
Chapter 30

'To my handsome boyfriend,' I write it on a heart shaped sticky note and stick on the plastic cover of the salad container.

Placing the porridge cup and the salad on his desk I walk out with a smile. When we arrived to the company Mr Han held my hands infront of everyone,I thought that our relationship would be a secret office romance but he didn't mind exposing our relationship.

Sitting on my seat I look straight a smile makes its way on my face when Mr Han enters his cabin, sitting on his seat he notices the food for lunch on his desk, curling his eyebrows he unsticks the sticky note and reads, his lips twitches to a wide smile when he gazes at me while I gawk at him.

Putting the sticky note in his drawyer he waves his phone at me ,and the very next second my phone rings.

"Lets have it together," he says as soon as I answer the call.

Placing the phone on my table I oiyck up my food packages and walk to his cabin. Taking my seat on the chair opposite to him I giggle.