fan his inner doubts.

"Su Fan, when the Council summoned you over yesterday, something big should have happened, right?"

I have already known everything that happened over there in the Tower of "877" in the paradise, but there should be something big happening on the side of the council. "

Makarov asked with a heavy face.

He was also a regular visitor to the council, not only often reviled in the council, but also learned a lot of things.

In the Tower of Paradise incident, the magic wizard power launched by the Council not only did not defeat the R system, but became the key to the activation of the R system.

Although the council has completely blocked such news, there are still many people who have learned about it.

This is arguably the biggest shame of the Council in recent years, so they must do something to calm the impact of the Tower of Paradise incident.

"Indeed, yesterday night they summoned me over, and in addition to wanting to know the specific process of what happened in the Tower of Paradise, the former Speaker Crawford abdicated."

"The new president of parliament just took office yesterday evening, and perhaps he is also an old acquaintance of the president, Gulandoma."

Su Fan nodded and directly told Makarov everything that happened in the council yesterday.

"What? It's actually that guy from Gulan! "

Hearing the name, Makarov felt a little toothache.

He was different from Su Fan, and he had obtained a lot of information about some things and special people within the council.

Gurandoma is a member of the Council Hawks, best known for his iron-blooded methods, and when he was a councilor, he suppressed many dark guilds.

But at the same time, he would not be soft on the regular Wizards Guild that made mistakes, and he would not talk about any human favor at all.

If it was during the reign of Guran, Natsu and Gray in the Demon Tail Guild dared to destroy buildings everywhere outside.

Then waiting for their fate is not as simple as paying for losses, but at least a few months in prison.

The former speaker of the council, Crawford is more humane, so during his tenure as president, he was loved by almost all the regular wizards' guilds, and the people's hearts were the strongest.

But Crawford's style of doing things has also brought some negative effects.

That is what caused the development of many dark guilds in the continent of Ishgar to become very rampant.

Especially the three dark guilds, now even one of the dark guilds has not taken a crusade action, but the three major dark guilds have formed the Balam Alliance.

Compared to Crawford, Guran's approach is simple.

That is, all risk factors are eliminated, leaving no possibility of re-emergence at all.

In the original work, Gu Lan did exactly this, and the first action on the throne was to fight against the Six Demon Generals, one of the three dark guilds.

Having said that, if successive generations of the Senate are made up of figures like Guran as the president of the council0.....

Then even if the entire Isugar continent, the number of dark guilds will be eliminated a lot, and the council will attract the dissatisfaction of the regular wizard guild.

However, regarding this kind of situation, the superpower of the Council has long been expected, so the doves and hawks will be born.

"Alas, but if it's Guran, it's not a bad thing."

"But this time to summon us over, the so-called dark battle is definitely not as simple as we think."

Rubbing his temples, Makarov said with a worried face.

In the past, dark battles were suppressed by the respective magic armies of other kingdoms.

But now the council would actually summon him and Su Fan specifically for this matter.

This means that the dark battle has reached a very serious level, and even the magic guides of other kingdoms cannot stop it!

"Anyway, when it comes to the council, we will naturally get an answer to this matter."

Su Fan nodded noncommittally.

It was about 1.5 hours before Sufan and Makarov arrived at the council.

After shuttling through the white corridor, they quickly entered the conference room.

"Huh? There are actually others! "

After entering the conference room, Makarov was a little stunned when he saw that in addition to the ten parliamentarians, there were two other figures.

Especially these two people are both Saint Ten Great Demon Guides!

They are the Holy Ten Magi of the Snake Scales, Jura.

And, the Holy Ten Magi who should have been locked up in prison, Joseph!
