
Chapter 29

Throwing myself on the stomach to my soft mattress ,I cover my face with a pillow. My mind going completely crazy and the scene of evening playing in my mind.

God , I shouldn't have accepted it,why wasn't my brain working at that time.

The saying is true:. ' Love is blind'

Kicking my legs on the mattress I grumble at myself for my own actions. Jolting up straight when the sound of the doorbell hits my eardrum, getting up I brush my hair with my palms making sure that I don't look a mess.

"Yes,"I ask as soon as I open the door as I know who it is.

Who else would it be to knock at my door at 11 in the night.

I look up at him ,his presence making my heart beat rise. Stepping forward he runs his arm around my waist and carries me which makes the grip on the door knob loosen letting my door shut.

"What are you doing?,"I whine in his grasp while he walks into his house.