
Chapter 03

The time flew as I typed the presentation which will be presented by Mr Han the day after tomorrow. Whenever I walk into his office and talk to him a grin appears on his face. His gaze makes me completely uneasy and I have no idea of what he has in that mind of his. Stretching my arms I leaned back on my chair. First day of work is exhausting,maybe it's because I didn't have the responsibility on my shoulders in my previous work and here now all the things related to Mr Han such as the meetings,the files and papers needed and his schedules are handed over to me. Looking at him who was seated there and working with his computer I took phone as it buzzed.

' How's the first day of work♥️'

A smile appeared on my face as I clicked the chat of Dylan.

Taking a photo of my table and surrounding I sent it to him.

'looks good'

'seems like my girl is comfortable in that luxurious company'

Reading the word my girl made me blush and that's how he calls me every time when I am in a bad mood.

'Too busy though,'

Lifting my phone up I took a picture of my boss who was busy working and sent it to him.

'The weird boss of mine'

'ohh, he's handsome without a doubt,I understand why Emma is crazy of him,seems like you are having a nice view infront of you'


' Are your eyes fixed on him,when you have a handsome buddy like me,At what will you be off work?'

Dylan is someone who dresses casual always,he prefers t shirts and pants always. His height will be shorter than my boss as Dylan is 5'8 and he seems to be 6'. His dark brown hair are spiky which makes my hands itchy to run through his hair and he bows down to let me do it.

Ignoring his comment about himself I texted back


'Cool, I'll wait for you'

'Alright I have to complete my work so bye bye?'

'see you soon'

Keeping my phone on the table I got back to my work but my finger paused on it's own when I felt the stare on me.

Yes, his stare

Looking at him I smiled not realising that a stupid smile was already on my face. Dylan always brings a smile on my face whether he is beside or not.

He then continued his work and I did mine.

"Finally,"I sighed as I switched off the computer and grabbed my bag and phone. Placing the files in the shelf I walked out of my room and locked it.

A key was given to me and another spare key is hung in the office.

It's 9.05 p.m

Picking up my ringing phone I answered it.

'coming coming,'

I hang off and waited for the elevator, the surrounding was in pin drop silence because all other staffs are off by 7.30 except some.

I heard footsteps close to me which made me to turn around and look at the empty hallway.

"You tired?," Mr Han asked as he stood beside me.

"Not exactly,"I uttered as I stared at the elevator till it welcomes me.

Luckily,the elevator welcomed me on time and I walked in hurriedly as Dylan was waiting for me.

Mr Han walked in too and stood beside me.

"I understand why Mr Andrews hired you and complimented on you Ms Anna,your working skills are something to be awarded,"

His words made me feel high and I was so proud of myself that all hardwork has paid off as I'm working in the no,1 top list company right now and as an assistant of the CEO and also being commented on your first day of work is awesome.

His compliments means alot and something special as I've heard from the other staffs that he doesn't compliment or praise anyone.

Or would I say that he hasn't done that at all.

Charlotte is gonna keep her jaw hung if I tell her this.

"Thank you Mr Han it means a lot,"I said as I looked at him and noticed that his eyes are fixed on me.

He is kinda weird and I just can't understand him.

When we arrived and as the elevator doors parted I walked out as I bid him good bye.

"Let me drive you home,"He asked which made me to stop in my tracks.

Turning around I looked at him who has his hands inserted in his pockets and walked forward till he stood infront of me.

"No thanks," I answered politely.

"It's late,and as you are my assistant I should take care right,"he spoke as he raised a brow perfectly.

He is just too handsome when he do that I would say.

"I'm sorry,My friend is waiting to pick me up,,"I explained waiting to get a reply of okay or something.

It won't polite if I just leave right, because he is just being kind to his staffs.

Having met all other staffs in the company most of them told me that he is arrogant and he rarely smiles...like really, he is a complete weirdo here.

"Is the friend whom you were smiling and texting to?,"he asked as he bent low to almost meet my height.

I mean bent low,me being 5'1 and he is almost 6.

"Isn't that something personal Mr Han, I'm sorry sir my friend is waiting for me for a long time so I gotta leave.,"I answered as I smiled at him and left immediately without making the situation awkward.

"Heyyy,"I shouted as I ran towards the black car, Dylan was waiting for me standing once I reached he opened the front passenger door for me.

Getting in I sat and leaned back on my seat as I sighed.

"Tired,"Dylan asked as he shut the door.

"Nope,"I replied as I buckled my seatbelt and he did that too.

"Where to?,"I asked as I looked at him who was about to start the car.

"Your choice,"he said as he looked at me and winked.

"Usual place,to the bbq bar,"I said out loud as I pointed to the road dramatically.

"Yes,your highness,"he chuckled and we drove to the bbq bar.

The food there has always been my favourite as the flavours of the chicken and beef there sticks in my tongues for a long time, having a can of chill coke with that just makes the day end perfectly. Dylan and I usually go there to eat as the owner of the shop is also closer to us. He always asks us to date and we be like no its prohibited in our bond. We throw up parties there and sometimes Emma joins us too.