
Chapter 07

All eyes were fixed on us when we got out from the car, everyone stopped in their tracks and paused their work,their eyes were fixed on us. Adjusting my glasses I walked forward trying to leave quickly, the clicking of my heels can be heard clearly as the surrounding was in silence like in an examination hall.It was like the time being paused in time travel movies.

Mr Han cleared his throat and looked around which made others to continue there work,like the time started to work again. This environment made me feel completely uneasy. Lowering my gaze , adjusting my glasses I ran to the ladies washroom.

Looking at the mirror I sighed, that was completely awkward.

"You okay,"I heard a voice which made me to look towards my right.

"That was definitely a center of attention," Charlotte giggled.

"It's awkward," I replied softly as I looked at my image in the mirror.