
The arrival

I was in the girls toilet with Chloe talking to to her about my nervousness man I was nervous "you'll be alright just stay calm build your confidence and do what you do best "said Chloe. "thanks alot but it's not working it's like I'm having butterflies in my tummy ". all of the motivational quotes Chloe just said didn't have an effect whatsoever I was still feeling scared .

"can you guys come out now the new batch of students are here you know" said Justin we came outside and he said "do not be scared just talk to them like you're talking to us" I nodded and approached the new batch of students, I couldn't stop but imagine Justin talking to me like I'm his junior sister .as I approached the new batch of students I said welcome to Cushing academy a school for all kinds of beings be it vampires, wolves, fairies, witches, elves, and other super natural beings.

I gave them a tour around campus and they seemed interested except for one guy who was wearing a black vest which seemed to cover his face not that I cared I was just curious to know who he was now that I was thinking about it was it not this same curiousity which landed me and my friends in trouble and landed me to be a tour guide for a new batch of students I just killed my curiosity then and there. the tour ended and I was happy so immediately the bell rang I went home cause I was tired after that long tour .