
I'm in Love with the Sun

One sunny day as the sun shines brightly in the sky, I meat the only sun that shinned in my dark day, a love never felt before shined like a sunrise in my soul. Yeong Soo Yeon, a K-pop idol singer and actor, meets a foreigner with the most beautiful presence he'd ever felt; an encounter he could never forget even after Two years. Fedora Miller, a lovely and charming and artistic girl from the London captures the heart of a young foreigner with her poetic soul. It's a love story that starts on a Sunny day.

KelYoungWrld99_ · Thành thị
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14 Chs

When One Door Closes And Another Open/Chapter 10

We spent the enter evening together without any interruption from my teammates, especially Mr Kim (He still hates the idea of me getting a girlfriend under contract)

I told him the situation on ground and he reminded my how the company had a policy

(No dating while on contact) but I couldn't let this opportunity slip away and the fact we are not leaving in the same county, felt like I was actually being dumped which made me feel a bit lonely, but I've got to take what has been offered.

This or nothing; this here is better than nothing, right now made my enter day. We spoke on how I practiced my English because I wanted to impress her when we meet again (She was shocked to hear that I had such high hopes of meeting her again, she thought I was weird, the good kind of weird).

We talked about how unsure she was the first time we met, whether I was Chinese or Japanese, how stupid she felt now she knows, she learnt Chinese because of me (still struggles with the language) because if given the opportunity to meet someone like me again she doesn't want the language barrier to be what holds her back from mingling with him or her

Found out she was five years older (Twenty six) than me and her zodiac sign (Leo).

I figured a lot about her in those few hours we spent together and what caused her current break-up, how her dad is a British American citizen and how he was married to another woman and had another family, how he deceived her mom thinking she was the only woman in his life.

What it felt like being raised by a single parent felt like and how stressful it made her mother's life, raising two kids alone.

While growing up, as a child she felt saddened by the situation and closely had to act like a father figure for her younger brother.

She talked about, how she regretted some decisions she made, going in search of her father when she got older (her journey to America) for closure on what went down and why he abandoned her and her brother when they needed him the most.

But she couldn't met him because in quote "He was happy with his family" and didn't want anything to ruin it.

She told me she didn't want to repeat her mother's life mistakes or the circle ever, so the idea of dating someone who already had a family made her hate herself at that point.

When she spoke those words, she began tearing up, I tried consoling her as much I could; I hated the idea of her crying, crying for another man while I was in front of her, but I knew that I would too if I found out she was married or had a child that wasn't mine.

That's how much I wanted her...as mine.

For hours we kept on chatting away, making up for lost times. Her Korean was not bad, she made a few mistakes here and there with the pronunciation and when corrected picked up easily.

She told me she took up a course online for the purpose of teaching foreign student and needed to bring it to their level for them to understand her and where she's coming from.

She wanted more people to get familiar with Art as a course of study, what it represents, how they can use it to describe there feelings and emotion, activities in present time and how they could tell stories with it.

She wanted to explain and tell everyone how Art is a living but yet still picture that looks into the soul.

When she talked about her passion I could see stars lit up in her eyes, I could tell how happy she was when she spoke and how fulfilled and how possibly given the chance she would love to share her gift with others.

I got the the opportunity to see some of her works on her phone, and they were so beautiful but one artwork struck me, it was a pictures me that day on the beach with my headphones on.

The way she captured, eyes focused forward towards the sea, the way the sun smiled at me the, the sea wave, the birds in the sky, the strangers playing with the sea sand, the feeling the moment presented and how lots the soul in the picture felt, felt all to real as though taking me back to that moment again.

Definitely, she is something else, a special being, unique creature; I almost felt myself tearing up as I made my way to the balcony for fresh air and also for her not to see me this way.

She followed behind to comfort me and one thing lead to another, I also figured out that I really, really, really liked kissing her and we did that every moment I got the chance to, God, her lips are so soft.

I couldn't send her off to the airport due to my status so I visited her that morning and met her friend Elena, she's a funny little white lady with a wild side to her but she claims that Dora was the wildest of the group being from London and all.

She also told me of Dora's hidden tattoo that she got when she was 15, she told me about when she got too drunk and passed out in front of a church, and how the priest had to wake her up that morning, she also spoke of a time when Dora assaulted a guy for calling her friend a prostitute for not sleeping with him, and how they slept in a police station for burning some random guys car, which was Dora's fault.

I was shocked to hear this part of her story but it made me want to love her more, the cute side and the wild ones too.

As Elena spoke I knew she wanted to stop her from spilling out all her secret but I stared at her and her at me as she nodded in disagreement to some of the things Elena said.

"You want to kiss her again." my thoughts said as I interrupted her friend as I took Dora outside away from her friends to a certain corner and kissed her one last goodbye.

The last kiss more passionate than the last... damn, she's a really good kisser, I know we just made it official but what other thing is she good at.

We continued kissing for a few more seconds, our tongues moving in sync, both of us summiting to the pure ecstasy of each other's company as I got a sniff of her hair product, God, am so stuck on her, on the girl before my eyes.

"Don't go!" I pleaded one last time in her ear sending shivers down her spine.

"I have to, but I will come... kisses....see you.... kisses.... when I have free days" she said as our kiss heated up, lip movement I didn't know, I knew and my tongue longing more for hers, any more I knew I was gonna get hard.

She held onto my jacket tight as we made out, a voice cutting us off, repeating her name, calling for them to leave.

"I have to go" she told me "Elena is calling on me, anymore she would walk right here angrily" she said as I loosened my hold of her, one last chaste kiss on her lips and like a wind she was out of my sight.

Letting go was hard and painful but the assurance of tomorrow made me hope for more to come, when one door closes another is sure to open.

I finally found who I longed for, till we me again my "Muse"